SEASON 5 PREMIERE of "The Classified Adventures of Owl" PLUS THE CAST OF CHARACTERS.
Pamela Williamson????????????
Narrative Strategist??Geopolitical Analyst??Narrative Intelligence ?? Influence & Resilience Expert?? Knowledge Synthesiser?? Geopolitical Satire??Narrative Magic (Owl of O.W.L.)??Lawyer (Ret.)??CEO Sky Canopy Consulting
SEASONS 1, 2, 3 & 4 are also in my LI Articles.
"The Classified Adventures of Owl" OR "The O.W.L. Papers"
The Parish Council
Has overall governance of the World-Wide Wood (www).
The Hundred Acre Wood (apologies to A.A. Milne)
A smallish 100% pristine part of the Wood Downunder renown for its wildlife and forests known as The New Zealand Bush. Part of the www Owl Eyes Cam Deployment (OECD).
Owl* of O.W.L. (Owl Woo-Woo unLimited)
*The NZ Morepork Owl (Ruru or Boobook)
Owl is Everyman and Everywoman, an endearing, bumbling, yet cunning, effective and intrepid covert operative of simple intelligence. The generic "He" is one of Life's Innocents and a Supersonic Superhero who has a magical ability to land on his claws and twirl on the branch. He is you and I caught up in events we barely comprehend and doing his level best to survive with aplomb.
Fortunately, his marvellous talents were recognised by O.W.L. (Owl Woo-Woo unLimited), the NZ Branch of World Wide Wood's Secret Service. He's been deployed by O.W.L. as a "useful idiot", OWLINT and covert operative; total plausible deniability and nuts! Twitter expert; has been sent to a special O.W.L. facility to undergo "corrective mental training" but gave himself unauthorised leave for a mission to net Barney, P-Hooty and Horny.
The Security Committee of the Bush Parliament of O.W.L. (SCBPO) of the Hundred Acre Wood
Provides oversight, formal authorities and discipline to O.W.L. members; Owl often runs a f-owl of it; reports to the Parish Council.
Chief Barney Owl
aka Lyin' Traitor Barney, the former Chief of Station at the Corner of the Wood called the NZ Bush (a forest); traitor to O.W.L. and The Hundred Acre Wood; in league with Horny of The Trillion Acre Wood; former mentor and minder of Owl; captured by Owl and dropped over the Great Plain of Hooting to chip rocks with his beak.
The Owlettes
DJ's and NOCs (non-official cover) of O.W.L.; feisty field operatives reporting to Owl; fixers, minders & babysitters of O.W.L. (and of Owl himself); have affectionate contempt for Owl as they are cleverer; currently "handmaidens" of The Marschallin.
Brown Owl
Head of Troupe, Hooter-in-Chief, "O" of OI6, The Hundred Acre Wood, outpost of O.W.L.
Cheeky NZ parrot, loyal follower, and enabler of Owl; gets left behind a lot as gets distracted by stuff; likes to chew through things; looks good in green camo.
Under Owl's command at O.W.L., tame recruits subverted by Owl and deployed unauthorised.
Main Strategic Adversary
Was the Great Australian Masked Owl (old chestnut: when they left the NZ Bush for OZ the IQ of both places rose).
Now, Owl battles for dominion over The Worldwide Wood with his nemesis The Marschallin.
Overseas Owls (OOS)
The Million Acre Wood
The Great Horny Owl (or Alpha Silver-headed Creature (ASHC )
aka Horny; former Head Honcho & Hooter of, and traitor to, The Million Acre Wood; secret compadre of P-Hooty to sell out The Hundred, Million and Trillion Acre Woods (www which is everything!); minder of Lyin' Traitor Barney.
Hawks and Eagles
Liaison of Horny with Lyin' Traitor Barney.
Main Strategic Adversary of The Million Acre Wood
Bald Russian Fish Owl and its Sea Eagle Pack.
aka P-Hooty and the Band aka Le Grand Duc.
Freaking Incredible Supernatural Authority
Purrfecta Paloma Mossack Fonseca Buenaventura de Arroyo
aka Ponzi the Cat-Owl; Owl's nemesis and P-Hooty's daughter.
The Chechen Twins
Chechen trapeze artists formerly of the Moscow Circus; in league with Ponzi.
The shady friend of P-Hooty; runs a Bank.
Belle Epoque
Owl's newest and true-est lady-love the petite French Owl (Chevêche d'Athéna (Athene noctua).
*The FeldMarschallin
Formidable Eagle-Owl from a province of The Trillion Acre Wood; ambitious; seeks domination of the Wood; co-operates with Owl to capture her main strategic adversary P-Hooty; loud operatic hooter; wants to raze the TAW and use the firewood to build a Fairy-tale Castle; currently in league with the Empress, in reality her rival to become The Head Honcho and Hegemon of the www.
* The Marschallin has been replaced by Grafin Maritza as she wanted to move to Spain to shack up with her ex, H.H. El Principe Gabriel Garcia Raimundo de Grande Manchegot, El Marquez de Corsair (buho noctambulo), a randy Spanish grandee: see below
Scaramouche (walk-on part only)
Horny's slick Fool, side-kick, and comedian; a doomed blabbermouth new to the Million Acre Wood.
Russian Fish Owl Oligarchs and Mafiosos
Bad actors in league with P-Hooty.
Princesse Brandywine Belle Beausoleil du Bourbon de Lafayette
Cousin of Belle Epoque who lives in the South. From the Northern Branch of the Strigidae Family, the Saw-Whet Owl side. Needs help from Owl.
Baron Samedi
An evil Voudoo Hoodoo spirit in league with P-Hooty.
Maman Brigitte
Wife to the Baron.
Corrupt Hick the Cocodril aka Corey the Gator
Pretends to be a log down in the bayou and helps Owl find Princess Brandywine Belle.
H.H. El Principe Gabriel Garcia Raimundo de Grande Manchegot, El Marquez de Corsair (buho noctambulo)
A randy Spanish grandee.
Carmen Gala Concepcion
The on-again-off-again lover of El Principe.
Superlative Procurator-General Rodriguez Roberto Montalban, Duck di Muscovy
A Legal Duck.
A large Northern Hawk Owl (surnia ulula) of intimidating strength with intel for Owl.
Hootnanny Teddy Boys
Hootsmon's Crew.
LTC Pharoah Eagle-Owl Leader
The leader of the crack Special-Ops Air Farce Flight of Pharoah Eagle-Owls of His Maj. of Morocco.
General Jules de Boulanger III
A Turkey. Erstwhile mentor of Owl.
Hiz Honour Santos Santiago Salvador Sebastian Severo ("Sevy")
The Spectacled Owl OC (Owl Cabal) (Pulsatrix perspicillata) on sabbatical Downunder from the Million Acre Wood. He has sentenced Horny, P-Hooty and his Band (Hardar*e (Buzz) the Syrian Buzzard, Blind Owl, Sadeq Hedayat (bubo bubo), from the village of Zirgar-e Owl Luyi in Eurasia Somewhere, and Turkey) after their trial in the NZ Parliament of Owls (a branch of O.W.L. Command and Control of the Worldwide Wood).
The Empress
Empress Eagle-Owl of The Middle Kingdom; main strategic adversary of The Marschallin and the Million Acre Wood; seeks to be the Head Honcho of the Worldwide Wood. (www); has dragons.
Song Cixi
A Qipao Lady and Chinese Agent of The Marschallin; likes Chinoiserie and the Delights of The Empress' Dragon Garden; fluffy, deceptive and dangerous; wears Cheong-sam!
Da Yu
The dragon avatar bot of The Marschallin; loyal to The Empress.
XB-21 Leader
An old dragon
Belle Poire Helene
aka Belle No.2 aka Anastasia Feodorovna Borealsove
O.W.L's newest recruit and double agent who wants to dislodge Owl from his perch on the top branch of the Tree.
Scarlett Pimpernowl
From Madagascar. She loves to rescue and helps Owl out from time to time.