Overwhelmed or over here?

Overwhelmed or over here?

Rewired Earth

Rewiring earth

Overwhelmed by climate action, inaction and calls for action?? And that’s just one of many concerns. What about biodiversity, ‘levelling-up’, health care, equity, economic stability, and cross-border migration? Whether we are looking at the world as individuals or as decision makers for our future, deciding how policies, strategies and investments should be targeted, we are all looking at the same set of issues in a complex world.

What is Rewired Earth all about?

Rewired Earth is about enabling sustainable investment and empowering individuals to have their voices heard for a sustainable future.

What problems is sustainable investment facing?

Currently the market works well for what is priced, but it doesn’t work for things that are not priced. There are lots of things that we care about, and have an emotional connection to, but that don’t currently have a price attached to them. So, while we as people value certain things, if there’s no price attached, this means the market doesn’t know how to value them.

Governments, finance, corporates, employers; their supply chains and those making decisions about sustainable investments (including investments labelled as ‘ESG’ - Environment, Social, Governance), look to existing sustainability and ESG protocols - and when they do they are faced with hundreds of data points to comply with and can be almost paralysed by the dense and exacting requirements.

If we consider the decision-makers outlined above as the ‘supply side’ of the market, on the ‘demand side’ we have ‘us’ -? individuals, collectively society. Wearing our various hats - as citizens, holders of pensions and other investments, mortgage owners, consumers, employees - we are often overwhelmed by lack of leverage to create change and for our voices and concerns to be heard and acted on.


Rewired Earth transfers information from the demand side to the supply side, enabling the those making sustainable investment decisions to act on what is important to stakeholders. For example, Rewired Earth enables a fund manager to see that, currently, over 90 percent of people in any given group prioritise action on climate change. If a fund manager directs money to climate action, they are likely to attract customers and clients, get cheaper capital, make more money for their company, get a better salary and bonus, be investing more money into positive climate action and be able to report the benefits to stakeholders. Another example - if a company is able to see that poverty reduction is a key concern for intake employees, they might reflect on their corporate focus and recruitment policies as they look to hire younger recruits. Everything clicks into place, everything benefits, thanks to data and clear, targeted information.


Rewired Earth harnesses people’s views on which Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) they prioritise. This information gathered through a simple survey being sent to over a billion people across the globe in the next few months. It has already been sent to over 1.5m people. See VOTE NOW at the top of www.rewired.earth.

The responses are aggregated - and disaggregated - and provided to those making investment decisions, in local and national Government, funds, banks, corporates etc.?

We need assurance that investment happens as the investors and decision makers say it does. But we also need to have investment take place and not be stultified by perfection. Instead of the 1500 or 400 data points that some protocols ask for, let’s concentrate initially on the four data points for each SDG that will ‘move the needle’. Rewired Earth is developing an engine room, monitoring, tracking, reporting, auditing and relaying transparent financial grade information on these data points, providing assurance and confidence to investors and stakeholders.

Working together

Rewired Earth is a not-for-profit Community Interest Company supported by the likes of Microsoft, PwC, Kantar, ICAEW, Institute of Directors, One Planet, B4NZ and many more.

If you would like to be involved, please reach out. The survey’s core element asks people to rank their SDG priorities, but then there are three or four written questions, that can be tailored to your organisation, bringing you focused information on views from employees, customers and supply chains.

By working together, building on different strengths, we can develop the market to provide the solutions that the planet and society needs, with the market discovering the price of what we value.

We are an open and inclusive group of people, experienced professionals working together to ramp up sustainable change. We are very open to your input so please get in touch and have your voice heard.

Rewired Earth

November 2023


