Overwhelmed by LinkedIn???
Deenita Pattni
Professional Speaker & Trainer | Inspiring Teams, Individuals and Leaders to be More Visible, Achieve More & Change Internal Narrative to Create Better Results | Podcast Host | LinkedIn Marketing & Speaker Training
I know, it's been a while since I released one of these.
My 50th birthday got in the way - way too much celebrating so basically lost track of time. Before I knew it - we were in the month of October
Today is a bit of a mindset, reflective one so hope you enjoy my current train of thought...
Time: it's an interesting concept. A commodity that we can't get back on but when used productively, has a huge impact on the return we get from it
And although we don't have the same amount of time left - we do all have the same 24hours. So when some people give the excuse that they 'don't have time' or 'it's not the right time' what they really mean is
It's not a PRIORITY right now. And by the way, that's OK
What you can not do it blame TIME for why you aren't successful; successful in business, successful in growing your Personal Brand; successful on LinkedIn
I know it's a cliche but it is true. Successful individuals had the same 24hours when they were starting out in business, struggling in business, faced with challenges in their business and got resourceful and creative with their time, energy and finances - because they made it a MUST
Have you made getting visible online and growing your Personal Brand online a MUST for you?
You get what you FOCUS on
Nobody is too busy. It's just a matter of Priorities
And when you focus on the results you want - you realise that it's not as time consuming as you think - when you do it effectively
This is what my clients get when they work with me on their LinkedIn Marketing...an effective way of implementing a marketing strategy for LinkedIn which doesn't take up all their time. Here's some tips on how to do that and get an ROI
In my 3-Day LinkedIn programme - our clients walk away with a month full of content ideas - and when they go through this exercise, they realise that if they apply the same methodology every month, they will never run out of ideas
And they walk away, feeling confident that success on LinkedIn isn't about being on their 24/7 - feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.
Sometimes less is more - especially on LinkedIn and quality def overrides Quantity
The only thing to remember is to be CONSISTENT.
Consistency builds the muscle over time and you start seeing results.
Success takes TIME but only when you use it wisely
To find out more about my next 3-Day LinkedIn Implementation Workshop, just CLICK HERE to book a FREE 30min Consultation Call - let's chat and see how working with me can help you make your Personal Brand more visible