Hope everything at your end is great!!!
Overweight is usual. Some weigh far more than it is desirable for healthy living style.
Overweight may be because of medical condition or living style. Both are needed to be addressed for a healthy life. More info: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/obesity/causes/
Effects of overweight: Faster wear-out of joints, more load on heart, lack of energy, lethargy, body not functioning properly, etc. All this may lead to poor efficiency both physical and mental. More info: https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/effects/index.html
How to reduce weight, some ideas:
- I have seen many following fast weight reduction modes. These may appear magical. Really these are magical. However, faster weight reductions may have bigger problem. I have seen some of these individuals, even though reduced weight drastically, are appearing far more older to their age.
- Lifestyle change to reduce weight is appearing to be a better alternative. It is difficult to know what is the ideal lifestyle. One should explore this option both from reactive and proactive perspective.
- Our diet plays an important role regarding our mental and physical health. Following a good but pro-health diet is a wonderful gift for everyone. It is also a bit difficult task to know what is a pro-health diet. One should explore this option both from reactive and proactive perspective.
- Medical conditions are also needed to be addressed, if any. Bad health conditions may not be a new problem. Many in the world are suffering from medical conditions. Do not get scared if bad medical conditions are noticed. To know if the overweight is because of medical condition, better get health checkup done regularly. Positively keep searching for options to get rid of these medical conditions, if any found. There may be ways and means to come out of bad medical conditions. Do not believe the views of some people who are not knowing about this or someone who is self-interested, saying that certain health conditions are not possible to be cured.
It is possible to reduce weight and at the same time to be healthy and live longer.
Hope you have enjoyed my views.
Comments are welcome please.
MSJ Consultants, Bangalore