An overview of parallel programming (Go edition)
In practice, the software we write runs on several processors. Unfortunately, much of what we take for granted on a single processor becomes false when there are more than one processor. For example, if two processors modify the same piece of memory, what is the state of the memory after the modifications? It is difficult to tell in general. It is possible that the modification of one processor could overwrite any modification done by the other processor. The reverse could be true: the modification done by the other processor could win out. Or, maybe both processors will attempt the modification and the result will be a confused state that corresponds to nothing we would like to see. We call such accesses a ‘data race’: a situation where two or more processors in a program access the same memory location simultaneously, and at least one of those accesses is a write operation, without proper synchronization. It gets more difficult when you want two or more processors to meaningfully modify the same memory. For example, suppose that you have a variable that counts the number of products sold. Maybe you have different processors incrementing this one variable.
Threads and goroutines
A thread is the smallest unit of execution within a process that can be scheduled and run independently by a computer’s operating system. It represents a single sequence of instructions that the CPU executes, allowing a program to perform multiple tasks concurrently within the same process. A thread exists within a larger entity called a process, which is essentially a running program with its own memory space, resources, and state. A process can contain one or more threads, all sharing the same memory and resources (like open files or global variables) allocated to that process. There is a limit to how many threads a program can manage efficiently. To enable even more parallelism, the Go programming language has its own concept of a thread called a goroutine. While a goroutine is not a thread in the traditional sense, it maps to conventional threads under the hood. The Go runtime uses a scheduler to map many goroutines onto a smaller number of threads. These threads are the actual threads recognized by the operating system—kernel-level entities with their own stack and execution context, as described in general computing. A single thread in Go can execute multiple goroutines by switching between them efficiently. This makes goroutines much cheaper than OS threads—creating thousands or even millions of goroutines is practical, whereas spawning that many threads would exhaust system resources due to their larger memory footprint. In some sense, Go blurs the distinction between concurrency and parallelism. Concurrency is about managing multiple tasks so they can make progress independently. Parallelism, however, involves executing multiple tasks simultaneously across multiple resources. While concurrency focuses on software design for task coordination and can work with or without multiple cores, parallelism relies on hardware to achieve true simultaneous execution, and the two can combine when a concurrent system leverages parallel resources for efficiency. To start a goroutine, you only need to type the keyword ‘go’ followed by a function:
go func() {
This spawns a goroutine, but the Go runtime decides which thread it runs on, potentially sharing that thread with other goroutines. Unfortunately, a program made of only this goroutine could be disappointing:
package main
import (
func main() {
go func() {
The problem is that the main function might end before the goroutine can terminate. In Go, goroutines run concurrently (at the same time), and the main function (which is the main goroutine) does not automatically wait for other goroutines to complete. If the main goroutine exits, the program terminates, potentially before other goroutines finish. To ensure a goroutine terminates before the program ends, the simplest approach is to synchronize the main goroutine with the spawned goroutine using a mechanism like a channel or a WaitGroup. In Go, a channel is a built-in construct that provides a way for goroutines (concurrent functions) to communicate with each other and synchronize their execution. A channel has a type and it is created with the make function:
ch := make(chan int) // A channel that carries integers
The keyword chan is the keyword for declaring a channel. The type after chan (e.g., int) defines what kind of data the channel can transport.
We use the <- operator to send a value into a channel.
ch <- 42 // Send the value 42 into the channel
We use the <- operator to receive a value from a channel.
value := <-ch // Receive a value from the channel and store it in 'value'
We use the close function to indicate no more data will be sent: close(ch). Sending to a closed channel causes a panic. The following program would print ‘Canada’:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
ch := make(chan string) // Create a channel for strings
go func() {
ch <- "Canada" // Send a message to the channel
msg := <-ch // Receive the message in the main goroutine
The following program illustrates how we might use a channel to wait for a goroutine to terminate:
package main
import (
func main() {
channel := make(chan bool) // Create a channel to signal completion
go func() {
channel <- true // Signal that the goroutine is done
<-channel // Wait for the goroutine to signal completion
The goroutine sends a value (true) to the channel when it finishes. The main function blocks at <-done, waiting to receive from the channel, ensuring it does not exit until the goroutine completes. By default a channel is unbuffered: it can contain at most one value. So if you try to write to it more than one value, it will block until at least one value is read.
ch := make(chan int, 2)
ch <- 1 // Does not block (buffer has space)
ch <- 2 // Does not block (buffer is now full)
ch <- 3 // Blocks until a value is received
In Go, you can pass multiple channels to a function just like any other arguments. Channels are first-class values in Go, meaning they can be passed as parameters, returned from functions, or stored in variables. When passing several channels to a function, you simply include them in the function’s parameter list, specifying their types. Let us consider an example where we access two URLs:
package main
import (
// Response struct to hold URL and its fetch result
type Response struct {
url string
status string
err error
func fetchURL(url string, ch chan Response) {
// Create HTTP client with timeout
client := &http.Client{
Timeout: 10 * time.Second,
// Make HTTP GET request
resp, err := client.Get(url)
if err != nil {
ch <- Response{url, "", err}
defer resp.Body.Close()
ch <- Response{url, resp.Status, nil}
func main() {
// Record start time
startTime := time.Now()
// Create channel for responses
ch := make(chan Response)
// URLs to fetch
urls := []string{
// Start goroutines for each URL
for _, url := range urls {
go fetchURL(url, ch)
// Collect responses
for i := 0; i < len(urls); i++ {
resp := <-ch
if resp.err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error fetching %s: %v\n", resp.url, resp.err)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Successfully fetched %s: %s\n", resp.url, resp.status)
// Close the channel (optional since program ends here)
// Calculate and print elapsed time
elapsed := time.Since(startTime)
fmt.Printf("\nTotal time taken: %s\n", elapsed)
This program defines a Response struct to hold the URL, its status, and any error that occurred. It implements a fetchURL function that takes a URL and a channel as parameters, uses an HTTP client with a 10-second timeout, makes a GET request to the URL, sends the result through the channel. It uses defer to ensure the response body is closed. In this instance, the channel can be written to or read from in the function: to ensure that it can only be written to, we could declare it as ch chan<- Response instead as ch chan Response when passing it. In the main function, we create a channel to receive responses, we define two URLs to fetch, we launch a goroutine for each URL, we collect responses from the channel and we print the results. When we run this program, it will fetch both URLs simultaneously using separate goroutines, it will use channels to communicate results back to the main goroutine, and it will print the status (like “200 OK”) or any errors for each URL. We can rewrite this program so that it is simpler, without goroutines, like so:
package main
import (
// Response struct to hold URL and its fetch result
type Response struct {
url string
status string
err error
func fetchURLSynchro(url string) Response {
// Create HTTP client with timeout
client := &http.Client{
Timeout: 10 * time.Second,
// Make HTTP GET request
resp, err := client.Get(url)
if err != nil {
return Response{url, "", err}
defer resp.Body.Close()
return Response{url, resp.Status, nil}
func main() {
// URLs to fetch
urls := []string{
startTime := time.Now()
for i := 0; i < len(urls); i++ {
resp := fetchURLSynchro(urls[i])
if resp.err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error fetching %s: %v\n", resp.url, resp.err)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Successfully fetched %s: %s\n", resp.url, resp.status)
elapsed := time.Since(startTime)
fmt.Printf("\nTotal time taken: %s\n", elapsed)
The two programs do the same work, but one uses two goroutines (in addition to the main goroutine) while the other uses only the main goroutine. Testing these programs, you may find that the one using two goroutines completes faster: network accesses are typically expensive and easily parallelizable. That is, the two tasks can be done almost independently on your computer, even if executed simultaneously. Hence, you may find that we can query two URLs using HTTP requests in 250 ms whereas 400 ms is needed if the requests are consecutive, using a single goroutine. However, you should not assume that using more goroutines always makes software run faster. It often does not. Furthermore, additional goroutines might trigger the use of additional processors which increases the cost or power usage of your software. Adding more goroutines makes your software more complicated, more difficult to maintain and debug. Formally speaking, you do not need parallelism (i.e., many physical processors) to execute two network requests concurrently. Executing such requests does not require much processing time and has much to do with waiting for the network response. Therefore, it is a case where using goroutines is likely appropriate. When splitting up more computational tasks into goroutines, you are less certain to get a performance boost. To illustrate the point, let us consider the case where we are summing all values in an array. We consider two cases, first a small array (100k elements) and then a large array with millions of elements. For both cases, we can either use a simple function (with one goroutine) or a function that uses multiple goroutines. To maximize parallelism, we set the number of goroutines to the number of processors detected on the system by Go (runtime.NumCPU()).
package main
import (
// sequentialSum calculates the sum of an array sequentially
func sequentialSum(numbers []int) int {
sum := 0
for _, n := range numbers {
sum += n
return sum
// goroutineSumWithChannels calculates the sum using goroutines and channels
func goroutineSumWithChannels(numbers []int) int {
numGoroutines := runtime.NumCPU() // Use number of CPU cores
chunkSize := (len(numbers) + numGoroutines - 1) / numGoroutines
resultChan := make(chan int, numGoroutines) // Buffered channel for partial sums
activeGoroutines := 0
// Split the array into chunks and process with goroutines
for i := 0; i < numGoroutines; i++ {
start := i * chunkSize
end := start + chunkSize
if end > len(numbers) {
end = len(numbers)
if start >= end {
go func(slice []int) {
partialSum := 0
for _, n := range slice {
partialSum += n
resultChan <- partialSum
// Collect partial sums from the channel
total := 0
for i := 0; i < activeGoroutines; i++ {
total += <-resultChan
return total
// Benchmark functions
func BenchmarkSequentialSum(b *testing.B) {
numbers := make([]int, 100000)
for i := range numbers {
numbers[i] = i
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
func BenchmarkGoroutineSumWithChannels(b *testing.B) {
numbers := make([]int, 100000)
for i := range numbers {
numbers[i] = i
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
// Benchmark functions
func BenchmarkSequentialSumLarge(b *testing.B) {
numbers := make([]int, 10000000)
for i := range numbers {
numbers[i] = i
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
func BenchmarkGoroutineSumWithChannelsLarge(b *testing.B) {
numbers := make([]int, 10000000)
for i := range numbers {
numbers[i] = i
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
func main() {
fmt.Printf("Number of CPU cores: %d\n", runtime.NumCPU())
res := testing.Benchmark(BenchmarkGoroutineSumWithChannels)
fmt.Println("BenchmarkGoroutineSumWithChannels", res)
ress := testing.Benchmark(BenchmarkSequentialSum)
fmt.Println("BenchmarkSequentialSum", ress)
resl := testing.Benchmark(BenchmarkGoroutineSumWithChannelsLarge)
fmt.Println("BenchmarkGoroutineSumWithChannelsLarge", resl)
ressl := testing.Benchmark(BenchmarkSequentialSumLarge)
fmt.Println("BenchmarkSequentialSumLarge", ressl)
On a system with a large number of processors, we might get the following result:
Number of CPU cores: 128
BenchmarkGoroutineSumWithChannels 4048 258798 ns/op
BenchmarkSequentialSum 23756 50516 ns/op
BenchmarkGoroutineSumWithChannelsLarge 744 1414114 ns/op
BenchmarkSequentialSumLarge 237 5030224 ns/op
We see that when summing up the modest array, we get that the approach using 128 goroutines takes five times longer. If it does end up using 128 processors, then it might be 128 * 5 = 640 times less efficient! The lesson is that if the task is sufficiently inexpensive, such as summing up thousands of integers, you should not use more than one goroutine. In the instance where we are summing 10 million integers, the parallelized task is more interesting: it goes 3.6 times faster. Again, the single-routine approach is likely much more efficient: a single processor takes 3.6 longer than over one hundred goroutine. The problem with a simple sum is that it is driven by memory accesses and not especially computational. What if we consider a more expensive task? Let us sum the sine of the values of an array using various numbers of goroutines (1, 2, …). We use one million values in the array.
package main
import (
func computeSineSum(numbers []int) float64 {
sum := 0.0
for _, n := range numbers {
sum += math.Sin(float64(n))
return sum
// computeSineSumWithGoroutines computes the sum of squares with a specified number of goroutines
func computeSineSumWithGoroutines(numbers []int, numGoroutines int) float64 {
chunkSize := (len(numbers) + numGoroutines - 1) / numGoroutines
resultChan := make(chan float64, numGoroutines)
for i := 0; i < numGoroutines; i++ {
start := i * chunkSize
end := start + chunkSize
if end > len(numbers) {
end = len(numbers)
if start >= end {
go func(slice []int) {
partialSum := 0.0
for _, n := range slice {
partialSum += math.Sin(float64(n))
resultChan <- partialSum
// Collect results
total := 0.0
activeGoroutines := (len(numbers) + chunkSize - 1) / chunkSize
for i := 0; i < activeGoroutines; i++ {
total += <-resultChan
return total
// Benchmarks
func BenchmarkSequential(b *testing.B) {
numbers := make([]int, 1000000)
for i := range numbers {
numbers[i] = i % 1000 // Keep numbers manageable
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
func Benchmark1Goroutines(b *testing.B) {
numbers := make([]int, 1000000)
for i := range numbers {
numbers[i] = i % 1000
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
computeSineSumWithGoroutines(numbers, 1)
func Benchmark2Goroutines(b *testing.B) {
numbers := make([]int, 1000000)
for i := range numbers {
numbers[i] = i % 1000
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
computeSineSumWithGoroutines(numbers, 2)
func Benchmark4Goroutines(b *testing.B) {
numbers := make([]int, 1000000)
for i := range numbers {
numbers[i] = i % 1000
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
computeSineSumWithGoroutines(numbers, 4)
func Benchmark8Goroutines(b *testing.B) {
numbers := make([]int, 1000000)
for i := range numbers {
numbers[i] = i % 1000
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
computeSineSumWithGoroutines(numbers, 8)
func Benchmark16Goroutines(b *testing.B) {
numbers := make([]int, 1000000)
for i := range numbers {
numbers[i] = i % 1000
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
computeSineSumWithGoroutines(numbers, 16)
func BenchmarkMaxGoroutines(b *testing.B) {
numbers := make([]int, 1000000)
for i := range numbers {
numbers[i] = i % 1000
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
computeSineSumWithGoroutines(numbers, runtime.NumCPU())
func main() {
fmt.Printf("CPU cores: %d\n", runtime.NumCPU())
res1 := testing.Benchmark(BenchmarkSequential)
fmt.Println("BenchmarkSequential", res1)
res11 := testing.Benchmark(Benchmark1Goroutines)
fmt.Println("Benchmark1Goroutines", res11)
res2 := testing.Benchmark(Benchmark2Goroutines)
fmt.Println("Benchmark2Goroutines", res2)
res4 := testing.Benchmark(Benchmark4Goroutines)
fmt.Println("Benchmark4Goroutines", res4)
res8 := testing.Benchmark(Benchmark8Goroutines)
fmt.Println("Benchmark8Goroutines", res8)
res16 := testing.Benchmark(Benchmark16Goroutines)
fmt.Println("Benchmark16Goroutines", res16)
resmax := testing.Benchmark(BenchmarkMaxGoroutines)
fmt.Println("BenchmarkMaxGoroutines", resmax)
On a powerful machine with many cores, we might get the following results:
CPU cores: 128
Benchmark1Goroutines 114 13701908 ns/op
Benchmark2Goroutines 134 8913817 ns/op
Benchmark4Goroutines 253 4648170 ns/op
Benchmark8Goroutines 472 2272842 ns/op
Benchmark16Goroutines 835 1227975 ns/op
BenchmarkMaxGoroutines 916 1189217 ns/op
Going from one goroutine to two improves the speed by a factor of 1.5. Going from one goroutine to 16 goroutines improves the speed by a factor of 11. Increasing the number of goroutines beyond 16 brings no further gain. This pattern is sublinear gains with an upper limit is rather typical.
Yet goroutines and channels can be remarkably efficient in their own right. Let us create a chain of channels. Each goroutine has an input channel and an output channel. As soon as data is received in the input channel, data is written to the input channel. We link hundreds of goroutines in a chain of input and output channels:
package main
import (
// relay function represents each goroutine in the chain
func relay(input <-chan int, output chan<- int) {
// Wait for value from input channel
value := <-input
// Send value to output channel
output <- value
func main() {
// Number of goroutines in the chain
const chainLength = 10000
// Create slice to hold all channels
channels := make([]chan int, chainLength+1)
// Initialize all channels
for i := range channels {
channels[i] = make(chan int)
// Start timing
startTime := time.Now()
// Create the chain of goroutines
for i := 0; i < chainLength; i++ {
go relay(channels[i], channels[i+1])
// Send initial value into the first channel
go func() {
channels[0] <- 42
// Wait for and receive the value from the last channel
result := <-channels[chainLength]
// Calculate elapsed time
elapsed := time.Since(startTime)
// Print results
fmt.Printf("Value %d successfully passed through %d goroutines\n", result, chainLength)
fmt.Printf("Time taken: %v\n", elapsed)
fmt.Printf("Average time per hop: %v\n", elapsed/time.Duration(chainLength))
Running this program, you may get the following result:
Value 42 successfully passed through 10000 goroutines
Time taken: 13.987416ms
Average time per hop: 1.398μs
Effectively, you can traverse nearly a million goroutines per second in this manner.
Wait groups
Another common approach for managing multiple goroutines is to use sync.WaitGroup. Before we give an example, we need to review the keyword defer. In Go, the defer keyword is used to schedule a function call to be executed just before the surrounding function (the one containing the defer statement) returns. For example, the following function would print Canada followed by Mexico:
func() {
defer fmt.Println("Mexico")
Let us consider a goroutine based on a defer a wait group:
package main
import (
func main() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
wg.Add(1) // Increment the WaitGroup counter by 1
go func() {
defer wg.Done() // Decrement the counter when the goroutine completes
wg.Wait() // Wait for the counter to reach 0
For a single goroutine like in our example, the channel approach is simpler because it requires fewer lines and no additional imports. However, if you have multiple goroutines, the wait group might be simpler.
If you need to read data from different goroutines, that is not a problem as long as the data remains constant. If nobody writes to the data, there is no problem. Unfortunately, we often need to change the data, while reading it from different goroutines. Sometimes you can use channels to communicate. But that is sometimes not enough. Let us consider an example. We take an array of 10 integers, and goroutines randomly decrement one array element and then increment another array element. Initially, the sum of all elements should be 1000 and it should remain 1000 unless there is a bug. We can implement our code like so:
package main
import (
func main() {
// Initialize array with 10 elements, each set to 100
arr := [10]int{100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100}
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// Function for goroutine behavior
worker := func() {
defer wg.Done()
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
// Run for 200000000 iterations as an example
for i := 0; i < 200000000; i++ {
// Pick first random index
idx1 := r.Intn(10)
// Only proceed if value > 0
if arr[idx1] > 0 {
// Decrement first element
// Pick second random index
idx2 := r.Intn(10)
// Increment second element
// Launch two goroutines
go worker()
go worker()
fmt.Println("\nFinal array state:", arr)
// Verify total sum should still be 1000 (10 * 100)
sum := 0
for _, val := range arr {
sum += val
fmt.Println("Total sum:", sum)
This program is wrong: it contains data races because we are writing and reading data from different goroutines without synchronization. A possible ouput of this program is the following:
Final array state: [3001 644 880 324 2319 2845 3664 160 232 1741]
Total sum: 15810
Observe how the sum is higher than expected.
In Go you can avoid such a bug with the guarantee of atomicity provided by the sync/atomic package, which ensures that operations like increments are executed as indivisible steps, preventing race conditions. Functions like atomic.AddInt32(&x, 1) or atomic.AddInt64(&x, 1) ensure that the increment operation (read-modify-write) is performed atomically. This means that even if two threads execute the increment concurrently, the operations are serialized at the hardware level, and no updates are lost.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Initialize array with 10 elements, each set to 100
arr := [10]int32{100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100}
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// Function for goroutine behavior
worker := func() {
defer wg.Done()
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
// Run for 200000000 iterations as an example
for i := 0; i < 200000000; i++ {
// Pick first random index
idx1 := r.Intn(10)
// Only proceed if value > 0
val := atomic.LoadInt32(&arr[idx1])
if val > 0 {
if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&arr[idx1], val, val-1) {
// Pick second random index
idx2 := r.Intn(10)
// Increment second element
atomic.AddInt32(&arr[idx2], 1)
// Launch two goroutines
go worker()
go worker()
fmt.Println("\nFinal array state:", arr)
// Verify total sum should still be 1000 (10 * 100)
sum := 0
for _, val := range arr {
sum += int(val)
fmt.Println("Total sum:", sum)
The expression atomic.LoadInt32(&arr[idx1]) atomically reads the value at array position idx1. The value is stored in a local variable (val): data races are not possible with a local variable. We then use a Compare-And-Swap (CAS) operation: atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&arr[idx1], val, val-1). It checks if arr[idx1] still equals val (the previously loaded value) and if true, it sets arr[idx1] to val-1. It returns true if successful, false if the value changed since the load. Importantly, it executes as a single atomic operation. Finally, we use atomic.AddInt32(&arr[idx2], 1) to atomically add 1 to arr[idx2].
If you run the new program, the sum of the values in the array is maintained. The program is safe.
Atomic operations (like atomic.AddInt32 or atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32) are designed for single, indivisible operations on a single variable. They become insufficient when we have more complex data structures.
In these more complex cases, we use a mutex. A mutex (short for “mutual exclusion”) is a synchronization primitive used in concurrent programming to prevent multiple threads or processes from simultaneously accessing or modifying a shared resource. It ensures that only one thread (or goroutine) can enter a critical section of code at a time, thus avoiding race conditions and maintaining data consistency. Essentially, only one ‘lock’ can be held at any given time.
To illustrate, let us create a program where money is transferred between two accounts, and we need to ensure that the withdrawal from one account and deposit to another happen together without interference from other goroutines. This requires protecting a multi-step operation, which goes beyond what atomic operations can do.
package main
import (
type Bank struct {
accounts map[string]int // Map of account IDs to balances
mutex sync.Mutex // Mutex to protect the entire transfer operation
func NewBank() *Bank {
return &Bank{
accounts: map[string]int{
"Alice": 1000,
"Bob": 500,
func (b *Bank) Transfer(from, to string, amount int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
// Lock the mutex to protect the entire transfer operation
defer b.mutex.Unlock() // Ensure unlock happens even if there's a panic
// Check if source account has sufficient funds
if b.accounts[from] >= amount {
// Perform the transfer: two related operations
b.accounts[from] -= amount
b.accounts[to] += amount
fmt.Printf("Transferred %d from %s to %s. New balances: %s=%d, %s=%d\n",
amount, from, to, from, b.accounts[from], to, b.accounts[to])
} else {
fmt.Printf("Failed transfer of %d from %s to %s: insufficient funds\n",
amount, from, to)
func (b *Bank) GetBalance(account string) int {
defer b.mutex.Unlock()
return b.accounts[account]
func main() {
bank := NewBank()
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// Launch multiple concurrent transfers
go bank.Transfer("Alice", "Bob", 200, &wg)
go bank.Transfer("Bob", "Alice", 100, &wg)
go bank.Transfer("Alice", "Bob", 300, &wg)
go bank.Transfer("Bob", "Alice", 50, &wg)
fmt.Printf("Final balances: Alice=%d, Bob=%d\n",
bank.GetBalance("Alice"), bank.GetBalance("Bob"))
In general, acquiring and releasing a mutex involves system-level operations, which introduces overhead even when there is no contention. This can slow down a program compared to lock-free alternatives like atomic operations. In complex cases, it is also possible to trigger a deadlock. A deadlock is a concurrency failure where threads are trapped in a circular wait for resources, unable to proceed due to mutual dependencies. We can modify our example to include a deadlock. Instead of a global mutex, we create a mutex per account. If the goroutine acquires the source account and then the destination account, a deadlock becomes possible.
package main
import (
type Account struct {
balance int
mutex sync.Mutex
type Bank struct {
accounts map[string]*Account // Map of account IDs to account objects with individual mutexes
func NewBank() *Bank {
return &Bank{
accounts: map[string]*Account{
"Alice": {balance: 1000},
"Bob": {balance: 500},
func (b *Bank) Transfer(from, to string, amount int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
// Get the accounts
fromAccount := b.accounts[from]
toAccount := b.accounts[to]
// Lock the "from" account first
fmt.Printf("Locked %s for transfer of %d to %s\n", from, amount, to)
// Simulate some work to increase chance of deadlock (optional, but helps demonstrate)
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
// Then try to lock the "to" account
fmt.Printf("Locked %s for transfer of %d from %s\n", to, amount, from)
// Perform the transfer
if fromAccount.balance >= amount {
fromAccount.balance -= amount
toAccount.balance += amount
fmt.Printf("Transferred %d from %s to %s. New balances: %s=%d, %s=%d\n",
amount, from, to, from, fromAccount.balance, to, toAccount.balance)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Failed transfer of %d from %s to %s: insufficient funds\n",
amount, from, to)
// Unlock both accounts
func (b *Bank) GetBalance(account string) int {
acc := b.accounts[account]
defer acc.mutex.Unlock()
return acc.balance
func main() {
bank := NewBank()
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// Launch two transfers in opposite directions to create deadlock
go bank.Transfer("Alice", "Bob", 200, &wg) // Alice -> Bob
go bank.Transfer("Bob", "Alice", 100, &wg) // Bob -> Alice
wg.Wait() // This will never complete due to deadlock
fmt.Printf("Final balances: Alice=%d, Bob=%d\n",
bank.GetBalance("Alice"), bank.GetBalance("Bob"))
The deadlock in this code occurs because two goroutines acquire mutexes in different orders, leading to a circular wait. One strategy to avoid such a deadlock is to use ordered mutexes. E.g., if accounts are numbered, we always lock the account with the lesser number first.
Concurrency is a powerful tool in modern software development, enabling programs to leverage multiple processors for improved performance. However, it introduces significant complexities that must be carefully managed. Data races, where unsynchronized access to shared memory leads to unpredictable outcomes, underscore the need for robust synchronization mechanisms. Go’s goroutines and channels offer an elegant, lightweight approach to concurrency, allowing developers to efficiently parallelize tasks like network requests or data processing while avoiding the overhead of traditional threads. Yet, the performance benefits of parallelism are not guaranteed—simple tasks may suffer from excessive goroutine overhead, while computationally intensive operations can see substantial gains, albeit with diminishing returns as the number of goroutines increases.
Synchronization tools like sync.WaitGroup, atomic operations from sync/atomic, and mutexes (sync.Mutex) provide essential safeguards against concurrency pitfalls. Atomics excel for single-variable updates, ensuring thread safety with minimal overhead, while mutexes protect multi-step operations on complex data structures. However, mutexes come with risks, such as deadlocks, which arise from circular dependencies and require careful design—like consistent lock ordering—to avoid. Choosing the right concurrency strategy depends on the task’s nature, scale, and performance requirements. Ultimately, effective concurrent programming in Go demands a balance between leveraging parallelism for speed and maintaining simplicity, correctness, and efficiency in the face of shared resource contention.