An overview of Mutual Agreement Procedures in Zambia

An overview of Mutual Agreement Procedures in Zambia

Every country has detailed rules of how it taxes individuals and entities. Some operate a territorial system where one is taxed based on residence and source, whilst other countries operate a non-territorial method where one is taxed on their worldwide income.?A country’s right to tax income is determined by there being some nexus or link between the country and the income earned. These are known as connecting factors. Connecting factors for residence may include residence, nationality, citizenship, and domicile. Source connecting factors might include location of an asset as well as the concept of “pay” and “use”.

There are instances where an entity is identified as a tax resident in two different countries, for example, where the company is incorporated in one country which uses the incorporation test but decisions are made in another country which uses the Place of Effective Management (POEM) test. This gives rise to double taxation. The term double taxation refers to being exposed to tax more than once on the same profit or income.

?In Zambia companies are considered tax resident if the company is incorporated or formed in Zambia, or the company’s POEM is in Zambia. The POEM is generally taken to be the place where key management and commercial decisions that are necessary for the conduct of the company’s business are in substance made.

Different countries have signed Double Taxations Treaties (DTTs) and most DTTs have clauses for elimination of double taxation. In cases where the DTT does not have a clause for elimination of double taxation or where the relevant tax authorities (Competent Authorities) are not in agreement, they should resolve the matter through Mutual Agreement Procedure (MAP).

MAP is a mechanism designed for dispute resolution matters when dealing with double taxation.?Most of Zambia’s bilateral tax treaties contain a MAP Article and it is meant to provide for a dispute resolution mechanism by raising an issue which the taxpayer considers to be “not in accordance with the treaty” or against the treaty with an official within Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA). ?The MAP Article contains procedures that allow the Competent Authorities of tax treaty partners to interact, with the aim of resolving tax treaty disputes in line with the Double Taxation Agreements in force. The disputes may be on account of inconsistencies in the interpretation and application of a treaty.

A taxpayer may request the Competent Authority in the country of residence or the country where the taxpayer is a national for assistance under the MAP Article in cases where the taxpayer considers that the actions of one or both jurisdictions’ tax administration results or will result in taxation not in accordance with a tax treaty. It is important to note that MAP must be used where there has been compliance with all procedures as provided for in the MAP Article. Disputes which can be resolved by other tax treaty articles should not be subjected to MAP.?

Administration of MAP

MAP can be entered either at the request of the tax authority or the taxpayer. Where the taxpayer begins MAP proceedings, the taxpayer can apply to the Competent Authority of either countries regardless of any remedies available in domestic law. The Competent Authority is obliged to consider if the taxpayer’s case is justified and if so, take appropriate action.

When the Competent Authority of the resident country considers MAP to be the appropriate route in addressing the case, an approach is made to the Competent Authority of the other country.

Filing of a MAP request

DTTs that have the MAP Article, require persons to file their requests with either of the two Competent Authorities within the time frame stipulated in the treaty. For example, the Zambia/ United Kingdom (UK) Tax Treaty has a time limit of 3 years from the first notification of the action resulting in taxation not in accordance with the provisions of the treaty. Therefore, dispute resolutions under MAP in relation to the Zambia/United Kingdom tax treaty will not be commenced after the expiry of 3 years from the first time the taxpayer became aware of the action resulting in taxation not in accordance with the provisions of the treaty.

Competent Authorities should endeavour to reach an agreement to resolve the dispute within the time frame stipulated in the treaty. Where a treaty provides for arbitration, any unresolved issues arising from the case shall be submitted to arbitration if either Competent Authority so requests. The unresolved issues shall not, however, be submitted to arbitration if a decision on the issues has already been rendered by a court or administrative tribunal of either State. The Arbitration Settlement (Award) shall be binding on both States and shall be implemented notwithstanding any time limits in the domestic laws of the States. This shall be on condition that both Competent Authorities do not agree on a di?erent solution within the stipulated time frame after the Award has been communicated to them or the taxpayer directly a?ected by the case does not reject the mutual agreement that implements the arbitration decision.

The Competent Authority will not accept or continue to consider a taxpayer’s request regarding any issue and taxable period under active or pending litigation with respect to the same taxpayer. The taxpayer is expected to submit a litigation status letter as confirmation that the taxpayer has no pending or active litigation before any national court or tribunal over the same issue in the request. In other words, the Competent Authority would not consider a request from the taxpayer where the same issue is before national courts or tribunals.

A Competent Authority request should consist of a request letter and attachments. The contents of the request letter vary by the type of Competent Authority request, but generally it should consist of information about the taxpayer and about the Competent Authority issues involved in the request. The request letter must contain an introductory statement that states that the taxpayer seeks assistance of the Zambian Competent Authority.

Before a MAP request can be accepted, the Competent Authority will verify that:

  • there is a tax treaty in force (with a MAP article) with the other jurisdiction for which the taxpayer seeks relief.
  • in the case of a tax treaty that is no longer in force but had the MAP article, the request should only cover periods where the treaty was in force.
  • the MAP article in the treaty is applicable to the situation.
  • there is taxation or likely to be taxation that is not in accordance with the provisions of the tax treaty.
  • the request has been made within the time frame provided in the tax treaty.
  • sufficient information required to evaluate the case has been submitted.
  • there is no pending or active litigation over the same issue in the request.
  • the taxpayer has submitted all other information as required on the application.

Negotiation stage

If the case is accepted, a proposal is made to the other competent authority to commence MAP negotiations and an opening letter is issued. MAP is a process of consultation instead of litigation. MAP consultations are initiated and position paper is issued by the Competent Authority within a certain period specified in the treaty.

The relieving competent authority reviews the case which comprise of screening for completeness of the position paper, notification of missing information and determination whether it can provide unilateral relief to the taxpayer.

Negotiations then occur between the competent authorities. Face to face meetings can be organised if necessary. The taxpayer is not a formal party to the consultation but it is recommended to have the taxpayer involved.


Once a resolution is reached, the agreement between Competent Authorities will outline the extent to which each jurisdiction will provide relief and how the relief will be provided (e.g. amended assessment, credits, exemption etc.).

Once the agreement between the Competent Authorities has been finalised, the taxpayer will be notified in writing of the decision and the agreement with an explanation of the result. nIf a taxpayer is not satisfied with the agreement arrived at by the Competent Authorities, the taxpayer may reject it in writing not later than sixty (60) days from the time the decision is communicated. Even if the taxpayer is dissatisfied, the Competent Authority shall consider the case closed and advise the taxpayer accordingly. The decision of the Competent Authority is final. If the Competent Authority decision is rejected, the taxpayer may then pursue other available legal remedies.

If the taxpayer accepts the agreement, the acceptance should be communicated in writing not later than thirty (30) days from the time the agreement is communicated to them. Thereafter a written confirmation of the agreement will be exchanged between Zambia and the other tax administration and provided to the taxpayer.

The Competent Authority shall hold a meeting with the taxpayer where possible to discuss the outcome, the reasons for the outcome and feedback on the overall process.



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