Overview of Key Solar Fence Organizations and Individuals
Overview of Gleason Partners LLC
Gleason Partners LLC has been distributing newsletters for years now describing solar building systems, solar transparent windows, entire solar glass building envelopes, solar LED All-in-one solar streetlights with security cameras and audio, and several other energy reduction products. Gleason Partners LLC has also published descriptions of large solar farms we have designed within the USA, including floating solar farms on salt water or island micro-grid power stations.?Up until now they have been reluctant to publish articles describing major projects that they have completed for the U.S. Government. ?However, the massive requirement for a structure along our entire southern border is far too important to keep quiet; especially in light of the massive invasion that the United States citizens have had to endure during the Biden Administration.
Since they proposed a Border Solar System design to the Department of Homeland Security 23 months ago, they have experienced hundreds of media reports from National Publications, many radio stations, TV Networks, national magazines including Newsweek, architectural publications in Europe, more than a dozen face-to-face interviews with international and national TV reporters at their Las Vegas facilities.
This publicity brought investors to Gleason Partners LLC that wanted to help with privately funding the wall. ?Gleason Partners LLC then formed a Trans-International Solar Initiative, Inc. with financial partners much brighter than those of Gleason Partners LLC. Last year they met with high level officials of the Mexican Government.?The Mexican Government Officials loved the proposal to establish a Green Alliance with Mexico!?They have already indicated they will buy the power the United States of America produces.?Hence, through negotiations between the United States Government and the Mexican Government, it is entirely possible that Mexico could (eventually via annual electricity fees) fund some or even all of the construction costs of the fence, hydraulics, border solar system, and follow-on surveillance and security measures.
Overview of the Tesla Energy (Solar) and Elon Musk’s Role in the Organization
Main article:?Tesla, Inc.
Musk next to a?Tesla Model S, 2011
Tesla, Inc.—originally Tesla Motors—was incorporated in 2003 by?Martin Eberhard?and?Marc Tarpenning, who financed the company until the?Series A round?of funding.[113]?Both men played active roles in the company's early development prior to Musk's involvement.[114]?Musk led the Series A round of investment in February 2004; he invested $6.5?million, became the majority shareholder, and joined Tesla's board of directors as chairman.[115]?
Musk took an active role within the company and oversaw?Roadster?product design but was not deeply involved in day-to-day business operations.[116]
Following a series of escalating conflicts in 2007, and the?2008 financial crisis, Eberhard was ousted from the firm.[117][page?needed][118]?Musk assumed leadership of the company as CEO and product architect in 2008.[119]?A 2009 lawsuit settlement with Eberhard designated Musk as a Tesla co-founder, along with Tarpenning and two others.[120][121]?As of 2019, Musk was the longest-tenured CEO of any automotive manufacturer globally.[122]?In 2021, Musk nominally changed his title to "Technoking" while retaining his position as CEO.[123]
Tesla first built an electric sports car, the Roadster, in 2008. With sales of about 2,500 vehicles, it was the first?serial production?all-electric car to use?lithium-ion battery?cells.[124]?Tesla began delivery of its four-door?Model?S?sedan in 2012.[125]?A cross-over, the?Model X?was launched in 2015.[126]?A mass-market sedan, the?Model 3, was released in 2017.[127]?The Model 3 is the all-time bestselling plug-in electric car worldwide, and in June 2021 it became the first electric car to sell 1?million units globally.[128][129]?A fifth vehicle, the?Model Y?crossover, was launched in 2020.[130]?The?Cybertruck, an all-electric pickup truck, was unveiled in 2019.[131]?Under Musk, Tesla has also constructed multiple lithium-ion battery and electric vehicle factories, named?Gigafactories.[132]
Since its?initial public offering?in 2010,[133]?Tesla stock has risen significantly; it became the most valuable carmaker in summer 2020,[134][135]?and it entered the?S&P 500?later that year.[136][137]?In October 2021, it reached a market capitalization of $1?trillion, the sixth company in U.S. history to do so.[138]?
SolarCity and Tesla Energy
Main articles:?SolarCity?and?Tesla Energy
SolarCity?solar-panel installation vans in 2009
Musk has also provided the initial concept and financial capital for?SolarCity, which his cousins?Lyndon?and Peter Rive founded in 2006.[159]?By 2013, SolarCity was the second largest provider of solar power systems in the United States.[160]?In 2014, Musk promoted the idea of SolarCity building an advanced production facility in?Buffalo, New York, triple the size of the largest solar plant in the United States.[161]?Construction of the?factory?started in 2014 and was completed in 2017. It operated as a joint venture with?Panasonic?until early 2020.[162][163]
Tesla acquired SolarCity for over $2 billion in 2016 and merged it with its battery unit to create?Tesla Energy. The deal's announcement resulted in a more than 10% drop in Tesla's stock price. At the time, SolarCity was facing liquidity issues.[164]?Multiple shareholder groups filed a lawsuit against Musk and Tesla's directors, claiming that the purchase of SolarCity was done solely to benefit Musk and came at the expense of Tesla and its shareholders.[165][166]?Tesla directors settled the lawsuit in January 2020, leaving Musk the sole remaining defendant.[167][168]?Two years later, the court ruled in Musk's favor.[169]
Overview of Donald J. Trump’s “Wall”
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
?The?Trump wall, commonly referred to as "The Wall", is an expansion of the?Mexico–United States barrier?that started during the U.S.?presidency of Donald Trump?and was a critical part of Trump's campaign platform in the?2016 presidential election.[1]?Throughout his?2016 presidential campaign, Trump called for the construction of a border wall. He said that, if elected, he would "build the wall and make Mexico pay for it". Then-Mexican president?Enrique Pe?a Nieto?rejected Trump's claim that Mexico would pay for the wall; all construction in fact relied exclusively on U.S. funding.[2][3][4]
In January 2017, Trump signed?Executive Order 13767, which formally directed the U.S. government to begin wall construction along the?U.S.–Mexico border?using existing federal funding.[5]?After a political struggle for funding, including an appropriations lapse resulting in a?government shutdown for 35 days, and the?declaration of a national emergency, construction started in 2018.
The U.S. built new barriers along 455 miles (732?km),[6][7][8]?49 miles (79?km) of which previously had no barrier.[7][8]?Much of the remainder consists of 30-foot-tall (9.1?m) steel bollard wall where previously there had been fencing or vehicle barriers.[6]?Additionally, a private organization called?We Build the Wall?constructed under five miles (8?km) of new wall[9]?on private property near?El Paso, Texas.?
?The following is a cut and paste from a different article that clearly indicates that even while Donald J. Trump was attempting to find solutions to a national security problem that 70% of Americans agree with, as usual beltway Democrats were trying desperately to STOP anything and everything he ever proposed on behalf of the United States of America.?
Since President Trump first promised to build a wall on the southern border, one of several sticking points has been who would foot the bill. But by late 2019, the president said he may have found a way to lower the cost: solar panels.?"Think of it—the more panels installed, the more valuable the Wall (Fence) is" the president said.
That year, at a campaign-style rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa?(a state with a Republican governor investing heavily in alternative energy) the president pitched his green energy idea to enthusiastic supporters.?"We're thinking of something that's unique. We're talking about the southern border. Lots of sun. Lots of heat. “We're thinking about building the wall as a solar wall”, he said.
The president said the solar wall would generate enough energy over time to "pay for itself." To help cover the Homeland Security Department's estimated cost of $21 billion, photo-voltaic cells could bring the cost down. "You're the first group I told that to," the president chimed. "We're working it out”. The president asked his supporters what they thought about the solar idea. "Build that wall" chants echoed throughout the Iowa rally as the president promised to keep his famous campaign pledge to build the wall, which he said, "we've already started planning."
Despite Mr. Trump's claim that the solar wall was his idea, sketches and blueprints of a solar wall have circulated online over the past five years. ?One of the original plans was from Las Vegas construction company Gleason Partners, which submitted designs to the federal government (along with about 20 other companies) while Trump was still in office.?The company's prototype design can be seen below. Managing partner Thomas Gleason said the design for each piece of solar wall (at least in that design) was 20-feet-long and 9-feet-high.
?This image is a prototype of a solar wall sent to CBS News by construction company Gleason Partners. It depicts the side of the wall that would potentially face Mexico.?GLEASON PARTNERS, LLC
This prototype design of Gleason Partner's solar wall depicts the back side of the structure facing the United States.?GLEASON PARTNERS, LLC
In early May, DHS said the department's planning was underway, with the first phase of design-build procedures.
According to the San Diego Union-Tribune, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection said bidding contractors would be identified in June, and selected companies would construct their prototypes near the border in San Diego County this summer.
Democrats remain staunchly opposed to the president's call for a wall. ?In a spending package passed by Congress and signed by Mr. Trump in May, $1.5 billion was allocated for border funding, but inexplicably, Congress dictated that those particular funds could only be used to replace existing fencing and barriers. ?They could not be used to fund new walls or fences along the border.
According to Bloomberg, solar panel costs continue to drop, and by 2025, they will be less expensive than coal, a fuel the president had staunchly supported during his campaign and throughout the early days of his administration. However, costs of transmission and battery storage for solar remain expensive, and the technology is still evolving, relative to the production of panels.
Overview of Fisher Sand and Gravel
While Donald J. Trump was still if office The Department of Homeland Security contracted with Fisher Sand and Gravel to build 218 miles of Bollard Fencing along the southern border of Arizona.?Resulting articles revealed that with Fisher, Sand and Gravel construction personnel involved in providing the manual labor, the 218-mile Bollard Fencing was projected to cost 3.3billion.??Then let’s use that semi-rough estimate and project the same relative cost for 2400 miles of Bollard Fencing.?That number is 36.3 billion for that same company constructing 2400 miles of fence with their labor.
However, I’m not proposing that the Department of Homeland Security via a new 2024- 2028 budget allocation from Congress pay Fisher Sand and Gravel or any other construction company the required wages for their contractors to build 2400 miles of Bollard fence. Instead, I am proposing that the homeless and incarcerated build it.?You read that correctly.??Put them to work!?After all, after the required training and oversight, manual labor isn’t rocket science.
Pay them minimum wage, but I am proposing supplementing their minimum wage with a moderate supplemental deposit into an interest-bearing savings account. ?After their respective sentences have been completed, the funds in the savings account may be applied in a variety of different ways to prepare each trustee for an eventual return to employed society. ?Some maximum-security prisoners would not be suitable to assign to build 2400 Miles of Bollard Fencing of course.?However, probably 80% of the incarcerated throughout our federal penitentiary system could be trained to construct the fencing and even install solar panels; that isn’t rocket science either.??
While I’m dreaming here, let’s suggest that in each case, their minimum hourly wages could be placed in a money-making savings account for them until such time they have served their penalties from society.?Think about this please.?If their wages are required to be saved for them for their hard labor, those funds could and should enable them to avoid a life of crime.?Instead, with guidance and oversight, those funds should facilitate their re-entry into the ranks of the employed; not the ranks of the drug addled unemployed. ?Matching funds could even be applied for vocational training.?Keep in mind that the employed pay taxes.?Meanwhile the unemployed not only don’t pay taxes, in a variety of different ways they cost taxpayers dearly every day, every month, and each year they are unemployed.?Folks I call finding a constructive way to return the incarcerated to productive society another Win.?
Overview of the Federal Aviation Administration of the Department of Transportation (and my own role in it)
Look folks, I don’t put myself in the same category with billionaires and millionaires.?I worked for the federal government in one capacity or another for 36.5 years.?You don’t become rich by working for the federal government, well apparently unless you serve for over 3 decades in Congress.?That said, I have more than one incentive for authoring this proposal.
Prior to Jan. of 2019, most wall and fence designs had not broached a proposal to include FAA designed Air Traffic Control towers, air and ground radar surveillance systems, rapid response aircraft or seismic sensors.??It happens that when I served in the United States Armed Forces my MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) was military aircraft avionics.?
During my year in Vietnam, I was assigned to the 242nd Assault Support Aviation Company inside the Cu Chi perimeter.?Avionics was just the tip of the iceberg, and I won’t go into all the other aspects of the mission here.?However, CH-47s then as now, are about the size of school busses.?
Avionics specialists’ real challenge at that time was regular and recurring alignment of the Stability Augmentation Systems so pilots could fly the huge chopper without crashing.?Our Avionics Unit was so successful at it that we were awarded Army Commendation Medals.?After that year of service, I was assigned to teach avionics at Ft Gordon Georgia’s Signal School Brigade, 35K20 course.?
After my three years of active duty, I worked for the Department of Defense for four more years in avionics and automated flight simulations. ?Those assignments led me to a 29-year career in the Federal Aviation Administration, primarily in the field of Automated Radar Terminal Systems.?At different periods of my career, I was responsible for Automated Radar data feeds to Los Angeles Air Traffic Control Tower (ATCT), Burbank’s ATCT, Ontario’s ATCT, Long Beach’s ATCT, John Wayne Airport's ATCT, and El Toro Marine Base’s FAA automated radar feed from our radar and our computer to their military tower.??
Roughly 10 years after those assignments, the Southern California Super Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON) was constructed and commissioned. ?The Southern California TRACON (I’m not identifying the precise location here) houses about 500 FAA personnel including National Air Traffic Controllers Association controllers, Professional Airway Transportation Systems Specialists (my field of expertise) additional staff personnel and contractors. ?The overall responsibility of all Southern California TRACON personnel was to ensure the safe passage of all civilian and some military air traffic to/from each of the above level 5 airports, about 33 smaller commercial and general aviation airports, and any military aircraft that traveled through Southern California commercial airspace.?
When I worked there between 1994 and 2001, I began in Technical Support but eventually I became Manager of the National Airspace Systems Electronics Unit.?At that time, my unit employed 17 rotating around the clock GS-12 Professional Airway Systems Specialists and another 6 senior (primarily day shift) super tech GS-13s. At that time, 5 banks of Univac mainframe computers processed automated radar from over 30 short range radar systems and two long range systems.?Later those 5 mainframe computers were replaced by a micro–ARTS IIIE system.
?About 10 years after Southern California TRACON was constructed, from 2002 -2005, most of the largest airports in the country began transitioning to an Air Traffic Control System labeled with the acronym STARS (Standard Terminal Automated Radar Systems).?By that time, I was at FAA HQ as the STARS Team Lead for about two dozen senior FAA automated radar specialists.?These two dozen instructors were selected by our FAA HQ team to serve on two-year special assignments. ?These senior specialists required about a year of additional advanced training to become STARS instructor certified. ?After the additional year of specialty training, they in turn were assigned to train PASS specialists in the field to evaluate, troubleshoot, maintain, and certify STARS systems throughout the National Airspace System.
Air Traffic Control Towers (and the base buildings that sit under them) are MUCH larger than they appear from distance. ?They are essentially buildings with very large viewing towers on top. Sure, FAA and military Air Traffic Controllers can physically look out of the towers, but the electronics within the building are fed by 60-mile radar systems with automated data blocks of important information about each aircraft under their control displayed on Digital BRITE displays. What type of information?
Aircraft identification, altitude, air speed, direction, and if the aircraft is aligned with runways properly during landings...or not. ?If two aircraft with transponders mounted on board (required for ALL commercial aircraft) veer off course and too close to one another, a very loud alarm goes off in the tower and in the cockpit of large commercial aircraft. ?At that point, Houston we have a problem and the controller and the supervisor on duty spring into action immediately while they talk to the pilots during collision avoidance emergency operations.?
Keep in mind that all large American cities and most large foreign cities man their respective Automated Radar Terminal Approach Control (TRACONS) with computers fed by 60-mile radar systems Meanwhile Air Route Traffic Control Centers (ARTCCs) are fed by 300-mile radar systems.?American TRACONS and Air Route Traffic Control Centers are so critical that these facilities are staffed 365 days a year, 24 hours every day.?The technology has long since been tested and proven until the transition to the Satellite based Air Traffic Control Systems being designed at this time.?
?Well, if the drug lords, drug mules, terrorists, illegal immigrants, sex-traffickers, gypsies tramps and thieves all carried Identification Friend or Foe Transponders on their aircrafts, boats, caravans, buses, trucks and cars transporting the invaders, then re-trained Border Patrol agents could simply read automated radar tracking data blocks on their 60-mile and 300-mile Automated Radar Displays.?
However, any aircraft flying from south of the border approaching our border should have already been identified via commercial or military flight plans.?All others will appear on 300-mile radar displays first.?If this proposal is accepted and implemented, immediately after entering 300-mile radar airspace, any unidentified fixed or rotary winged aircraft are projected to be intercepted and challenged by the specially armed CH-47 Chinooks and specially trained and armed Border Patrol Agents within them.?Chinooks are so large that they can carry Armored Personnel Carriers and all the Agents required to challenge caravans as well.?Military grade fighter aircraft are already commissioned by the Department of Defense to intercept any unidentified jet aircraft.
?The New ASR-11 Digital Airport Surveillance RADAR
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
?ASR-11?is a Digital Airport Surveillance Radar (DASR,) an advanced radar system utilized by the United States as the next generation of terminal air traffic control.[1]?The ASR-11 is an upgraded, advanced version of the previous?ASR-9?radar. This next generation radar system has been developed through a joint effort by the?Federal Aviation Administration, the Department of Defense and the?United States Air Force, who took most of the lead development tasks.[3]
Country of?origin
4 CPIs (~1000 Hz avg.)[2]
1.4° (horizontal), 5° (vertical)[2]
1.0 μs, 80 μs[2]
12.5 RPM[2]
60?NM (110?km; 69?mi)[1]
2.1kW avg25kW pk[1]
? Operation[edit]
Much like the previous ASR-9, the ASR-11 has been deployed around airport terminals across the United States to meet the requirements of a digital, automated air traffic monitoring system. The main purpose of the ASR-11 is to replace aging radar systems at airfields that did not receive the?ASR-9, as well as use across the world by the United States Military. Many of the advanced parameters such as weather monitoring and digital pinpoint monitoring found on the ASR-9 are also found on the ASR-11. This radar system consists of two separate electronic subsystems, the first being a primary radar and the other, a secondary surveillance radar often referred to as the beacon. Like the ASR-9, the ASR-11 uses a continuously rotating antenna that is mounted on a tower. Transmitted electromagnetic signals reflect off the surface of an aircraft that is within sixty nautical miles of the radar location. The signals are sent to the processing equipment which measures the echo delay, or the amount of time it takes for the electromagnetic signals to return, and the direction from which they came.[4]?The information from the signal is sent to an?Air Traffic Control?tower, or a Radar Approach Control (RAPCON) with a digital tag that describes the location, heading, and speed at which the aircraft is moving. The overall operation of the ASR-11 is similar to that of the ASR-9, with relatively few differences between the two radar systems. There are only two main areas where the ASR-11 has an advantage over the ASR-9, with it also having some disadvantages due to its weather capability.
The first advantage the ASR-11 offers is the use of a low peak-power, solid state transmitter with pulse compression technology, replacing the ASR-9's high peak-power, short pulse power system. This gives the radar the ability to provide the same amount of energy to a target at long range while making the radar less sensitive at shorter ranges. Any aircraft that comes closer than six nautical miles from the radar cannot be located with the long-range pulse system built into the ASR-11. Installing additional radar equipment to the same antenna is required for close range location and weather detection. The second advantage of using an ASR-11 is the radar's ability to utilize a pulse sequence diversity. This gives the radar system the capability to limit processing dwells to a small number of pulses. This feature becomes most important when monitoring air traffic is the primary use of the radar. Reducing the number of pulses sent out by the radar system also has a direct effect on the Doppler resolution, resulting in a decreased ability to process live weather conditions.[2]
?Overview of the CH-47F[edit] Super Chinook
A Canadian CH-47F at?RIAT?2017
In 2001, the first CH-47F, an upgraded CH-47D, made its maiden flight; the first production model rolled out on 15 June 2006 at Boeing's facility in?Ridley Park, Pennsylvania, and first flew on 23 October 2006.[93]?Upgrades include 4,868-shaft-horsepower?(3,630?kW) Honeywell engines and the airframe featuring greater single-piece construction to lower maintenance requirements.[94]?The milled construction reduces vibration, as well as inspection and repair needs, and eliminates flexing points to increase service life.[95]?The CH-47F can fly at speeds of over 175?mph (282?km/h) with a payload of more than 21,000 lbs (9,500?kg).[96]?New avionics include a?Rockwell Collins?Common Avionics Architecture System (CAAS) cockpit, and?BAE Systems' Digital Advanced Flight Control System (DAFCS).[94]?AgustaWestland?assembles the CH-47F under license, known as the Chinook ICH-47F, for several customers.[97]?Boeing delivered 48 CH-47Fs to the U.S. Army through August 2008; at that time Boeing announced a $4.8?billion contract with the Army for 191 Chinooks.[96]
A CH-47F Block 2 is planned to be introduced after 2020. The Block 2 aims for a payload of 22,000?lbs (10,000?kg) with 4,000?ft (1,200?m) and 95?°F (35?°C) high and hot hover performance, eventually increased up to 6,000?ft (1,800?m), to carry the?Joint Light Tactical Vehicle; maximum takeoff weight would be raised to 54,000?lbs (24,500?kg). It features the composite-based Advanced Chinook Rotor Blade (derived from the cancelled?RAH-66 Comanche), 20% more powerful?Honeywell T55-715?engines, and the active parallel actuator system (APAS); the APAS enhances the digital advanced flight-control system, providing an exact torque split between the rotors for greater efficiency. A new fuel system combines the three fuel cells in each sponson into one larger fuel cell and eliminating intracell fuel transfer hardware, reducing weight by 90?kg (200?lbs) and increasing fuel capacity. Electrical capacity is increased by three 60 kVA generators.[98][99]?Part of the Block II upgrade was the Advanced Chinook Rotor Blades (ACRB), intended to improve lift performance in hot/high altitude conditions by 2,000 lbs, after initially being trialed in 2020 ACRB testing was postponed by the US Army due to vibration issues.
Boeing denied the Army's assertion that the vibration issues were a safety risk and believed it could be solved with dampeners. Testing resumed in 2021 but the Army ultimately decided against implementing the upgrade as the vibration issues persisted in the resumed testing, in addition the aft rotor blade was stalling when in a swept back position.[100]
The U.S. Army plans for a Block 3 upgrade after 2025, which could include a new 6,000?hp (4,500?kW) class engine with boosted power capacity of the transmission and drive train developed under the future affordable turbine engine (FATE) program and a lengthened fuselage. The?Future Vertical Lift?program plans to begin replacing the Army's rotorcraft fleet in the mid-2030s, initially focusing on medium-lift helicopters, thus the CH-47 is planned to be in service beyond 2060, over 100 years after first entering service.[99]
The German government announced in June 2022 that Boeing's CH-47F Chinook Block II standard range was selected as the winner of its heavy helicopter program to replace its Sikorsky CH-53G Sea Stallion fleet.[101]
?Back to the proposal from Michael Wayne Templeton.?What do I have to gain from this proposal??The first gain is saving American lives by securing the Southern Border.?The other thing I hope to gain is directly related to a third career I pursued after I had served in the Department of Defense and the Department of Transportation.?Following is an overview of those years:
Before entering the Driver Education and Driver Training field, Mike served in a safety related field for the Federal Aviation Administration for 29 years.?During that time the deaths of the author’s biological father, his favorite cousin, and the best man at his wedding, all due to careless driving convinced Mike to one day also become an expert in the driver education field.
Therefore, after retiring from the FAA at age 55, in order to achieve this goal, he attended seven different driver education schools while becoming Chief Operations Officer and Lead Classroom and Driving Instructor of his own school.?During the next 10 years, after reading roughly 30 other books on this topic and training over 2000 students, Mike learned a great deal about what was missing.
During those same 10 years,?Mike became one the few authors in this field, if not only author in this field certified to train other instructors, provide fleet training, train beginning drivers AND mature senior drivers.?Mike has trained students in all of these categories.??Subsequently Mike decided to share his knowledge with others by authoring?“Right Turn.
?It isn’t the book that I am advocating here, it is my screenplay titled: “The Driving Instructor”.?The Log Line and overview synopsis follows:
The Driving Instructor – Log Line
Michael Wayne Templeton: 803-237-3772?[email protected]
?? 2020 Templeton All Rights Reserved
?Logline: Successful salesman is unceremoniously “let go” from a great job and soon finds himself in desperate need of work.?After a humiliating job search, his wife conspires to land him a job working for her ex-boyfriend, a professional driver training Instructor out for revenge.?
Ordinary World: Jim as high-pressured cut-throat toilet salesman with terrible driving habits including often driving in road rage. Yes, he’s good at what he does and made a good living, but nothing lasts forever. Call to Adventure: Jim is fired from his role and thrown into a humiliating job search; for Jim the lack of respect from teenage children Jimbo and Prissy weighs heavy on his soul. Something’s got to give. Refusal of the Call: Marisa arranges for Jim to be hired by her old high school flame John as a driver training instructor; Jim dislikes the idea but sees no alternative. Mentor: However, Marisa urges him to try it out and tells him how it will aid his self-esteem and his relationship with his kids. First Threshold: Jim takes his first step into the Academy where he is met by John.
Tests and Allies: Jim undertakes rigorous and brutal training at the hands of John and his underling Ted. With the boss of the Academy, Macy, looking to cut his workforce, and announcing a review of instructors’ expertise, the mood in the camp is tense. Behind the scenes we find out that a group of model perfect ROTC students are enrolled for John and Ted to train.?Meanwhile Jim realizes that a group of misfit students have been enrolled for HIM to train and he’s been skewed. Approach to Innermost Conflict: The training of the misfit students presents major challenges, and the most likely outcome is that Jim will fail and will be easy picking for big boss Macy. Supreme Ordeal: A review by Macy and the driving test results of the misfit students. Reward: All pass with flying colors.
?The Road Back: Veteran trainee dies of a heart attack after he passes the driving test. A funeral is arranged for Vietnam Vet Ken and Jim is nominated by the others to deliver the eulogy because the Vietnam Vet has no family left.?Each of the bosses, the nine other students, and Jim’s family attends the funeral. Resurrection: Jim becomes a far better driver himself in the process and a better human being, learning there is more to life than chasing the dream. Jim doesn’t lose his job and gains the respect of the students and his wife and kids. Return with the elixir: Macy, John and Ted develop a respect for Jim.
Some of you may be wondering why I included Elon Musk in this proposal at all.?Well, part of my motive was that I felt that more than one major Solar company needed to be solicited for this proposal and possibly many more.?That’s for others to consider.?However, I don’t admire most of the leaders inside the beltway and out of it as much as I admire Elon Musk.?So, here is an additional suggestion specifically for him.?I want him to produce “The Driving Instructor” and during the film use only Tesla vehicles for all the comedic action sequences.?Then after the successful film run, I have written a proposal for a follow-on reality TV series called… “Celebrity Driver’s Ed”.?My vision???Elon Musk becomes the world’s first trillionaire while helping to save American lives on the border and in Tesla automobiles for the remainder of the 21st Century.
Michael Wayne Templeton
Jan. 2023