Overview of HK Tax Concessions for Family Office
Under the concessionary regime, profits tax concessions are provided for:
Concessionary Tax Rate
Assessable profits of an FIHV or an FSPE earned from the qualifying transactions and incidental transactions will be taxed at 0% profits tax rate if the specified conditions are met. The tax concession will apply retrospectively from April 1, 2022.
Requirements for FIHV
To enjoy the profits tax concession, an FIHV must satisfy the following conditions:
Key requirements for an eligible Single Family Office
Transactions eligible for the tax exemption
Specified Assets under Schedule 16C of the Inland Revenue Ordinance include:
The qualifying transactions of an FIHV must be carried out in Hong Kong by or through an eligible SFO of the relevant family, or arranged in Hong Kong by the eligible SFO.
Family-owned Special Purpose Entities
Special purpose entities (“FSPEs”) established by an FIHV, whether in or outside Hong Kong, for holding and administering the FIHV’s assets and such FSPEs will also be eligible for the proposed tax concession to the extent which corresponds to the percentage of beneficial interest of the FIHV in the FSPEs.
Record-keeping Requirements
An FIHV and the eligible SFO should keep sufficient records to enable the identity and particulars of the beneficial owner(s) of the FIHV and the eligible SFO to be readily ascertained.
It is noteworthy that the FIHV tax regime will be regarded as a preferential tax regime in Hong Kong. As such, the foreign-sourced dividends, equity disposal gains and interest income derived by an FIHV or FSPE will be excluded from the revised foreign-sourced income exemption regime.