Overview to Aerial Fiber Optic Cables: What You Should Know
Fiber optic aerial cables are used in telecommunication networks that are installed on poles, towers, or other structures above the ground. Aerial fiber optic networks are designed to provide high-speed internet, television, and telephone services to homes and businesses. These are often used in rural or suburban areas where it is impractical or too expensive to bury cables underground. They are also commonly used in urban areas where there are already existing poles and infrastructure to support the installation of these networks.
What are Aerial Fiber Optic Cables?
In optical signal transmission, we often have to overcome long distances, and one solution for these long paths is the installation of aerial cables.
For these applications, aerial installation is a much faster and cheaper method. However, these cables are directly exposed to the elements, which can be quite severe in some locations.
Aerial cables are built to have a lifespan of 25 years, resisting wind, rain, ice, heat, UV rays, and other constant weather variations that occur with the seasons or even throughout the day. However, in some locations, where temperatures can vary greatly in just a few hours, elongation or contraction can happen in both the cable and its supporting structures, which can affect the conditions of the fibers inside.
Therefore, as always, the choice of cable should take into consideration the local conditions, including the maximum and minimum temperatures, hours of sun exposure, humidity, and so on.
How are Aerial Fiber Optic Cables Classified
Aerial cables can be classified into two categories: Self-supported and Catenary. The choice between these two types depends on the installation’s location.
If we want to install the cable on a path that already has support to attach it, where we don’t have to worry about the span of the cable, we can use a catenary cable and fix it to the existing messenger wire.
If the installation doesn’t have an existing messenger wire, we can opt for the self-supported aerial optical cable type, which as the name implies, has a structure that allows us to overcome long distances by fixing it only on the poles.
Within the Self-suported category, there are three different types of aerial fiber optic cables:
What are the Main Benefits of Aerial Fiber?
The main advantages of aerial fiber optic cables are:
However, they also have disadvantages like the visual pollution they cause to landscapes, increased risks of contact due to exposure (some cables are hit by hunting shots), and impact from the environment, which translates into greater maintenance needs for these cables.
Key Factors to Consider When Deploying Aerial Fiber
Before initiating the installation of aerial fiber optic cables there are some preparations that should be done:
Overall, there are many benefits of using aerial fiber optic cables, but these can only be attained if the proper type of cable is used for the context, and much consideration is put into every step of the deployment phases.