Overview of 2024 & Planetary Transits

Overview of 2024 & Planetary Transits

The year, 2024, will be a year of change and major transformations in nearly everyone’s life…

There is natural uniqueness, with all the transits and also, it’s a leap year….

In 2023, Jupiter crossed gandanta and started its new cycle through the zodiac… where Jupiter carries the same theme for the next 12 years…

Interestingly, 2023 was a year of Ketu being number 7…

Number 7 and Ketu both represent a birth…deep awareness, clear lessons, and a new start but, by cutting some cords.

It was all about ending, breaking, and then a new start with mindfulness.

Entire 2023 we had Rahu-Ketu in Aries-Libra… It was the struggle to be independent… even if that demands us to break our close bond with others…

We had Jupiter and Rahu both in Aires – making strong Guru Chandal yog.

So, whatever happened in 2023, in our personal life, our health, relations, or with any new development across the world… be it the Ukraine-Russia war …. Israel-Hamas war, or, the tiffs between countries bringing divisions in general...

All these will be the theme for Jupiter’s 12-year cycle…through the zodiac.

And with each passing year, with the change in the sign of Jupiter, we shall have a step ahead, progression of the events that started with Jupiter in Aries…

Expect a major shift in the world order in the next 12 years, based on the events of 2023…

We have 2024, as Saturn’s year – unique and very karmic in nature…

Judgement time for everyone… the results and impact of this year will be in direct proportion to what we have done in the past….

Previously we had Saturn’s year in 2015, 2006, 1997, and so on….

But never we had Saturn this dignified, in its mool trikon sign - in its powerhouse - Aquarius which is the natural 11th sign of rewards where our desires get fulfilled.

But only those, for what we have worked hard… See we are going to deal with Saturn’s energy for the entire 2024…

Expect justice and fairness… Common people and the weaker section of society will be most benefited…

Also, 8, is the number of movements, changes, transformations, and everything related to material things in life…

Expect a lot of twists and turns…. Major highs and lows with 2024… just like the shape of number 8….

It’s a never-ending cycle ... it’s not an end but it’s all about, moving in circles.

We go round and round in those rings of Saturn and number 8… before getting mox and released from limitations and restrictions… self-created or by situation.

To enhance this energy, we have strong gandanta placements in 2024….

We start the year with Mars in Mool - Sagittarius gandanta ….

Secondly, in 2024 - all the retrogression of Mercury is at gandanta point…? we have Rahu in Revati in the 1st half of the year…

At the start of the year Jupiter is stationary directly in Ashwini – Ketu’s nakshatra… & Venus in Scorpio – Anuradha nakshatra…. heading towards gandanta point…

All these signal ongoing transformation… changes…and are in perfect alignment with Saturn’s energy of reformation and restructuring….

Gandanta is a junction point, or a meeting point where the water signs end …. Gives us freedom or mox and then touches a fire sign…. Giving a fresh start from there….

It’s a karmic point, where there is a tight knot of our karma, some major confusion or matters that are tough to resolve….

Somehow those matters are long pending ones and because of the situation, or our mental block, we are not able to take action…

Expect a release in 2024 from such blocks of your life…. Be it mental, physical, or emotional….

And whatever we have started in 2023… whichever level…. Individually or globally….

It will remain with us for a long time…that will change our perception and approach, to how now the life can be…

Expect the end, by the destruction of the old cycle and the start of a new cycle, with all the gandanta transit of 2024…

It’s time to untie and open those tough karmic knot … that is carrying our tough problems, sufferings, and pain….

Let us see the major planetary transits of 2024….

We start the year 2024 with Mercury getting direct at this gandant point … of Mool nakshatra then Ashwini, Magha, and then in November again Mool….

Expect solutions… endings and new beginnings at each level for the entire year….

Mercury represents our thoughts, and mindset which have major transformations… and staying open-minded is the best thing we can do to help ourselves cope with challenges...

Mercury retrogression will bring radical changes in 2024 and is capable of triggering events in our personal lives and also around the world…

Be careful with what you feed your mind… or choosing sides… making important decisions… as this is going to impact you in the long run too…

The most impacted signs for the entire year will be the Water and fire signs in our chart to observe the impact…

Also, their significations, like emotions, movement, healing, purification, and change for water element…

Fire element represents, our energy, passion, drive to act boldly, our desires, and most importantly… fire brings light, and knowledge with it….

So, the retrogression of Mercury and its signification will be important, as that can trigger significant events in 2024.

Secondly, the energies of the year change when Jupiter conjuncts Uranus in Aries at 27° by the end of April and, moves to Taurus on 1st May…

Even Uranus will join Jupiter in Taurus around June….

Simultaneously we have Mercury and Venus crossing Pisces gandanta too, starting their new cycle through the zodiac…

We will have a great solar eclipse in April and that would be the 1st eclipse in the Virgo-Pisces axis…. which can change the status quo….

So, we have 3 triggers of the year…

~ All Mercury retrogression at Gandanta point of Water-Fire signs.

~ Jupiter-Uranus conjunction and their transit to Taurus &

~ The eclipses of March / April and, September / October

Apart from these transits….

Be mindful of your actions from the start of the year when Mars is crossing Mool gandanta….

Mars will have its retrogression in Cancer towards the end of the year. Mars will transit from Sagittarius to Cancer where it will get retro…

The results of Mars transit can be seen in Aries & Scorpio the most…

Mars will conjunct all the planets except Sun and Ketu, during its transit.

Then, Mercury, I already spoke will transit through the entire zodiac with its retrogression on Gandant point.

Mercury will finish the year with its direct motion in Scorpio again at a gandant point.

The results of Mercury transit can be felt more by Gemini and Virgo signs...

Then, Jupiter will be stationary direct at the start of the year in Ashwini at 11° and will be at a fast pace crossing the rest 20° by the end of April to enter Taurus.

Jupiter will aspect Ketu in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn from Taurus.

But before that Jupiter will conjunct Uranus in Aries which will bring sudden and unexpected turn of events….

There can be radical, long-lasting changes in Aries and its significance in our chart.

Also, signification like a personality change, surprise impact on health, our behavior and the way we deal with rest of world would change from here.

Jupiter in Taurus will bring luck, growth, and a better understanding of family and finances.

Our focus can be more on having stability in finance and family along with our eating habits, controlling our 5 senses, and improving our speech…

The interesting point of this Jupiter in Taurus is, extra speedy and crosses 27° in 5 months only & gets retro in October…. Jupiter goes back to 17°

Expect fast results from Jupiter … but be cautious as there can be mistakes and errors… which we may have to correct while in retro motion.

The impact of Jupiter’s transit can be more seen in Sagittarius and Pisces signs.

Then Venus will start the year with, in Scorpio sign…. Will transit the entire zodiac and will revisit Scorpio, Saggitarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius….

Venus will be an important planet as Jupiter will be in Bharani in the early year and also from May Jupiter will be in Taurus.

Apart from that Uranus entering Taurus will bring a remarkable shift of energies that will change our equation with family and finance permanently….

What we value may change with this transit… and Jupiter in Taurus will only enhance those changes…

There is no retrogression for Venus and the transit of Venus will impact Taurus and Libra sign the most.

Then, the most important modifier of the year will be Saturn. We do not have to do much… as 2024 is the result of giving time for our past actions…

But we have to be accepting those results and respond well to everything.

We all will be given the report card from Saturn... how far we have come and what we deserve to have in life… It will be the work of your past 30 years…

Certainly, there will be returns of all that we have done but also new responsibilities to fulfill for the upcoming time….

It’s Saturn’s year, and expect results in your career, health, long-term goals…. reformation in this area impacting your pain and suffering….

Expect long-lasting changes…As Saturn continues to influence Jupiter even in Pisces….

The impacted sign will be Capricorn and Aquarius….

Also, Saturn will transit in Shatatara where Rahu placed 2nd to Saturn.

And in Purvabhadrapada where Jupiter is initially in Aires till 30th April and then in Taurus.

This time - Between 6th April’24 and 30th April’24 will be an eventful time for both Jupiter and Saturn to give lasting impact.…

The goal of Jupiter in Aries will be achieved in April’24…. And, the agenda will be set for the next 11 years, for Jupiter.

Then, Rahu–Ketu will continue to transit Pisces-Virgo for the entire 2024.

The struggle of this Pisces-Virgo axis is to let go of ego for Rahu and to avoid a detail-oriented approach, and overthinking for Ketu...

The learnings are to be realistic about our dreams, bring harmony with the right knowledge, develop optimism, and hope but do not get into details and avoid criticism.

Rahu in Revati and Uttara Bhadrapada will be a very progressive transit if we continue to use Jupiter’s wisdom and Saturn’s hard work….

The theme of this 6-12 axis is to let go and serve to find your progress…

But it can be difficult for Ketu while it transits through Hasta and Uttara Phalguni… Any letting go will create emotional disturbance and can impact at soul level….

If we also relate Ketu with all the gandanta retrogression of Mercury then It’s going to be intense with Ketu in Hasta, especially…

Also… resistance to change will only create more problems and suffering…. So, acceptance is the key here for everyone’s well-being…

With 2024, the more we willingly accept things in front of us…. better it will be for us…. We are not choosers ... we just have to take what is given to us….

Then for Uranus, Just one point – Uranus in Bharani will have some lasting impact on Venus and its signification…

That will set the stage for the goal of Uranus in Taurus… But then Uranus will enter Kritika – Sun’s nakshatra.

Government and authorities will be involved to make some major change in the way finances are handled… and dealt with by everyone.

Neptune will get direct in Purvabhadrapada in Pisces where Jupiter is in Aires and then in Uttara Bhadrapada where Saturn is 12th to Neptune…

Now, the planet of dreams and illusion even deception is joining hands with Rahu – a shadow planet… enhancing those qualities…

There can be more fantasy .. maya and it is very important to stay grounded, realistic and not flow with the currents…

Otherwise, Saturn can show the reality in a challenging way…. Both Neptune and Rahu will be mostly in Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra …

Lastly, Pluto, the planet of control and forced change… will be in Uttara Shada – Sun’s nakshatra throughout 2024….

Expect major power struggles, surprises, and change.

Wikipedia says we have Precedential elections of major and big countries…. China, Russia, Ukraine, the US, and in Roman countries…

There is a general election for Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Panama, Mexico, and, Bharat… also there is a European Parliament election.

Not sure, if this is a normal case….

The most impacted sign will be Leo and the planet Sun… which represents authorities, government, our health, film industries, education, and children.

Pluto in Saturn’s sign will certainly further increase the transformative tendency of 2024…

Let us see in brief… what we can expect for each sign broadly…

The focus in this reading will be more on what Saturn is trying to give and the signs Aries and Aquarius….

Do reflect on the developments, Jupiter brought you while in Aires…. The theme will be around those areas of our life, for the next 10 years….

2024 will be the 1st step ahead towards that….

And the results, you may experience will be of your natal Saturn and its lordship…. Capricorn and Aquarius…

Aries: With 2024-your development will be more on self, health, and relations.

The results you will experience can be in having professional growth, stability, and your long-term desires will be fulfilled.

Expect freedom from chaos, and benefits from foreign collaborations, but beware of losses or increased expenses.

Taurus: ?In 2024, your long-term focus will be, to reform and bring change in your life at each level, settle abroad, spend time with nature and have a peaceful life, reflect more on health, and work on expenses.

Expect the result of your endurance and hard work. Excellent time for having new direction, opportunities, success, and support…in your work this year...

Gemini: ?Your focus this year will be to increase your network, make new connections, and be more active in public life.

This can help you to have a better understanding of life, improve your perceptions of life, and put more effort into having more knowledge but also go for pleasure trips and have fun too…

Cancer: ?Expect huge improvement in your working conditions that can bring major changes in the way you work. Your problems will find the right solutions.

This may involve, high efforts, and challenges but also excellent results. 2024 is the year to come out of your comfort zone, travel, and get into a new zone.

Leo: 2024 may bring major changes, appreciation, bringing luck, success, togetherness, lasting relations, and new business partnerships.

Expect?multiple opportunities for growth at each level and sharing your skills while considering other's viewpoints also….

Virgo: 2024 will bring lucky breakthroughs with some ups and downs. Expect better health, image, new job prospects, and increased potential.

It’s time to make the right choices and move ahead in life with fresh goals... Now no challenges can stop you from achieving growth and expansion….

Libra: 2024 can give a grand new start in your relations, developing new business collaborations for future goals….

But also, transformation in family life and competitive work life. Expect more than one opportunity and all-round support from everyone….

Scorpio: 2024 will elevate your status in life. All your hard work and patience in your career, with yourself and others will have well-deserved rewards.

Finally, you will have a peaceful, & stable environment in the family and home front. Now, your focus will be on having control, power, and status over others.

Sagittarius: ?2024 can give you freedom from all your mental and other blocks from the circumstances…

Expect increased courage and strength to endure challenging situations with ease…encouraging you to enhance your talents and new learnings. You may also change your home or working place.

Capricorn: ?Eventful year for you where you may have status and multiple chances of growth and progress.

You may even choose to work from home, use your talents, or even relocate for a career. Expect more strength, frequent travel, and progress in writing, in the marketing field.

Aquarius: ?Certainly 2024 will change your life path, giving you, new direction, courage to have more responsibility, face your challenges, and bring transformation at all levels…

Your personality, health, and finances will be better. But be generous while dealing with family and the rest of the world

Pisces: ?With 2024, your focus will be having more income sources, bringing stability within family life, and achieving success and prosperity at the workplace.

You have clear goals and plans to work on. Your image and approach would change for good. All your hard work and your consistent effort in the past will be recognized.

The takeaway from this article is:

Certainly, 2024 will set the stage for new responsibility, change, and elevation in our life… at some level where Taurus is placed.

Saturn will give lasting results to Aquarius and Capricorn …

The base of both of these impacts will be the role played by Aries and Jupiter since 2023 in our life…

2024 can give us, new ways of thinking and discarding the old patterns… be it for self, family, or the way we handle finances….

We all are heading towards change…. we will be rewarded for everything that we have done in the past… good or bad everything…and now with this year, there is no escape now….

Pradeep Chhawcharia

Director Centre of Excellence in Robotics and Automation

1 年

what a detailed analysis... excellent


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