Overthinking and Us

Overthinking and Us

I can't sleep, what would happen, I think I am not worthy of it, what do I know, maybe they don’t like me…

Sentences like these are a part of our lives whether we like it or not. Worrying about things is a normal part of our journey of being human. Troubles start when this normal thing starts taking control of our life, costing our present moments and happiness.?

Overthinking is a word that is mostly associated with negatives-dwelling on bad experiences, worrying about the future, rehashing the things that you have no control over, and so on. Researches show that if habits like overthinking are left unchecked, they can take a toll on our well-being, resulting in mental health issues like depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and borderline personality disorder. To break this habit, it is important to first take a note of what triggers your overthinking and then take the required measures to overcome it. There are some of the steps you can take:

Take a step back

The most significant thing when something negative hits you is to step back and watch how you react. Give yourself a pep talk and tell yourself a positive affirmation like I am okay, I will be fine, I have to live in the present, etc.?


Sometimes no matter how hard you try, you don’t have any control over your thoughts at times like these. It is significant to have control over one thing that you can not live without, your breathing pace. Try to take slow and deep breaths. Having control of your breaths will relax you and also help you filter out unnecessary thoughts.

Regulate automatic negative thinking?

Instead of automatically thinking about the negative outcome of any situation, practice positivity, like saying positive affirmation or thinking of positive scenarios. You will have a hard time doing that, but practice makes a man perfect. So until positivity starts coming to you naturally, keep practicing it.?

Finding a distraction?

Taking up a hobby or listening to your favorite music can also help you tremendously. Researches show when a person’s mind is constantly overcrowded with thoughts, having a hobby with repetitive actions like knitting or listening to a particular genre of songs on repeat can make a person feel calm.

Practice mindfulness?

Paying attention, living in the moment, being kind and grateful to others as well as to yourself. They are some simple ways in which you can practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is a type of meditation, an age-old word that needs no praise. Studies show that people who meditate daily have more control over their lives. They are decisive and found to be more relaxed and happy. If you want to practice more structured mindfulness such as body scan meditation, sitting meditation, walking meditation, etc. firstly try and see which one helps you better before incorporating it into your daily life.?

Be kind to yourself?

Your past does not define you, nor can you beat yourself for things you have done wrong yesterday. Let them go, they are not part of your present moment. Be compassionate to yourself and focus all your energy on the present.?

Ask for help?

For not letting overthinking take control and disrupt your life you need to take the measures and if they don’t work ask for help. You can ask a loved one like a family member or a friend to be your reminder or cheerleader or simply your listener and even if all of these end up not going your way go to an expert, a professional therapist can help you tremendously. Remember, you are not alone; you just have to ask for it.?

When overthinking stops you from living your best life(by hindering your social, personal, or professional life) take a deep breath and remember life is way bigger than those thoughts on your mind, don’t let those anxious thoughts make you forget that. You are the author of your life. Whatever you write in your mind will be the story you will find yourself to be the protagonist of. So when negativity starts taking hold, and your overthinking seems in charge, remember that it's your story, and you are the hero and heroes find their strengths and equip themselves with the best tools available to fight back, they don’t kneel in front of mere side villains, they look at the bigger picture, a better future.


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