“Overhead” and charitable giving: please think twice!
Thanks to Gateway Association for the opportunity to speak out on the "war on overhead" that is consuming donors and charities!

“Overhead” and charitable giving: please think twice!

I had the opportunity to write about a topic that has been on my mind for many years now, both as a BoardSource Certified Governance Trainer as well as being the co-leader of a charitable organization: the “war on overhead”that has been afflicting charities for much of the past decade. You can download this issue of The Lens (an initiative of the Gateway Association) from https://bzbz.ca/TheLensOverhead or check out all of the issues (and sign up for future editions) at https://gatewayassociation.ca/lens/ I would be very interested in your feedback about my article and whether or not it changed your views about the role of overhead in assessing the performance of charitable organizations!


