Overdoing it is... bad.
Just for the sake of argument, let's pretend you spent the first year and a half of the pandemic lounging on the couch, panic-eating Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia, and spending so much time scrolling through your phone that you now have a budding of carpal tunnel syndrome.
Not that you'd ever let yourself go like that!
But if you did, you wouldn't then start an exercise regime that involved running 15 miles per day and dead-lifting upwards of 80 pounds. Because that would be nuts! Your body would not thank you.
So if you've been letting clutter accumulate for decades (and who hasn't?) please don't decide that you can clear it all out in a weekend or two. Because your mind and spirit will not thank you.
Both those scenarios are what we might call setting yourself up for failure.
If you want to let go of the stuff that's been collecting in corners and closets, do yourself a favor. Start slow. Take regular small actions that will get you results.
Build the muscles.
And a perfect way to do that? Is to join my membership, of course! Because if you want to get fit, you start with easy exercises. And if you want a tidier, emptier, more peaceful home, you start with easy tasks.
And that's what the membership is all about. A pathway to success, built on small tasks and simple strategy. I'll lead you down the path. You'll end up at your happier home.