Overcoming Your Limitations

Overcoming Your Limitations

Breaking Free of Your Boundaries

It’s a well-accepted fact that life rarely tests us with an abundance of success, comfort and happiness. For most of us, the rockier parts of the road invariably involve a great deal of discomfort. Life’s tougher times usually involve losing those things that are important to us. Have you ever hit rock bottom? Do you know what it feels like to be broke? Have you ever faced complete failure and felt like quitting? Was the pain of your loss so extreme that you decided you could never take a hit like that again?

?There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or the bright rays of hope.

-??????Bernard Williams

Disasters. They might not be something you’d ever wish for yourself – let alone wish for your enemies! – because they can prove to be extremely uncomfortable, sobering experiences that test you to the limit. And all too often, they feel like they’re capable of breaking you.

When you’ve been crushed by a serious defeat or reversal and wondered whether you’ve got the strength to get back up and keep going, there are some important principles to bear in mind whilst you’re licking your wounds and plotting to make your comeback.

There is no better than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time.

-??????Malcolm X

Your ability to overcome life’s inevitable setbacks, losses and challenges is precisely what will define you in the future.

In the first instance, defeat rarely comes in a form that you’d expect. In other words, it’s never convenient. The setback never hammers your resilience at a time of your choosing. Obviously, it’s never a good time to feel the force of a wrecking ball as it lays waste to your world. It usually homes in your area of greatest vulnerability. That’s the unwelcome nature of the challenges that we must face in our lives.

We can prepare for many kinds of potential problems. That’s a facet of good planning in any environment. We can look for signs of danger and take appropriate action well in advance. That’s always a good strategy. But life isn’t always so easy and convenient to predict. And when the storm blows in and devastates our world, we need to know in our hearts that we can survive, recover and rise above the debris to start again and rebuild our dreams.

Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though chequered by failure rather than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a grey twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.

-??????Theodore Roosevelt

When disaster strikes, though it goes against your initial instinctive reaction, it’s very helpful to take several large steps back and give yourself some space to view the situation from a critically impartial distance. This distancing helps you to see the problem in context. The closer you are to the difficulty, the more threatening it appears. Distance creates a clearer perspective and helps you to engage your logical, analytical mind, the part of your brain that is best suited to resolving problems. Turning down the fear response is essential in assessing the situation and evaluating possible solutions. To be brutal and even though you might be raging against the situation, this really isn’t the time for emotion.

Be prepared to seek advice. If the problem is catastrophic, this could be a good time to get expert help and professional assistance in exploring all the options. Remember, whenever possible, to slow down and take as much time as you need. Hasty decisions in a crisis are often shaped by emotional influences. Rushing into a course of action based on emotional considerations could make the situation worse. In the aftermath of a destructive storm, logic has to rule.

The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.

-??????Robert Green Ingersoll

It’s also very helpful to own the problem, even when it seems completely beyond your influence. Ownership confers responsibility and that puts you in charge of the situation. After a serious setback, it can feel deeply empowering to remember that you still exercise control and influence in the way your life unfolds. It changes your mindset from victim – ‘Why did this have to happen to me?’ - to volunteer – ‘I created this and that also means I can get myself out of it.’

Disasters can be extremely uncomfortable but they are not forever. A new day will offer fresh opportunities. Catastrophic setbacks can suck the life, energy and enthusiasm right out of your sails but they’re rarely fatal. If you’re feeling the pain of defeat, it also means you’re still alive. You’re still breathing. And you’re absolutely capable of responding to the challenge.

By assessing the problem and identifying the most appropriate strategy for recovery and getting yourself back on track, you recognise that – despite the pain and discomfort – you’re still able to channel your energy and resources in the cause of achieving your goals, dreams and ambitions.

You also recognise that you are fully capable of dealing with these inevitable setbacks. You can recognise that one of the unforeseen benefits of the catastrophe is that you can finally free yourself from the fear of failure. You accept that major setbacks are a natural part of life but you develop a deep and robust confidence in your ability to survive against all the odds. That’s an extremely powerful realisation that will equip to handle much bigger challenges in the future.

All growth is painful. But that’s how we learn to develop our inner strengths, the essential foundations on which all our successes are built.

The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of those depths.????????????

- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Our mission and our daily motivation at The Wellness Foundation is to help you achieve your goals, fulfil your dreams and help you realise your ambitions.

If you found this suggestion helpful and recognise the need to prepare for major setbacks and crises, take the opportunity to make contingency plans today. Strengthen your heart and your will. And know that you will overcome life’s adversities.

In the meantime, please feel free to share this post. Encourage all of your family, your friends, colleagues and acquaintances to harness their deeper potential for a better and more successful way of experiencing and enjoying the gift of this life to the max.

It’s our intention to be a positive force for change in the world. Let’s help everyone to rise above their limitations and enjoy greater levels of freedom, happiness, inner calm and success in all areas of their lives.

Together, we really can make the world a better place.

If you'd like to discuss your own needs in a challenging world, feel free to get in touch. You can reach me at:

[email protected]



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