Overcoming your Anxiety

Overcoming your Anxiety

Thought for Thursday!

The second part in a three? part series focused on this time wasting, energy zapping, mind scrabbling emotion!

PART TWO…How anxiety causes you to go crazy!???

You wake up to your heart pounding and head spinning , like a weighted blanket you feel dread and despair envelop you…

Your body, your mind, your very energy is emanating? “something is very badly wrong here”...

Let Impact & Thrive stop that anxiety overdrive!?

The answer to…

Why anxiety is created in the brain (part 1: see last weeks thought for thursday)

How this is making you go crazy… (part 2: today )


What’s going to help make things right! (part 3: next week )

How anxiety is sending you crazy!?

Firstly? let's discern between worry and? anxiety…?

WORRY vs ANXIETY…yes there is a difference!


Worry is what derives from the mind, worry is superficial, you are worried about a specific thing and you can easily see it in your mind.

?It is generally short lived and it's easy for your mind to conceptualise since it derives from issues that originate in your external environment.

You will also find that when your attention is drawn to other things, worry is easily forgotten and dissipated, at least for a time.?

When someone asks” what are you worried about?” you can readily and clearly explain the situation, event or circumstances.

When you then look to your mind to find the solution to the worry often the fix or at least a couple of ideas are readily available and so the worry soon passes and normal brain activity can resume.?

Now ANXIETY is a very different beast!???

The very word? anxiety is a feeling not a thought, this means its origin does not derive externally like worry, it is in fact a feeling within the body,? this feeling is coming from your solar plexus which? puts pressure on your nervous system.?

This is why anxiety is a whole body experience, involving? (when really in full gear) increased heart rate, shortness of breath, shaking, sweating and a whole host of other physical experiences .


This overwhelm of the nervous systems sends a signal to the brain for the amygdala and the other two key players, the hippocampus and hypothalamus? (see part 1) that there is an attack going on which directly compromise your survival, this is what leads to a cascade of adrenaline and cortisol, thus adding more fuel to the aforementioned whole body experience.?

Instead of the brain realising this is simply a system overload originating in the body, it goes to the mind to try and explain this issue and here is where things get crazy…

You have always been told “your mind holds the key”...”go to your mind to find the answer”...but the problem is when the issue derives from the nervous system your mind is NOT your authority.?

Yes your mind can generally cure your worry, as worry is something that can be conceptualised and the solution is usually simple and tangible.?


Your mind can NOT cure your anxiety…?

When asked “what you anxious about?”

What comes out of your mouth?…

Usually it is something along the lines of ”I don't know” or “nothing, I'm just feeling? anxious!”...

Exactly your FEELING it, it's not a thought so it can't be conceptualised and fixed by the mind like a tangible? worry.

When you go to your mind it will then look for something tangible to explain what is essentially just an overwhelm of emotion and too much pressure on the? nervous system.?

It then creates a story or an issue, deriving from past experience (an experience that caused physical or emotional harm)? or a projection of something that could happen in the future, it will catastrophize or become paranoid and create a terrible outcome, normally related to financial stability or health of yourself or loved ones.?

This issue is that this stuff is either? no longer in existence (the past)? or will never happen (the future)? so can not be fixed!

Your poor mind is left confused and overwhelmed and stuck in a loop of irrational thoughts.

This then causes more brain disruption ultimately leading to increased amygdala hijack and an overwhelming and unnecessary? release of adrenaline and cortisol.?

The result of your mental gymnastics?...

Sleep disruption: ?Leading to further confusion and distortion of reality…hello insomnia.?

Poor nutrition: Being so tired you will crave high sugar quick fixes for energy and fatalistic pleasure and a way of stuffing down all that energy…hello binge eating.??

Little Exercise: Due to the physical exhaustion of constantly being on high alert structured exercise is the first thing to go…goodbuy string body and? feel good hormones.

The feeling of anxiety is not the big issue here..

The big issue is only how you perceive it and handle it…

Now you know WHAT doesnt work and WHY,? you cant start to use the right tools and techniques to see anxiety for what is…

Not a monster in your mind but simply? a disruption in the body…

There is nothing to fix, just something to feel and release!

Stay tuned for and discover the right tools for the job!?


To be continued…


For immediate relief via Solution Focused Hypnotherapy? and more information on the brain and this topic:?

Contact your wellness coach Jodie today!?

Call or text: 07446020904

Email: [email protected]?

Visit: impactandthrive.co.uk?

Services include :

  • ?Solution Focused? Hypnotherapy &? Breath Workshops
  • ?Lifestyle coaching
  • Personal Training, Nutrition & Wellness Package
  • Massage and Acupuncture

See how others have made an impact in their body, health and mind?!

Claire Wozencroft

Empowering Businesses with Flexible Sales & Marketing Solutions | Offering Interim, Ad Hoc, and Outsourced Services for those ready to optimise sales without committing to full-time resources

4 个月

Wow great article so well explained!! Love how you’ve linked everything together and made it so clear.

Jodie Natasha

The self development hippy that is practical NOT trippy...Taking successful but BURNT OUT business owners to ALIGNMENT, PURPOSE and AUTHENTICITY Live the life you so richly DESERVE... The one you are DESIGNED for!

4 个月

