Overcoming Resistance
Tina ?? Lorenz
The Divine Equation?: Where Mindset Meets Momentum ?? YOU: Dissolving Limiting Beliefs?Aligning Magnetic Messaging?Living Your Purpose ?? ME: Celestial Sherpa??Board Certified Hypnotist?21+Yrs Copywriting & Marketing
Five Common Obstacles to Your Success
Have you ever felt like you’re spinning your wheels, caught in a cycle of procrastination and self-doubt?
You’re not alone. Resistance is a sneaky adversary that can derail even the most determined among us.
But what if you could identify and overcome the subtle ways your mind tricks you into staying stuck? Let’s dive into the five common obstacles that might be holding you back and discover practical steps to break free and move forward.
1. Procrastination Masquerading as Productivity
Have you ever found yourself cleaning the kitchen instead of tackling a big project? This form of resistance tricks us into thinking we're productive when we're really avoiding important tasks.
It stems from self-doubt, fear, and rationalization. Recognize these moments and understand that resistance is getting a grip on you.
2. The Busy Badge of Honor
Many of us claim to be too busy. But is it true?
Often, we distract ourselves with social media or Netflix instead of focusing on our goals. Feeling busy can be a smokescreen for avoiding challenging tasks that push us out of our comfort zones.
Are you willing to receive this insight today?
3. Addicted to the Chase
Do you buy too many courses or attend every seminar, but never implement what you learn?
This addiction to the chase provides a dopamine hit without facing the discomfort of real action. Our brain feels rewarded, but we stay stuck.
Break this cycle by committing to taking real action.
4. Overwhelmed and Fatigued
Feeling excessively tired, unable to focus, or just overwhelmed? This physical manifestation of stress is our body's way of protecting us.
Our brain perceives challenges as threats, leading to a stress response. Recognize these symptoms and understand they are linked to resistance.
5. Saying "I Can't"
"I can't" is often a cover for "I won't."
It’s a way we fool ourselves. Instead, acknowledge this and say, "I choose not to."
Notice the words you use and how they shape your actions. Our brain is malleable and can change throughout our lives, so we can shift our beliefs and behaviors.
Three Steps to Defuse Resistance
1. Acknowledge It: Notice and acknowledge your resistance. Be willing to feel what you feel and recognize avoidant behaviors.
2. Establish Routine: Create regular work habits. Practice your craft daily, even if it's just for 15-20 minutes. This builds new neural pathways and moves you from incompetence to confidence.
3. Identify Triggers: Reflect on past experiences that might trigger resistance. Journaling can help uncover deep-seated fears and beliefs. Embrace these insights and take small, manageable steps to create new habits.
Take a Small Step Today
What’s one small step you can take today? Awareness is the first step to change. No one can do this for you; you have to be willing to do it yourself.
If you’d like to explore this further in a safe, non-judgmental space, book a call with me at tinalorenz.com/talk. No pressure or pitches--just two humans having a real conversation.
Also, join me for this week's LinkedIn Live topic--
3 Steps to Becoming 'Unstuckable'.
Thursday, May 30th, 11 am Eastern/8 am Pacific.
Loving you and holding you as powerful,
Tina Lorenz??
PS: Feeling stuck isn't a fun feeling--but it's an extremely common one. Especially when it's because you feel called to something MORE you're meant to be.
Let's start getting "unstuckified" with 3 essential steps.
On LinkedIn. Thursday--11 am Eastern. BE there!