Overcoming Price Objections 101. Part 1.
Rich Russakoff
Internationally Renowned Speaker, Serial Entrepreneur, #1 Amazon Best Selling Author & Coach of 7 EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award Winners, and over 100 INC. 500 Award Winners.Sc
What Buyers and Customers Really Need
?Before we allow buyers to pressure us to lower our price, we should analyze our customers' needs instead of what the customers say they need.
?What do buyers need?
?Ask yourself the following questions:
?What do buyers like?
?The ability to sell is not just a function of salesmanship; it isn't even just a function of high quality.?
?The primary reason buyers claim your price is too high is they are looking for a better deal.
The buyer has nothing to lose and everything to gain by asking for a better price.?
?When you hear the words "Your price is too high", it is a sign that you have not achieved the essential aspect of the sales process.?
?You have not justified the price.?
?The buyer weighs what you have told them about the products' features and benefits? against the quoted price.
?We must create value.
?We create value by sharing with the customer all the benefits relevant to their needs.
?It requires extensive product knowledge and the discipline not to trim the presentation because of its repetition.?
?When they tell you your price is too high:
?Are price buyers worth it?
"If your customer truly needs a lower price, you can't afford to sell to them."
- Cletus Peichl
?"Perhaps the reason price is all your customers care about is because you haven't given them anything else to care about."
– Seth Godin
?Part 2, out next monday, will focus on the "The SALEability Checklist".
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?Get a copy of Rich’s Amazon Best Seller book People Time & Money Vol 2 HERE.