Sherman B. Bradley
Pastor Podcaster Public Speaker Author Consultant Spiritual Director
Nelson Mandela said, "We must strive to be moved by a generosity of spirit that will enable us to outgrow the hatred and conflicts of the past." and "We must all strive to be inspired by a deep-seated love of our country, without regard to race, color, gender or station in life." Wow, "without regard" is truly easier said than done. An extremely lofty notion to say the least. Because it is far easier to live in hatred and strife, especially when the systems of your country continue in disparities and exploitation along race, class and gender. For me an African American male who faces daily stigmas, stressors like driving, or just being in society as a black male. But so you understand, I've been treated suspiciously while wearing a hoodie and followed around in a department store while browsing minding my own business. I've noticeably been treated different in my Jordan's sweat suit verses in a Dress Suit and Tie and I've been pulled over by the police yet given no explanation except 'you look like someone of interest'. How nebulous is that? I've been called the N-word and told need to stay with my kind.
To some I am clearly posing a threat because of centuries of propaganda leading to jaded and misguided souls who think I am inferior and dangerous. And the list could go on. These are traumatic experiences we really don't give much - if any - credence to. Yet they are real and perplexing for millions and millions of Americans. And the ones I've mentioned here are minor and others have faced far more egregious discrimination and racism.
Therefore, it makes it excruciating and overtly challenging - to say the least - to not be offended. Or shall I say, to not act on being offended. And who better to take notes from, garner wisdom from and model such a thought after than Nelson Mandela? He truly optimizes "taking no offense". Did he get angry, mad, disgusted, or anxious, probably. Did he have thoughts to vile to state aloud? I'm bet he did. Nevertheless he modeled with sheer supremacy what it means to be angry and sin not, to not let the sun go down on your wrath. To forgive so that greater attributes of healing and unity can take center stage for all the world to see. The picture attached to this blog is of a pile of no ordinary set of rocks. These stones of which Nelson Mandela placed the first along with every other inmate due to leave Robin Island upon its closure. It was a request for all the prisoners who were willing to leave a memorial stone to collectively set aside their anger and not take it with them from the prison into freedom. A freedom that started with a reconditioning of their minds. Who won't be offended? These men won't!
Wow, what a request and what an accomplishment. What determination and loyalty for Nelson Mandela for these men, to all agree to forgive, to heal when things clearly were not yet right in their country. There is a lot we can learn from this man and these few stones.
Resentment is like drinking poison and hoping it will kill your enemies. - Nelson Mandela. Let forgiveness be the salve that saves you as well as the offender. There in lies our victory and ability to chart a new course for the future of our nation.