Overcoming the Lack of Drive and Motivation: Recent case studies of business transformation.

Overcoming the Lack of Drive and Motivation: Recent case studies of business transformation.

Two years ago when I set of on this Business Coaching journey, I got it completely wrong and I'm proud to admit that (we all learn from failing "right").

The last two years have taught me a lot, about what business owners and leaders are searching for and what they really need. From the outset I was a full of beans, ambitious and ready to change the world, with a bucket full of ideas, loads of success stories and meeting some incredible people.

Its been tough though and tiring at times, giving away what I thought everyone wanted. It's draining and didn't really get results that I'd dreamed about.

I'd spent time researching and comparing other competitors, trying to be different, trying to be better. But in reality, and in hindsight, I think that THEY got it wrong too.

In my opinion, Business owners. leaders and even manager to a certain extent are all searching for clarity. That's it, Nothing bigger, Nothing smaller. Clarity of what there future holds, Clarity of what there business is capable of, Clarity of what the next 3-5 years will look like.

Clarity is a magical thing and I've learnt recently that being part of a family business who actively fought against any form of business planning, caused me to search for the answers, to find different ways of achieving the desired result, to search for ways of developing our plan for success. Succession became my driver and understanding what my exit looked like.

Our business was an old established business of 35 years, now second generation with the owners still hanging on for more. Hugely successful but like a ship without a captain. The owners spending more and more time away from the business, while the rest of the family turned up and did what they did best (making money).

A team of 52 people loosely moving or drifting in a similar direction, the constant battle to find more people or hang on to the ones that we had, spending huge amounts of money on recruitment fee's.

Until one day, I had an idea!

What if there was a better way, a different way to motivate and inspire and lead the team to success. Allowing them to take over and run the business for us.

This was the start of our transformation journey and I'd love to share the finer details one day, just reach out and Let's have that chat

Below I'd like to share two recent case studies, of why I now know that this is what others are searching for too

Recent experiences

Large Contracting business

The current owners and board have just gone through a Management Buy Out, full of beans and a story very similar to mine. They'd been part of a great business that had grown and become hugely successful, now employing around 30 people. Business was good, things were going OK and they had money in the bank. But the current MD wasn't happy, wasn't feeling fulfilled and starting to experience a disconnection, the business felt like it had 3 owners all doing different things, all trying their best to make their on departments do better.

They were searching for a way to bring everyone together like I needed to years ago, A way to get everyone rowing the same boat, in the same direction.

The reality here was that following the MBO, the new MD realised that they didn't actually have a plan of their own, they were still living the legacy of someones else's plan.

That's it then, that's the answer. we need our own plan. So over the next 2-3 months we worked together and developed a new plan, a growth plan, with a view on their own succession. This has been life changing for the team, they are now so focused on what they need, what they are creating and most importantly WHY they are doing this. they understand what the outcome will be if we achieve set markers.

Needless to say, the business is flying, with more focus, passion, drive and ambition than they ever could have hoped for. Turnover is rising, profit is increasing and the teams are happy, knowing they too are part of this journey.

Manufacturing Business

Similar story to the above but with no buy out this time.

The current owner was a second generation owner who ended up taking of the business, more by accident than by design. Really not enjoying what they did, so decided to change the direction of the business resulting in a family dispute. suffering in silence for years but still pushing forward, eventually being forced to buy out the other family member which caused unbelievable hardship and suffering.

Managing to gather his thoughts, continued to push on with support from his team and a loving family who believed in him. The business grew, became very focused on what it wanted to become. But this is hard work on a different level, battling with everything, not having the skills or expertise to be good at everything. Daily battles, wearing all the hats of business ownership.

Jump forward a few years and they now have a great team, the business had grown, doing well and making good money. Life's ok and they all enjoy spending time together. But the owner is now getting tired, tired of being responsible for every single part of the business. The great team that he created aren't really owning their roles, they aren't stepping up and taking the pressure off him as he looks to his exit in the years to come.

And here lies the similarity to my business and every other business that I've worked with over the last two years. Its CLARITY again with a view to Succession.

Were now working alongside this business to create a plan for the next 3-5 years, What is the collective vision, what does this business need to look like?, What does it need to provide the entire family with? What does the team need? A million question that all need to be answered by everyone involved. Once we have this, we understand our Purpose, Our Vision, our Mission and we will have our Direction.

THIS is Succession and THIS is what we do on the way to the SUMMIT


Clarity is the key to overcoming the lack of Drive and Motivation, None of us can function for long, without understanding what or why were doing this.

Your Purpose is everything and truly understanding your Mission, Vision and Values changes everything if you take the time to explore this.

We all need Succession in whatever format is needed, It could be legacy, It could be an MBO/EOT or even just a sale. Either way, you'll need your team on board to achieve it.

Clarity will motivate you to want to succeed every single day, and it was this clarity that allowed me to share with my whole team what I was trying to achieve and WHY I needed them to help me. I finally realised that this journey wasn't about just me, It was about them too, and all they were searching for was the same Clarity of what their future looked like. Once I shared the plan, they understood and helped me to achieve my goals, My whole team now run the business that we struggled to run for years, allowing me to share my expertise and knowledge. this is what drive me nowadays and I hope one day that i may be able to help you too.

Closing Thoughts

Thank you for being a part of this journey. Let's continue to challenge the status quo and build a brighter future for our teams and ourselves.

THIS - is exactly what we do at Summit - East Lancashire

We work with you and your teams to redefine what that compelling vision of the future looks like, yeah sure, we'll set some goals. But the magic is working together as a team, get your board together in the same room, plan this stuff together. Get your managers involved.


Then get in touch here - Summit - East Lancashire . We offer free a 90 minute Business Mapping Session, so that we can understand what you're trying to achieve.

This is so achievable. Trust me "I did it", so can you. It's all about re-framing your purpose and your mission and then sharing your journey.


Kerrie Walton (Medlicott)

??People.Do.Work. Looking to grow, scale or exit your business? Let’s talk. ?? Use our Destiny Map?? to harness the full power of your team & guide your business to success.

2 个月

Love this Chris...you're so right about the power of clarity. From top to bottom it's powerful: as a team member it's empowering to know what's expected of you and where the business is heading.



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