Overcoming the Issues of Relocating to China
Beata Staszkow, CEO ★ A Trusted Board Advisor ★ Business Mentor ★ Global Career Coach
Dedicated to Ethical Leadership?Helping to Maximise Your Impact ? Enhancing Your Personal Brand
Discover how to do Business in China
Realise that more is expected of you as an Expat
Understand the Importance of the State in Chinese Business
Prepare for the Middle Kingdom
As an expat destination China with its prosperous and growing economy is hard to beat. It promises excellent pay and benefits and a low cost of living when compared to the west. China combines both the industrial and the exotic. When an executive travels to the Middle Kingdom, the readjustment for his or her family is a significant factor in the executive’s success.
This post talks about the issues you may encounter if you relocate to China.
Although Chinese businesses like to hire Chinese people there are still plenty of opportunities for people to relocate to pursue an expat career. China is largely short of skills among its people, and this has opened the doors of opportunity. A recent survey showed it to be among the most favoured expat destination in the world.
Opportunities for non Chinese come from foreign owned companies establishing themselves in the country, and to a degree from Chinese companies, although these tend to be harder to land due to language and cultural barriers.
Understanding the State’s Importance to doing Business in China
A concept you have to grasp as an expat executive to do business in China is how to negotiate with Chinese authorities. When compared to the US or Europe, China is in a league of its own and the chances are you have never had to factor in state policy. To be successful you have to factor in the government’s priorities into your business strategy. It is not a simple case of wining and dining the right people, or knowing the ‘right people’.
The more successful CEOs speak to the right people but only to learn about possible forth coming policy. This is mostly because the need the information to adjust strategy to stay ahead of the game.
Standards are higher for you
As an expat working in China, more will be expected of you in every aspect of your work. You will be expected to perform beyond your Chinese counterparts and have far more responsibility as a result. You will be judged not just on sales, but other factors to like how engaged your employees are with the company.
This is a cultural shift you will not have experienced and will be expected to learn quickly. Taking a “When in China” attitude is a mistake; you have to go beyond this.
Global Standards Local Ways
The fact is a lot of executives are kept awake at night by compliance issues. Aspects such as health and safety and human resources are often mired in the communist era. As such plenty of foreign owned business has invested heavily in its infrastructure just to make a workplace safer. This a see-change for many Chinese. In the communist era dying on the job was thought to bring honour to their family.
Cutting it in China
China will challenge you like you have never been challenged before. These issues barely scratch the surface. The adventure and rewards however make that effort worth it.
Get Ready for China
If you are considering an expat move to China, then we can help prepare you for the leap. Our services will ensure the key elements are on point: CV/Resume, LinkedIn Profile, and Executive Brand.
You will also be able to leverage our local marketplace expertise and gain access to our exclusive list of headhunters and recruiters that work for Chinese based companies.
Click here and hit the ‘I want Expat Services’ button and schedule your free thirty minute online consultation in the first instance.