Overcoming The Fear Of Starting Your Own Team

Overcoming The Fear Of Starting Your Own Team

If you’ve been paying attention, you know I believe there’s a tremendous opportunity to scale your business starting now and all throughout 2021.

Like, big time.

And to take full advantage of it, you might need to hire some help and start growing your team.

Did you just shudder?

Because I know… whether it’s hiring an assistant, a transaction coordinator, some marketing support, or another sales agent, many people admit to me they are SCARED to take on that added responsibility.

And I understand. It’s one thing to do your thing on your own and see how far that gets you. It’s another thing entirely to have employees or additional agents on your team who are looking to you for a salary, or advice, or leads, or a combination of all of those… and more.

But without taking that step, you’re only preventing your own growth.


Using Fear as Motivation

If this hits home with you, here’s my advice…

Use your fear as motivation. You and I both know when our backs are to the wall, that’s often when we perform at our best.

So take on that added responsibility, and let it ignite a fire in your belly.

I say this next part with 100% love…

Embrace it, stop messing around, and get your ass in gear. You have an opportunity to build something really special here, and now is the time to strike.

I’m a big believer in the thought, “I’d rather die going for what I want rather than suffer from the regret of never trying.”


Here’s the Objective…

Imagine a day where you don’t have to worry about handling paperwork.

Think of how much more you could achieve if you could focus all your energy on dollar-productive activities.

Because that’s the goal of making that first hire, or adding to your team… to free yourself up and delegate the tasks that need to get done but don’t move your business forward.

The more time you can spend talking to people on the phone and going on appointments, the more closings you’re going to have. And the more money you’re going to make.

Hiring help will allow you to focus on whatever it is you do best:

  • Connecting with your database & prospects
  • Following up and nurturing leads to schedule appointments
  • Going on appointments
  • Launching listings
  • All of the above

Not only are you creating the potential to make vastly more money, but you’ll enjoy what you’re doing much more as well!


Let Me Pro-Actively Overcome Your Objections

I can hear some of you now:

“I dunno Tom… I just feel like I can handle it all myself and don’t need to pay someone else.”

If this way of thinking resonates with you, I have some questions for you:

  • Do you grow, hunt, and prepare all of your own food?
  • Do you cut your own hair?
  • Do you weave your own fabrics and make all your clothes?

My point is to stop kidding yourself… You’re trading money for time and experiences in many aspects of your life already. Why not apply that same approach to scale your business like a rocketship and set a course for big things throughout the rest of your life?


Here’s Where to Start

If you’re still not quite sure whether or not a team is right for you, check out this TEAM SPOTLIGHT blog from earlier this year, written by Debbie Holloway, who runs our Team+ coaching program. It will help you decide if you’re ready for expansion.

If you already know you need to start building your team but the FEAR is holding you back, I strongly encourage you to join us for an upcoming Elevate event, The Recruiting Code with Debbie Holloway. It happens on Thursday, November 19 at 8AM Pacific.

Don’t worry if you’re all “zoom” session-ed out… Elevate events are only three hours and packed with vital information you need, or your money back.

Trade a few dollars for more time doing what you do best, and I promise you it will pay off in spades!


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