Overcoming the fear of speaking
Angy Nandanee Chadee
???? Breakthrough English coach using an innovative method of changing lives one student at a time!
Fear is an innate tool we are born with to protect ourselves from the unknown.
Glossophobia is the technical term given for the fear of speaking in public.
I have been in the teaching industry for well over 10 years and the majority of clients I come across have limits set by themselves they know the topic, matter, and theme better than anyone else they are prepared to the max, they have tricks up their sleeves they know technical vocabulary better than most natives. However they feel shy or timid to jump into the deep end.
Having studied their behaviours over the years I have come to the conclusion that they need a push in the right direction, they need someone to cheer for them, they need a confidence boost. These well deserved boosts can be miracle workers and can cause sea change.
However trivial it might sound having someone applaud you every step of the way regardless of age can be a game changer.
Here is where I come in I can be that personal cheerleader customized, tailored person to cheer you along the way however rough the sea can get!