FAILURE: Is a learning bridge to success.
PERCEPTION: Is what we experience through our minds.
SUCCESS: Is what we measure from our experiences.
MORAL: All three is what we experience in our minds…
….Therefore…Changing the way you think…will change your path towards success!
Believe it or not….I've been always consumed by failure. No matter how many achievements I’ve accomplished…I’ve always believed…in my mind…that I’ve failed. It took me a long time to overcome my belief of failure to my belief of success. Trust me when I say…I’m no where of an expert on this topic, however, I will share my simple path towards success.
1) ALIVE: If you are alive at the time of reading this…then you ARE successful.
Think about it. You are here in the present to accomplish so much more. Take a deep breath and look around at your surroundings. I do this every day to give my mind, life, and my soul perspective. You have no idea by doing this simple act, how it can transform your day into a powerful day full of energy.
2) MAKE A MOVE: Being active in your life…will lead to active success in your present and future!
Do something! I realized long time ago that being active in anything that I do, even if I failed, is still a success…because I did it! And you can too! If you hate your job…try to find another one or make your current job better! Find ways to drive through it even though it may seem hopeless…because it is not!
3) BELIEVE: ‘It doesn’t matter what you believe in…just believe’ Quote from Sci-Fi Movie ‘Serenity’
The above statement is so true! And I am proof of that! If I didn’t believe in myself I won’t be here sharing my thoughts with you. It is so hard to believe in anything these days…mush less yourself. But I am here to tell you…belief is a powerful weapon and a powerful tool! You are the entity that makes a difference; you just have to tell you mind that no matter what happens…I believe in myself!
4) SURROUND YOURSELF WITH POSITIVE MINDS: Do NOT hang around with those who do not support you.
We’ve all heard this phrase before yet, we do not adhere to it. Positive people encourage other positive people. Therefore, try to surround yourself with those who can guide you towards the right path. It is okay to leave others behind! Trust me…I know this all too well.
My step-father believed in this saying when I was a kid…and now I live by it. Is it hard to think this way every day? YES! Do you need to think like this every day? YES! Just shifting your mind a little… can have enormous results.
Every second you drive forward is every second you shape your future. This is a proven fact where your results can be seen in real time. The only reason I am able to give you my little nuggets for success is because of this one fact. When I began to live in the moment of my goals, is truly when I began to see significant results for my future. Is it going to be perfect from day to day? No! However, I am doing something day to day…and so can you!