Overcoming Common Hiring Challenges in Software Engineering
Over the past few months, I’ve been getting deep into conversations with many of you who are facing some common problems when it comes to bringing on board AI and ML Software Engineers. Here are the top four challenges I’ve identified, along with some actionable tips to tackle them:
High Volume, Low Quality CVs
You’re getting tons of applications, but many just don’t hit the mark. The time spent sifting through these is slowing down your hiring process and taking you away from what you need to actually deliver.
What can you do?
Low Offer Acceptance Rates
You find great candidates, but they often drop out at the offer stage. Maybe they’re getting better offers, or there’s a misalignment in expectations.
What can you do?
Difficulty in Assessing Practical Skills
It’s tricky to gauge if candidates can translate their skills to real-world projects.
What can you do?
Difficulty in Assessing Cultural Fit
Determining if a candidate will vibe with your company culture is tough, and mismatches can affect team harmony.
What can you do?
Many of these points sound simple enough, right?
Make sure you have a structured plan when you are interviewing. Don't just wing it or go with your gut. You need to cover off as much as you can in the little time you have.
It's impossible to know if someone will be a perfect fit for your team or company, but you can do your best to maximise success in attracting top talent and minimise the risk of a bad hire.