Overcoming Challenges: Women Returning to Work after Extended Breaks
The landscape of the workplace has evolved significantly, marked by a notable trend of increasing numbers of women rejoining the job market after career breaks. This shift is influenced by changing gender roles, enhanced workplace policies, and evolving economic dynamics. The decision for women to return to work holds profound implications, not only for individuals but also for families, businesses and the broader economy.
Whether out of work for a couple of years or a decade or two, re-entering the workforce can appear daunting. Returning after an extended hiatus may result in being out of touch with industry trends and outdated skills, adding to the complexity for many mothers balancing family and work responsibilities. The re-entry syndrome encapsulates the fear, worry and confidence loss experienced by women returning after prolonged absences, extending beyond childbirth to encompass various life events such as job loss, illness, family medical leave, bereavement or personal and professional redirection.
Gender bias poses a significant challenge for women rejoining the workforce, leading to heightened scrutiny and reduced opportunities. Additionally, inflexible work structures and limited flexible arrangements hinder successful reintegration, particularly for individuals with family responsibilities. Biases and stereotypes surrounding caregiving roles may further impact women returning to work after a break, influencing their advancement opportunities and how they are perceived in the workplace. Concerns about age may also arise however the current focus on diversity has led some companies to actively seek older individuals.
Navigating the ever-evolving landscape of technological advancements poses a significant challenge for individuals returning to the workforce after a break. The rapid pace of technological change may create perceived skill gaps, impacting women's confidence and employability.
This overlooked pool of untapped potential has broader economic repercussions. Women represent 50% of the available talent and their role in business is vital to a company’s success. A diverse workplace with a good gender balance is crucial for effective decision-making. However, despite progress in workplace diversity, women still encounter substantial barriers, both systemic and personal, making their return to work complex.
Actively encouraging the return of women to the workforce is not only a moral imperative, it also aligns with sound business principles. Supporting returners can bring numerous benefits to an organisation and it is essential to foster a collective understanding of these advantages. By embracing individuals returning to the workforce, a company can tap into a high-calibre talent pool, comprised of experienced and mature individuals. This not only addresses skills shortages within the firm but also contributes to the improvement of recruitment, support and promotion practices for women, fostering a more inclusive workplace. It can also have tangible impacts on a company’s overall performance as it sends a positive message about its commitment to diversity and inclusivity, enhancing its brand and reputation. Leveraging the skills of returners can also be a cost-effective strategy, as these individuals often bring valuable expertise without the need for extensive training.
Given the prevalent scenario of women often occupying roles beneath their qualifications, there exists a substantial opportunity for employers to create pathways that facilitate the return of women to the workforce. To bridge this gap, companies can implement practical measures such as developing return to work programmes. These on-the-job training programmes assist returners in catching up with the latest industry trends and company software, instilling confidence and facilitating a seamless reintegration into their roles. Major organisations like Amazon, Santander, Morgan Stanley, KPMG, the Bank of England and Microsoft have embraced such schemes.
Embracing flexible work arrangements is essential, encompassing policies that promote part-time opportunities and remote work options. Establishing a workplace culture that prioritises output over rigid adherence to traditional work hours not only accommodates diverse needs but also promotes a more dynamic and adaptable work environment.
At Partner Executive we believe that facilitating a smooth transition for women returning to the workforce is key to bringing diverse perspectives and skills to the market. It is essential for businesses, governments and communities to work collaboratively in implementing supportive policies and flexible work arrangements to ensure that women's career journeys are not hindered by prolonged breaks. Through these concerted efforts, we can pave the way for a more inclusive and prosperous future, empowering women to thrive both professionally and personally. Role models play a pivotal role in shaping the aspirations of the next generation of women. Let's ensure there is an abundant array of inspiring figures for them to admire and emulate.