Overcome your fear and do the right thing.................

We have a local neighborhood board where people post requests for help with recommendations, post lost animals and other things. This morning a woman posted the following heart warming story about courage...............

Saved Baby Javelinas!

Ive encountered javelinas HUNDREDS of times on my hikes, walks, & at my home. I hear the stories about aggression etc but I feel, as with virtually all animals, they only react when surprised or perceiving attack. I have NEVER had a problem with them. The other night I heard bizarre bird like noises, saw it was coming from a utility box / drain type thing & wondered if it were an injured bird or bobcat... but was surprised to see a herd of Javelina around it. I assumed it must be a baby in there. I called security & waited & when I went out to check he said the mother had charged him & that his boss had told him that he had to let the baby die because of the aggressive mother / herd. Coming from a 5th generation ranching/western family, spending my life around animals, having veterinarians in the family & just having returned from Safari, I KNOW there are work arounds. I told him look... just stay there with your car lights on & holding your flashlight please & lets give it some time. After waiting & watching, I realized a bunch of the herd left & the mother & 2 juveniles were circling the most. She would run up & bristle but then I think she was scared for her & the others welfare so they would circle along the wall & back. I realized I was on a L shaped wall with the guard on the other side essentially forming a U shape & that her circles were getting longer. If any of them charged / defended / attacked it would have to be from in front of me. And there was never going to be an unscary time. On the longest of her patterns away I charged up to the hole & regardless of not having a light or gloves I shoved my hands down the hole & immediately felt a baby! And another! I grabbed 1 out instantly & dove back for the other & they ran away SO FAST with their family I couldn't even watch it. Animals are fearful of humans & not vengeful creatures... if you give them a chance you will often find you can help them, just as you enjoy them. I love seeing all the beautiful creatures around our lovely neighborhoods & was happy & proud to help & felt brave. But I also knew I would not have been able to sleep that night had I not TRIED & I was so glad it ended well! In baby season, be careful of mommas & little one as they may run into trouble too!


Judy Kay Frieder, CEAC, CSA, ECHMP, CLIPP的更多文章

