Overcome Sales F.E.A.R: False Events Appearing Real

Overcome Sales F.E.A.R: False Events Appearing Real

Learn strategies to overcome SALES F.E.A.R: False Events Appearing Real. 

Video Transcript: 

Good morning, good morning, good morning.

Happy, happy Friday. Brandon over at SeamlessContacts@BBornancin, the world's best sales automation software and agency.

Happy Friday, I hope you're doing great. It is Money Friday. Money, Money Friday. I want to talk to you today about sales fear, and making sure that you do everything you can to overcome any sales fear that may be holding you back from success, you know that sales fear that comes up when you're prospecting, pitching, closing, you name it. 

You have to overcome your Sales Fear. What is Sales Fear? At Seamless Contacts, we state that Sales Fear is Sales False Events Appearing Real. What that means is, typically whatever we fear in sales, whether it's picking up the phone, sending that email, sending that social touch, asking for the meeting. Asking for the proposal, asking where do we stand in the deal, asking for the close, asking for the signature, whatever, you name it.

What salespeople do is, we come up with reasons as to why we shouldn't push ourselves to execute the sales activities that moves deals forward. We call it Sales Fear: Sales False Events Appearing Real. What we've learned is, ninety-eight percent of everything you fear in sales never happens. It never happens. "Oh, should I call this prospect back again and will they get pissed that I'm calling them again?"

You call them back, they pick up, boom. "Hey, John, Brandon over at Seamless Contacts. Happy Friday. I'm just giving you a ring. The Operations Team is getting ready to work on your project. We're excited to get started. Were you able to get approval from your Chief Financial Officer? What are the best next steps to get this kicked off?" "Oh, hey, Brandon, yeah, no, definitely sorry, I've been meaning to get back to you. My CFO was out last week, he's back in. I'm going to get the deal signed today."

There's no reason to be scared of anything in sales. The more activity the better. The more follow-up the better. All the statistics states that the more you follow-up, the more deals you're going to close. The more sales activity you generate, the more deals you're going to find and close. The more sales personalization you leverage, personalizing your emails, calls, social touches, pitches, proposals, RFIs, RFPs, RFQs, per sizing the business cases, the more you're going to close deals.

It's all about sales activity and sales personalization. Do not let Sales Fear, False Events Appearing Real, hold you back. Just execute it. Nothing's going to happen. No one's going to do anything to you. Okay, so you follow-up and one out of every one hundred gets pissed that you followed-up too much. You know what you should tell them? "Dude, I'm glad I'm following up. I know this is going to change your business, change your life and you should probably be worried about why your people aren't following up as much as we are."

There's so much to learn and what we've noticed, again here at Seamless, the more you do what you fear, the more that you don't let fear stand in your way, the more successful you're going to be in sales. That's the video for today. Sales Fear, False Events Appearing Real. Do what you fear the most and I guarantee you you will push yourself outside of your comfort zone and you will push yourself into sales success.

Again, what's the worst that can happen? There's nothing bad that's going to happen with doing what you fear the most, with following-up with that prospect, sending that proposal, asking for that appointment, list-building, hitting up that cold prospect via social selling. Nothing bad is going to happen. Overcome your fear. Crush it. Blow sales fear out of the water and make it your biggest and best year yet.

Again, it's Brandon Bornancin at Bbornancin, CEO and Founder of Seamless Contacts, the world's best sales automation software and agency. Thank you for tuning in. Please share with me in the comments section below how you overcome your Sales Fear and the results that you've been able to generate in sales once you've decided to do that and not be owned and controlled by fear or by what people think.

Happy selling. I hope you have a great day and a great weekend.

Sharing is caring.

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About the author: 

Brandon Bornancin is the CEO & Founder of Seamless Contacts. His company is obsessed with helping clients 10x revenues with sales automation strategies and technology. He's on a mission to generate 100 billion in new revenue for clients, employees and the economy by maximizing sales growth for all organizations large and small. He can be reached at 614.440.1298 or [email protected]

James K. Kim

HVAC Sales at Cottam Heating and Air Conditioning

8 年

ABSOLUTE FIRE MY MAN IS SPITTING! Holy shnikes (pardon my French), I feel like I still work for you, Brandon Bornancin! By far, the all-time greatest sales mentor I have ever worked with. I probably speak for many others when I say...Thank you for helping me and millions of other salespeople worldwide to 10X our success in sales with Seamless Contacts - The World's Best Sales Automation Software and by simply not letting our FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) block our path to achieving our goals, not just in life but in sales, too.

Meg Kopka

Increasing Professional Revenue Results Through Times of Personal Crisis and Grief. Keynote Speaker

8 年

Great post, Larry Levine. It's a head game and there are ways to break through it!

Petar Stoykov

?? Kindler of CopyRock Marketing | Senior Copywriter at Chainstack ??Look at me! I am the Large Language Model now! ??

8 年

"Do what you fear the most and I guarantee you you will push yourself outside of your comfort zone and you will push yourself into sales success. Again, what's the worst that can happen?" Love that quote Brandon Bornancin, people tend to be their own worst enemy and this is especially true for salespeople. Awesome post, spoken like a true pro!



