Overcome Imposter Syndrome
It’s common to experience self-doubt or imposter syndrome when starting a company. Every first-time CEO is going to have imposter syndrome at first because it’s a difficult task to go from working for someone else to being the boss. This is exactly what the CEO of AgileSherpas, Andrea Fryrear felt when she transitioned from employee to CEO. Join Kendra as she talks to Andrea Fryrear about how she dealt with the imposter syndrome of being a first-time CEO. Discover how she grew her business and a few things she learned from her experience.
Do you ever feel like a fraud at work or as a leader? Do you believe your success is due to luck rather than hard work and talent? These feelings are commonly known as imposter syndrome. Imposter syndrome refers to the belief that you are inadequate and unworthy of success, despite evidence to the contrary.? There are several signs and symptoms of imposter syndrome, including feelings of inadequacy, fear of failure, self-doubt, overachieving, and perfectionism. Individuals with imposter syndrome tend to set unrealistic expectations for themselves and are overly critical of their own work.
Causes of Imposter Syndrome:
The causes of imposter syndrome can be complex and varied. Childhood experiences, cultural and social factors, perfectionist parents, high expectations from society, and personal characteristics are all potential causes of imposter syndrome.
Effects of Imposter Syndrome:
The effects of imposter syndrome are numerous and can be detrimental to overall mental health and well-being. Imposter syndrome can lead to mental health issues, self-sabotage, workplace challenges, relationship challenges, and stunted personal growth.
Coping Strategies for Imposter Syndrome:
Coping with imposter syndrome can be challenging, but there are several strategies that individuals can use to manage these feelings. Probably the best thing I did to help my thinking was to work with a coach. She helped me identify how my thoughts were triggering the emotion, and once I did that, I found myself shifting my thinking. After I acknowledged my feelings, I could reframe my thoughts, and challenge the negative self-talk.? I also don’t beat myself up when I fail, but instead, I look for the opportunity in the situation.? If you are struggling with imposter syndrome, seek support and professional help! I promise it will help you.
Imposter syndrome is a common phenomenon that can impact individuals in a variety of ways. It is important to address these feelings and seek support or professional help when necessary. By acknowledging your feelings, reframing your thoughts, and embracing failure, you can overcome imposter syndrome and achieve success.