Overcome Board Fears

Overcome Board Fears


With the board exam round the corner, for all those who neglect textbook throughout the year, it turns into a nightmare. December, January and February are some last crucial and intense months when students are much pressurized. In such a competitive era, not only students, but their parents also equally very tensed for their kid’s performance. Board exams are the stepping stones for our professional future. Marks and grades obtained in board become the basis of selecting our choice of subjects in order to step towards our goal.

Here are some exam tips that will help students in overcoming last time pressure.

1)     Start with the easiest subjects first-

Start your study hour with easiest subject of your choice first, gradually jump on other. This practice tend to develop interest and motivates to study more.

2)     Study smaller portion-

Always divide your subject/ chapter in small portion and start learning the content in small chunks. It’s really helpful in mugging up theory well.

3)     Study for an hour or two at one stretch-

Do not sit and study for a single long stretch. Make yourself comfortable with the endurance power of your brain and body. Not more than what your body capacity is.  

4)     Learn and practice well –

Do not just mug up your lessons, but start learning them by writing the gist in bullet pointers. Practice all answers by writing them in bullets and pointers. This way answers are mugged up easily and you end up having small and pocket friendly notes. This way is the most efficient way of going through the pointers at one go. These notes can be carried along anytime for an easy go through. Can also be taken help in case you are travelling in metro.

5)     Take breaks-

Take breaks every time you will feel taking it. Sitting for a long stretched hour is not at all recommended at all. Only read till your body and mind allows you to. Do not give stress to your mind and body while sitting for a longer period of time. Instead, take break. Go for a walk, make sketches, do some hobby, watch TV. Switching yourself to different activity makes your mind calm and when you get back to study, you feel fresh and end up learning more.

6)     Focus more on core material-

Do not get distracted. Be focused on core subject rather than mugging up everything. Read in small chunks, write the topic and mug up with logic.

7)     Ten year Sample Papers-

One of the effective way of preparing for exams is to practice more from last year question samples. It is believed that students must have studied thoroughly and are well prepared for the exam throughout the lessons they received in their classrooms. December, January and February are crucial time to practice sample papers well. Start practicing as many samples as you can.  

As a final tip, do not skip food. Remember being hydrated, is essential for your brain to work for its best. Make sure you keep drinking plenty of water throughout the day during revision and also on the exam day.

Good luck!



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