Overcome the Blocks to Writing Content and Copy
Lori Young
Your Offer Magician | Turn Your Passion + Expertise into an Irresistible, Profitable Offer | Offer Strategist for Wellness & Personal Development Entrepreneurs | Certified Coach & Master Marketer
Have you ever felt challenged by writing content or copy for your business?? You stare at the screen with a blank mind.? You busy yourself with everything but writing content or copy.? You promise yourself you will get to it tomorrow, but tomorrow comes and goes.?
It happens all the time, so you are definitely not alone.
As a matter of fact, it happened again this morning.? My client had the assignment of writing her lead magnet as a lead builder for her upcoming 6-week course.? When we started our meeting, I asked her about the assignment.? Her eyes avoided mine.? She didn’t complete it.? She got stuck, not knowing what she wanted to write about.? And she felt embarrassed.
No need for embarrassment!? Even the best of writers get writer’s block and feel challenged by writing content and/or copy.
But before we dive into the blocks to writing content and copy or how we overcome these blocks, let’s look at the differences between “content” and “copy”.? It’s an important distinction.
In this great article “Copy vs. Content: Similarities, Differences and Why You Should Care”, the writer simply summarizes:
“Content is information and copy is persuasion.”
In other words, content is used to inform and educate your audience, while copy serves the purpose of selling your reader on a particular viewpoint.? Although sometimes the two will overlap within the same piece, content and copy are very different and require a different style of writing.? Both writing content and copy bring up common blocks.
What are the blocks to writing content and copy?
Ask yourself if you’ve ever thought or said any of these statements:
Do any of these resonate with you???
Fortunately, there are solutions to overcoming these blocks in writing content or copy.
Here are my personal favorites:
Work on YOU and your internal limiting beliefs.
We are all our own worst enemies when it comes to writing content or copy.? We get caught up in imposter syndrome, procrastination, perfectionism, fear, etc.? And all these internal limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging habits are the biggest blocks to writing.? There is no getting past this unless we tackle it head on.? Work with a coach, step out of your comfort zone and take action, or do mindset work to change these beliefs.
Carve out writing time in your calendar.
If you wait for the ideal time to show up on your calendar to write, I promise it is not going to come.? You literally need to create a task on your calendar or in your project management tool to write.? Every Thursday, a task pops up in ClickUp for me (or my content writer/copywriter) to write the weekly blog.? In the third week of the month, another task pops up to write social media content.? You must create a deadline and have the discipline to complete it.
Keep a content planning calendar and idea bank.
Ideas are everywhere.? You only need to tune into them.? Create a spreadsheet that outlines the specific content you are going to create and when it will go out.? At Amazing OBM, we have content pillars that we work from, and every week, we refer to our writing calendar to know what content category we are following.? As ideas come to us, we drop them into a document/spreadsheet so we never run out of ideas.
Have an outlet that nurtures your creativity.
Self-care and nurturing your creativity play a big role in our ability to write.? If you are feeling burnt out, uninspired or tired, chances are your creative brain will be shut down.? Take time on a regular basis to get outside in nature, practice meditation/yoga, listen to music or take some art classes to spark your creativity.? Or try these ideas to boost your intuitive awareness.
Hire a content writer or copywriter.
Time is a genuine factor for many coaches and course creators.? If your coaching practice is full and you spend the majority of your days coaching clients and engaging in business building activities, it makes sense to hire someone who can write for you.? Content writers and copywriters can write social content, blogs, articles, website copy, marketing materials, press releases, and any other piece of content that you need written.? And for many coaches, writing copy is not their strength and requires the expertise of a copywriter.? Adding a writer to your team is a godsend.
Change the medium in which you deliver your content.
It is true that some people are better speakers than writers.? Not everyone is gifted at writing and that’s totally fine.? But you may be a very gifted speaker.? Why not consider using video as your primary means to deliver content?? Do monthly content webinars instead of a monthly newsletter/blog. Experiment on camera and produce fun and engaging IG reels.? And let’s not forget podcasts and FB/IG/LI lives.? If writing genuinely makes you cringe, there are other alternatives.
Just start writing content or copy.
Jeff Goins outlines several ways to overcome writer’s block and also identifies some fun anti-solutions to this problem.? The bottom line is you need to just start writing.? There are lots of workshops, courses, and books to help you hone your writing skills.? And all of them will tell you to set aside time on a regular basis to just write.? Grab a journal or notebook and start writing.? Don’t edit as you write.? Just let the words flow.? You can always go back to organize your thoughts and edit your writing.? The more you write, the better you will get, and the easier the content will come.? It’s like exercising a muscle.
So tell me, did these ideas inspire you to start writing your content or copy?? Are you ready to get out of your head and start expressing yourself???
At Amazing OBM, we help coaches and course creators spread their content through digital marketing efforts.? Whether you write the content yourself, or you need our expert content writing/copywriting services, we are the marketing experts you are looking for to increase your brand awareness and grow your business.? Contact us today for a free 30-minute consultation.