“Overcapacity" "Freedom of Speech" in communist China.

“Overcapacity" "Freedom of Speech" in communist China.

My recent few days tour of Shanghai, with a lot of deep conversation with the Chinese local, makes me understand better the issue of Overcapacity" "Freedom of Speech" in communist China.

"Over-capacity" is again the US and the west's accusation on China EV cars, such accusation is a pattern of their behaviour, just like "Weapon of Mass Destruction" in Iraq.

And the western US media portrays communist China has zero tolerance on "Freedom of Speech" of their citizens.

First I realize, China government system is no different from Malaysia. Private ownership of land and property is allowed (exccept no permanent but leased,). Free education only up to middle school, medical benefit is at? minimum, retirement fund? is from saving from own monthly salary and employers' contribution.

Hence to have a reasonable comfortable financial life with good medical coverage, and adequate retirement fund is entirely personal responsibility. i.e. each has to work real hard to have good saving and investment.

Unlike some of the affluent western countries who have very attractive social benefits and social security, e.g. government provides free education up to university, allowances given if jobless or out of employment, medical cost borne by the government to a large extend.

More than 4-5 decades ago, China started below the zero base line, after being robbed of their wealth with many invasion by the west, e.g. Opium war, then the Japanese occupation during WW2.? Unlike the west, who acquired their wealth, e.g. US genocide of the native and robbed their land, slavery, and the west's colonization of many countries, siphoned their wealth,

The past 30-40m years was a real struggle for every Chinese citizen to be what they are today with better living conditions, and with communist China massive investment in infrastructure throughout the country.

Most impressive of all is the uplift of 700 million from poverty.

Until today, every Chinese citizen, especially in urban area, has to work very hard to maintain the middle class living standards. Their wages are low as their employers also face enormous business competition internally.

It is not Overcapacity issue, it is sheer hard work by every one of the 1.4 billion population.

I also visited a park in Shanghai, with many parents advertising their daughters to find a husband. Meaning Chinese citizens work so hard they have no time to partner to get married.

In the midst of such struggle, if you speak to some local Chinese who can share their frank opinion, they will tell you they have frustration and stress but cannot speak out freely, i.e. No freedom of Speech.

I have this comparison to make. Imagine a very large poor family with many children to feed, and the teenage sons and daughters demand "Freedom of Speech" and demand their parents to buy them latest smart phone. But the poor parents have to worry about the younger children with no milk to feed.

Obviously the poor parents will not encourage the teenager to make complain every day.

This is what happens in communist China, whose focus is always the living standard of the majority, and in this case, the 700 million hardcore poor, not the many issues raised by the urban middle class people,

Communist China CCP does call for the good sense and maturity of these urban people to have patience and continue to work hard for the betterment of the whole country, not just some selected few.


26th May, 2024.


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