Overall Approach of Street Children Survey in Cameroon
GivHOPE would like to give you an overall view of the survey it needs your pledge for:
?Carry out a survey showing the exact status of street children in selected zones
?Show specific characteristics of the phenomenon in these zones
?Come up with a detailed plan of action, including a communication strategy showing how the initiative will be echoed in order to touch the different groups.
?Street children status of the concerned zones known
?Characteristics of street children in the zones known
?Final survey report disseminated
?Clear orientation of care for street children of the zones and resources
?Post evaluation.
§ Stopping the flow of street kids in urban areas by retaining them at their original zones
§ Insuring their return back to their hometowns and following up with accompanied measures for at least 3 to 5 years according to the extent of help
§ Application of laws, rules and regulations
§ Setting up a national global discussion platform and networks.
This survey consists of seeking the exact and current number of street children in Cameroon for their potential psycho and socio-economic reinsertion, using a pre-selected sampling
More importantly, the study seeks to:
- Identify their zones of departure and stay in each city of Cameroon
- Determine the reasons of this phenomenon
- Understand their day to day live on the street, socio-economic, sanitary and behavioral issues
- Identify the conditions of their reinsertion or return home.
- Causes or motives of street children’s lives on the street
- Relationships between parents or guardians before and during their lives on the street
- Daily live of street children
- Survival means on the street
- Parents’ opinions on street children’s activities
- Reasons of these children’s love for the street
- Motives of their refusal from going back home
- Parents socio-economic situations.
The study adopts ? multi-level, multi-site and multi-methods ? and participatory approach, combining at the same time quantitative and qualitative methods in two phases:
- Data collection phase consisting of exploring on, one hand, the geographical zones of street children grouping in each city and, on the other hand, contacting them individually and collectively and organizing focus groups of discussion for data collection.
- Analysis and final completion report phase.
GivHOPE will hire local trainers for training in order to be cost effective. The local trainers will be selected among local associations dealing with this issue. Data collection will have the same duration in each locality. This data will be exploited, compiled and codified by experts and a final report will be written upon completion and share with all the stakeholders during a workshop.
You now know almost everything about the survey and see how serious we are hence badly need your help. Don't hesitate anymore, please go the following link and pledge:
We say thank you!