Over-sexualization of spirituality!

Over-sexualization of spirituality!

Firstly, I am hand down guilt of this, and many of us have got trapped into the blind manipulation of 'sex-sells'. I will also add, before this bursts into full flow, that I do not carry guilt for anything. I also have these yoga postures, pictures of the latest dish, and even the how can I be more sexy poses.

Spirituality has become the new sexuality, and the more sexy you look then the more spiritual you are seen to be, from the outside. It is over-spewing with scantily dressed women, in clever yoga poses, eating their latest vegan dish that looks like it was shot for a magazine, and a public display of how can I look even more sexual.

I thought I was standing for feminine empowerment, yet I had a line of sex-thirsty men that really didn't care for the words I was writing. I have to say, that there are many respectful and beautiful men, that saw the message that I was attempting to transpire. Women, either felt empowered or rage.

There is a double-edged sword here, where it is easy to be cut. The life-force that we are learning how to navigate is sensual in nature, put it this way, as babies we were sexual beings. In our most purest form. This life-force requires a high level of diligence to navigate it with the highest level of respect, for SELF, and for others, in the wake of your actions. It has taken many years to accept that I am a naturally sensual alluring woman, and that men will look. And that is beautiful as we are all divine beings and our primal instinct is a magical gift we each have been blessed with.

I would get uncomfortable, yet I would post highly provocative pictures. Welcome to the feminine narcissist. I thought I was being empowering to take my clothes off, and post for lingerie shoots... I also loved working it for the camera. Yet, was this spirituality?

I laugh, as I have no attachment to nay of this, as I am on a mission, to disrupt and make an impact on the rage that is felt within sensuality. I witnessed many women, using sex to sell their programs ( this was me!), they 'HOOK' other women in, to be more sexy, and once you become aware of it, you see right through it.

This is an example of the clever marketing hook..... and I was selling my soul to the dark-side! Thinking, I was being the light. Interesting.... and how many times are we sucked into this on a daily basis. Ramp it up 100% and welcome to the hook of porn sites, where everything is to brain-wash you and lure you into the biggest illusion of all.

Marketting has hit spirituality in a massive way, and SEX is getting played off. With even some men jumping on the bandwagon, with a parade of sexy bodies in clever yoga postures. Welcome to the battle of the 'who's more spiritual and sexy'. This is NOT spirituality. here are some examples;

  • The picture meditating near water, to give the impression of being more spiritual.
  • The happy smile, to give the impression of happiness, yet on the inside, a heart that is screaming out.
  • The yoga posture on the cliff face, as it's the perfect backdrop.

The funny part is as babies, all we had to do, was BE in our existence. To be in our presence, and not do anything special. We were masters of it.

I am far from perfect, and own all my imperfections as an aspect of my completeness. At the end of the day, we are living a life, on our way to experiencing being human. I have ZERO regrets, and know that I AM so much more beyond the lie I was feeding my soul!

Yoga, meditation and spirituality has become the 'IN' thing, and so too as being vegan. If you do all of these, then you are more spiritual that one that does not...HA, welcome to the first piece of BS that you have been fed, or think. It is a clever mask of the ILLUSION, and the lies and manipulation that we get sucked-into!

We are SUCKERS, seeking APPROVAL

There are programs to awaken your Dark Feminine, it is funny as I would have many women approaching me to ask, I want to embrace what you embrace. You are the embodiment of this mysterious dark feminine. The hilarious part is, I had never heard of this term, and what they did not witness or care about was the inner work I was and had been doing behind closed doors, away from the camera, on my own. I also stand proud and KNOW that thIS energy requires very WISE application. It is to be used with wise discernment and when brought into intimate relating with a BE-LOVED, then true magic is revealed... and there is no, 'what can I get from them!'

It is felt, and it is the embodiment of a woman that is balancing both the masculine and feminine forces. It takes a willingness to say NO. And never to draw others into the Webb. She is powerful as she is PRESENT, and has to do nothing, rather than BE. This is also felt in men, who are embodying a balance of BOTH forces.

We are complete!

I got sucked into the BS again, for a short while, to sell my programs to ignite the dark feminine in others, and it is still in there as it is an aspect of OUR WHOLENESS. It has no separation. It is a potency that naturally awakens within, and a far cry from the sexy-seductress that is attempting to draw men into her coven. Some of these women are claiming to be witches, and a true witch will not sell herself like this, she will be mysterious and hold these gifts with the highest of regard.

He/She is a vessel for the LIGHT and SOURCE/GOD to flow and express through, and her act of service has been chosen for her. He/She is here to serve HUMANITY!

I see this with dance events, and forms of dance to awaken this sexy siren within... I also see the un-healed and un-attended wounds of many leading this. There is a transference and a hooking them into their tribe. A sisterhood, that has lost it's purity.

This is not spirituality. I see your nonsense and am calling you out, with the LIGHT of LOVE.

What I have learned from this path of making many choices, and exploring these experiences, that how many IG followers has f'all to do with my inner self-worth. It has nothing to the Soul Mission that I am on. It is another false created identity to hide behind.

It is the game of the ILLUSION, and the seduction of spirituality. Awakening is an inner process and not an IG journey.

Who I am today, is ever changing, and more is to come.. and I am ready!

Women and men that embody compassion ands kindness, with the ability to hold unwavering presence is spirituality. It is the ability to be with another in their pain, to open a door and drop into stillness and silence. To impact a soul beyond the body, the clothes, the sexy smile. It is not the clever yoga posture, or even being vegan, so wake-the fwark up!

Spirituality is OWNING your shit, standing RAW in your truth, and letting go of who you think you are!

Our youth are blinded by this... the selfies, the sexy looks all SEEKING APPROVAL. This is a big-wake up, and we have all co-created it. I noticed how for many years I was the;

Junkie of approval, tell me that I am special - Blahhh blah balahh... ahahahah!!

Society has become thirsty for EXTERNAL approval, tell me that I am special and frankly spirituality has become the latest FASHION TREND. It is the base of ALL suffering beautiful souls......

Some, may live these LIVES for REAL, and yet many are chasing the dream, and thinking that the external will fill up the INTERNAL. Spirituality is not a PICTURE, it is a lifestyle, that happens behind the scenes. There is no make-up, messy hair, no care for what you wear, and it does not require a selfie, to PROVE how spiritual you are, to your followers.

I wish to be remembered for the space I held for another soul, I really don't care what I look like. Yes, I still enjoy make-up, yet I do it for me. I wish to leave a legacy for shifting others back to there raw truth and now that they are enough, no matter their skin, colour, looks... it is felt as PRESENCE.

Potent presence with BEING-NESS

The funny aspect was, I stopped caring how my body looked, especially my thighs... and they began to change with zero effort. Boom.... yes, it is within, not without.

Would you like to have a conversation around spirituality and to begin to integrate habits of a lifestyle beyond the clever selfies. I have no care for what you look like, all I care about is opening a doorway, to each souls begins to find FREEDOM within. This is not about how sexy you can be, I will give a warning.. that when you begin to stoke the fires within, then your natural sensual MAGNETISM is felt..... which is magical to witness.

Yes, I still have pictures on my website with lingerie, I was a phase, and in my mid- 40's I am proud. I care not for approval, and can also see how I was a manipulative female narcissist that was... and that makes me laugh. I did not know, what I did not know.

True sensuality requires zero effort, and spirituality is learning how to navigate this force-field without getting caught in the illusion and lies. Time for a conscious wake-up!

I hide nothing,

Total transparency is what you get

Welcome to real

with no dress rehearsal!

Zoe Bel

#Coach #Transform #Innerwork #Disrupt #Consciousness #Spirituality


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