The Over-Hyped Indian CEO; a twisted global narrative
Paurush Sonkar
Founder - BFSI Digital Stallions Forum, Digital Stallions Forum UAE and Stallions Capital
Presenting the Over-Hyped Indian CEO and the ill informed local Indian LinkedIn user
I have said this in the past multiple times and say it again that the concept of the ‘Indian CEO’ is OVER HYPED
I felt great when I read the news of Parag Agrawal not just being sacked but being escorted out of his office (also read as thrown out) as it breaks the fake pattern of nationalist jingoism which has become second nature to Indians
Since the last few years, India and Indians are being fed a fake narrative of the Indian race being superior to others and with each passing election the narrative gets stronger
As I write about this topic on LinkedIn it is imperative for me to state that I have seen that the Facebook & TikTok mentality & that breed of people has taken complete control of this professional platform too, not surprising considering the chest banging and thumping with loud chants of INDIA all the time on LinkedIn
Cutting through all this hype and noise let us take a closer look that shows obvious trends:
1.?????Most of the so-called Indian CEO’s globally left India for under-grad / grad studies & travelled abroad. When does a person go abroad? Obvious answer is when he / she is getting something better than what India had to offer
2.?????Most of these so-called Indian CEO’s have (LUCKILY) never worked in Indian companies under Indian bosses and have a very different work ethic than what is exhibited in typical Indian companies
3.?????A few of these so-called Indian CEO’s are in fact not even born in India as their parents had migrated (also read as left India), way back in the 60’s & 70’s in search of a better life
4.?????Take the case of Rishi Sunak, every Indian out there screaming INDIA when they see Rishi seems to have done zero homework on his background. Not surprising at all as jingoism only calls for screaming out loud and needs no concrete base or support / logical reasoning
5.?????Another case is point was when LinkedIn users across India went outrageous demanding that Starbucks must now serve Filter Coffee in stainless steel containers as they appointed an Indian CEO
This very Jingoism shows that the hype and fake narrative of intellectual progress is a charade in India & even today Indian’s judge people basis race & nationality ONLY. Talk about a developed mindset
I have never seen a post written by an Indian about an Indian where an Indian CEO is saluted for his vision, his efforts, his resilience, etc BUT YES the moment the CEO is of Indian origin the euphoria kicks in. Ask yourself with so much hype on the Indian CEO beyond Indian Origin’s what else is being discussed about them?
So much is spoken of the CEO but very less about the fact that the CEO is answerable to the Board which is most cases takes a final decision on all the affairs of a huge conglomerate at a strategic level. The CEO can best be described as a care-taker with an aptitude to fulfill the goals laid down by the board
What is surprising is that the fake narrative which was drafted OR should I say crafted to feed the psyche of the illiterate / semi-literate Indians has found huge scale acceptance among the (so called) highly educated Indians who have turned this professional platform; LinkedIn into LinkTok (A TikTok for professional jokers)
Success is not dependent on Race & Nationality but sheer hard work
Till then happy LinkToking..