Over the hills and not so far away!
Steve Knapp
I help sales leaders optimise their sales and marketing strategies, with a sharp focus on top-of-funnel activities that drive meaningful engagement, build stronger pipelines, and deliver exceptional sales outcomes
6.30am start...easy enough to get to Manchester Airport by 8.00am.
That'll leave 30mins for coffee and a bacon butty before the Shell Lubricants Authorised Distributors arrived.
7.10am all on track and the Sat Nav is telling us 7.50 arrival - lovely jubbly.
Oh hang on Glossop main road and we’re backing up a very unhealthy distance . The decisions was made to use the back roads and avoid queuing.
10 mins later police cars blocking the road all routes to Manchester snailing as we join the now unavoidable rush hour.
Sat Nav now declaring 8.30am...oh well there goes the bacon butty. I’m not sure who’s more nervous about the clock now, Rob or me.
8.25 am we pull into the Car Park and go to the room where we are holding the Plan. Grow. Do workshop to be greeted wish a palpable sigh of relief from Jon Huggett (UK Sales Manager) and Frank Hardy (Key Account Manager).
We start setting up, folders ready, banners up and HDMI cable in the MacBook ready to kick off at nine.
“Coffee and a bit of breakfast lads” shouts Jon...nice one we’re all set.
I look at the desktop...hang on where’s the flipping presentation. I mean I downloaded it at home and know it’s saved...nothing.
You ever had one of those cold sweats. I mean the room was filling and there was no presentation!
I don’t know why but for some reason I connected to the wifi and as if like magic everything synced and on my desktop was the icon PGD Shell.
Gleaners, Silgo and Hayley were going to the ball.
We were ready and so were they.
A new lesson learnt the cloud needs syncing if you download on one device and are planing to use another...doh!
Also never forget to back the presentation up on a memory stick.
We were thrilled to be working with Shell Uk and has a real blast delivering the Plan and Grow sections. Eighteen different subjects over two x three hour sessions.
Ou workshops are broken down into three hour chunky chunks to ensure the learning is impactful and its broken down into bitesize manageable pieces.
We love a high energy delivery, working through topics, providing examples of how we use the content covered to grow our business and all this supported by the most amazing Guidebook.
It was 4pm before we knew it and action plans agreed, dates sorted to follow up with Do and a few new advocates that subscribed to our PGD modern selling approach.
To find our more or book your Plan. Grow. Do workshops contact us at;
email [email protected]
website www.plangrowdo.com