Over-delivery is a symptom of not understanding the outcome your digital product is intended to bring.
Whitedove Gannon
Business Coach | Marketing & Business Mentor | Podcast Host | Creative Rebel
Creating a grab-bag of knowledge does not equal the outcome you *think* you are delivering.
That’s not a digital product, that’s a library.
Over-delivery comes in the form of hours and hours of live content, constant Q&A's, and a broad sweep of topics.
Knowledge itself cannot bring about change to the people learning from you if you do not incorporate your unique expertise with it.
Creating something just to create it only adds to the online noise and your potential client cannot determine the solution you provide if you are not breaking through that noise.
[more specifically why I do not love the group teaching model when it comes to building a full digital product suite]
So, how do you create digital products that go from free opt-in to a high ticket offer that remains tangible, authentic, AND congruent with the unique outcome your expertise can provide?
By not over-delivering.
And, how do you create something that does not over-deliver?
By knowing what outcome your products provide at any level your client chooses to enter the space of working with you.
This is not the same as filling out demographic information for an ideal client avatar. That exercise doesn't go deep enough.
Here's an overview of how I take clients through this work
(example based on my own):
1. Overall outcome desired for clients: to increase income in an established business through creating a digital product suite. (the main journey)
2. Digital products that work for my business: a) free content (without opting in to anything), b) bite sized mini-courses, c) mid-ticket (mini-courses with a live element), d) high ticket
*These are not linear or funneled as an up-sell. Uniquely individual, yet equally powerful at each stage.
*Also note, this is not necessarily the perfect digital product suite for you or your business. It could be a number of different configurations of digital product possibilities.
*More importantly, they exist to be affordable for multiple business owners at various investment stages.
3. Individual outcome differentiation at each product stage, and fully knowing what outcome is provided. (the micro journey)
The way this works is that your clients come in at the stage that's right for them, KNOW what outcome (or value) they should get with your content (because you speak to that outcome), they specifically GET that outcome, and therefore GROW from consuming that one product. The rest of your relationship becomes natural...no longer "selling".
No more over-delivering.
You see, each place within the digital product suite is uniquely completing its own outcome. As a loop that opens and closes independently of the others, you never compromise the outcome conversion, nor do you compromise your brand, integrity, authenticity, and authority. You get to provide additional outcomes for your clients, at additional stages of your digital products, should that be necessary or desired...for that client.
Creating values and outcomes (AND knowing what those are) at each digital product stage is the new standard if you want to stand out in the ever increasing online world. This is one of the key areas I help clients with when we work together.
Send me a PM if you'd like to get my help building your digital products so that they go deep enough into the outcomes your expertise provides.
I've spent years refining this process for established experts and I can spot people's errors in this area pretty much immediately. This is one of the top things I cover with people in my 1:1 private 90-day intensive that helps experienced owners scale their business through creating digital products.
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