AND over OR
Barry Lewis Green
I am an Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, and Creator ... advancing high functioning Purpose and Unity through elevated conversations, capacities and Character. Let's move forward together, stronger.
Yesterday, I wrote this on Unity in Diversity. Also yesterday, it was actually manifested in the latest edition of the broadCAST called May It Be, and in what happened last night at Momondays. All of this is to say that unity in diversity is strategic advantage.
It is not unity and diversity. Unity in diversity means we find unity in our diversity, and not as two opposing constructs that we try to bring together somehow. It is AND over OR. It is together, we are better. It is nature, on display and powerful.
Many often question the logic. How can diversity give birth to unity? First, unity is not conformity nor uniformity. Look at living organisms. Look at their parts. Look at the human body. Are the parts different in composition and purpose? Yes. Are they the same in composition and purpose? Yes! They share the same DNA and common purpose, and yet are different in form, structure and individual purpose. Are they unified collectively? Any healthy organism is so.
Unity in diversity is all around us, from the stars to the oceans to the landscapes, like Gros Morne.
Indeed, it is found in championship teams. Yet, we seemingly still struggle with this notion because we are often lost in the concept of "territory"; politically, ethnically, religiously, historically or otherwise. That is rooted in the deepest sense of materialism and tribalism. We find ourselves building or defending perceived empires of reality; at the expense of our growth and progress. That does not work on great teams, in biological organisms or the universe.
I am not saying that belonging is not important; but to what? And can we not have multiple senses of belonging? Can I not take humble pride in being born in Newfoundland, living as a Canadian and being Terran (of earth).? Can I not understand that they are not mutually exclusive? You see...
I am Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy, with Epic Engage... joyfully living in Mount Pearl... humbly and proudly and originally a Townie from St. John's... a Newfoundlander, a citizen of Newfoundland and Labrador, a Canadian, North American, American (the hemisphere) and a Terran. I claim all, and understand that first I am one of (at 5:28 pm Newfoundland Time, Tuesday, May 15, 2018) 7.6+ billion other humans, all different and all the same. We can find unity in our diversity. Indeed, we must.
Yes, I am all of that. And as we launch the new era of Momondays St. John's in September 2018, we will carry that understanding... all for one, one for all ... unity in diversity. We will celebrate our differences and sameness; because it is our best path forward.
Join us, different and the same, diverse and united. Now, that is building character.
Peace, passion and prosperity.
Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy?
Barry is ultimately a vocalist, strength coach and educator. His work is about exploring, identifying, practicing and mastering our strengths and building upon them through practical and powerful unity and resourcefulness. That is why Barry is The Unity Guy?. EPIC Engage? is an extension of The Unity Guy?. The Epic work is all about building strong, united and inspired cultures lead by character… at school, work, business and community; where everyone matters and contributes everyday.
Check out these past posts on:
- Ferretting Out Focus
- 11 Perspectives on Possibility and More
- The True Practice of Character
- Tricks, Trade and Trust
- The Book of Happiness
- The Character of Leadership
- Our work is all about character. We work hard and joyfully to help build character driven, united and resourceful organizations and communities around the globe. As part of that work, we offer you …
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