Over 14 million people have been bullied in America.

Over 14 million people have been bullied in America.

This is yet another reason why I am founding "The Courage & Strength to Come Back Games," in support for me mental health.

Bullying does not see colour, religion, gender, income and or sexuality...it crosses over into all levels of or lives. From online, to schools and definitely in the work place.

How many of you have ever heard of the term Racial Micro-aggression, is this is a from of bullying that OUR KIDS (YES YOURS,) face everyday in our schools. Some of the pictures I have included on this are real stories and pictures of our kids facing this form of Bullying in our schools.

My question for you mom & dad, is where are are kids learning this from??

Think about it?? When was the last time someone you know told a what they thought was an innocent joke at work, school, etc. and you laughed, because everyone else did...but someone didn't, maybe that someone that didn't laugh was you. Because it was hurtful or offensive.

Your silence against such things, can be just as bad, or the worse form of Bullying.

I am no innocent person when it comes to this, I have laughed and even repeated such jokes myself...but when it hurts someone you know even a friend and you say to that friend "Come on it's only a joke, it is not meant to hurt anyone."

Then you are doing just that, participating in the hurt process. Don't get me confused here I am not saying that we need to all walk on egg shells and be afraid to be ourselves. 

What I am saying, is that we just need to be conscious of our who need of validation of self at the expense of others. 


thanks for reading with appreciation & respect,

daniel pressello


