Outwood Primary Academy Park Hill Achieves Centre of Excellence

Outwood Primary Academy Park Hill Achieves Centre of Excellence

There Is A Warm Welcome

Outwood Primary Academy Park Hill offers a very warm welcome within a calm oasis of learning. All children, families and staff are secure in the knowledge that they will be supported to reach their full potential whilst being recognised and valued as an individual. Having only joined the academy in September 2021, the Principal has engaged with senior leaders in a thorough review of all academy processes whilst developing a culture of distributed leadership and mutual respect.

High Standards Are Evident

Evidence of high standards of achievement across the whole curriculum is on display throughout the academy. The artwork in particular demonstrates the progression of skills, linked to appropriate themes. Each classroom offers an attractive and organised environment, providing children with a multitude of scaffolds to support their learning. The focus on pupil achievement is tangible, driven by senior leaders who ensure that no child is left behind as gaps are immediately identified and support is provided. In addition, there is a genuine understanding of additional needs which require a different approach or specific resources. Every child I met was engaged in learning at their level, using the most appropriate method, for example, refined targets, phoneme mats and opportunities for sensory breaks.

There Is A Calm Ethos

In addition to the academic curriculum, the Vice Principal described the “secret ingredient” essential to ensure each child, regardless of circumstances and obstacles, has the tools to be successful in life and develop into a whole rounded happy person. The academy offers a wealth of opportunities to experience sport and music and make trips to deepen the links in their learning and to engage with the local community in developing skills in citizenship and care for the environment. The children’s behaviour and respect for each other and for adults are evident. The children I spoke to were both eloquent and confident in sharing all the activities and responsibilities they enjoy and were proud to describe their achievements. The continual presence of senior leaders around the school, modelling a consistent approach, contributes to the calm ethos.

Staff Wellbeing Is Key

There is a huge commitment to staff wellbeing and professional progression within the academy. Teachers and teaching assistants described multiple opportunities to access training and qualifications. There is also a culture of supporting each other in a non-judgmental way. It is the first school I have ever visited with its own wellbeing room for staff, in addition to the staffroom.

Staff Focus On Pupil Progress

The staff at Outwood Primary Academy Park Hill are extremely proud of their continued focus on pupil progress during the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdowns. Senior leaders ensured that resources were available for children to learn from home. Online learning and tasks were set via Google classroom. Children were loaned Chromebooks and cards for free Wi-Fi were distributed. Paper copies were delivered if families had no access to the internet or several children all needing to use it. Parents, carers and guardians were able to access information via Twitter and the academy website to support learning. As the academy re-opened for vulnerable families and children with additional needs, half of the available places were taken up with additional places offered to children who could not access learning at home. Welfare checks were regularly made by phone to vulnerable families on a daily or weekly basis.

The Academy Is Rightly Proud

Since returning to the academy, staff have identified missed learning outcomes and gaps in the core skills, providing interventions wherever needed. Fresh Start phonics was delivered to 60 children in KS2 and now only 5 remain. The academy is rightly proud of the fact that all children achieve well, demonstrating a high level of equality within its pedagogical approach. Senior leaders are now focused on developing aspirations for the future and involving families to increase the life chances of each child.

Everyone Is Welcome

Academy governors and members of the local community all spoke enthusiastically of the high standards of behaviour and learning together with a huge welcome for everyone. According to a child in KS2,

?“This school is amazing because it’s really diverse. We do fundraise and lots of people volunteer.?They take care of you.”


Children’s Lives Are Transformed

Achieving the IQM Inclusive School Award is recognised by senior leaders as an opportunity to celebrate the wide range of inclusive practices in the academy whilst continuing to pursue every possible avenue to transform the lives of children and their families. Outwood Primary Academy Park Hill exemplifies how the commitment of all staff to embed self-confidence, skills and knowledge in each child can be achieved through consistency and high expectations together with the flexibility and empathy to focus on individuals. Inspirational inclusive practice is in evidence throughout.

Find out more about the IQM Inclusive School Award

If your school is interested in obtaining the IQM Inclusive School Award or you wish to talk to a member of the IQM team, please feel free to telephone: 028 7127 7857 (9.00 am to 5.00 pm) or email: [email protected] for further details.


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