An Outstanding Leadership Book
Chuck Nemer
Trainer of all Supply Chain Management and Circular Economy topics including Simulations and certifications
ALERT!!! This is NOT about the societal problems we struggle with here in the US. But it did trigger a search that ended with me reading and now recommending this quick but profound read. I easily read 100+ books a year across many topics so for one to stand out at this point in my life is saying something.
So here we go. With all the issues going on with race, murder, guns, etc., I've found myself thinking about what if any part I have in it and what can I do on a day to day basis to help fix this multi-faceted issue. I've found myself wondering if at 57 years old, am I also too old to make a difference in a larger societal context beyond what I can impact on a day to day basis. It ultimately got me wondering if we can, as a society even change given our gridlock in politics.
My style of learning tends to be reading first on a topic (imagine that!!). I ran across a book in a small independent bookstore in St Paul Mn titled "Finding Common Ground: The art of legislating in an age of gridlock" by Dave Bishop, a retired Minnesota Legislator. Besides answering "Yes" it is possible to change, I was also struck how relevant the book is to leaders in a company trying to change their stale, moribund departments or companies. I heartily recommend it to everyone. Especially to folks new to Supply Chain looking to embrace leadership roles.
So at 57 years old, am I too old to make a difference in my society? TBD. I'll let you know. But I do have hope