OUTSTANDING ICT - 16th October 2017
Welcome back. In issue 16 we set up a Team Site for your class and in issue 17 we created a quiz that we could set as an assignment. In this issue we will set the quiz as an assignment for your class.
10 Steps to Setting an Assignment for Your Class with Teams
Before we start you will need to make sure that you have created a Team Site for your class and authored a quiz using the Forms tool.
Step 1
Open your quiz then select Share at the top right of the window. Select the link icon (two chain links) to save the address onto your clipboard.
?Step 2
Select Teams from the waffle (you should know where it is by now) and select your class from the list of Teams.
Step 3
Select Assignments from the class tabs.
Step 4
Then select New Assignment.
Step 5
Give your assignment a name and provide some instructions for the test.
Step 6
Select Attach Reference Materials then select the link icon then paste the quiz address (should be already in your clipboard, so locate you pointer in the box and press Ctrl+v) into the Web Address box.
Give your link a name, something simple like Start the Test would be fine.
Step 7
Stipulate a deadline date/time and whether late hand-in will be allowed.
Lastly indicate whether you want the points recorded for the assignment then select Assign.
Step 8
Your assignment has now been added to calendar on the Assignment tab on your Team site. Your class will be able to see this.
Step 9
Guide your class to the Assignments page and show them how to access the test by selecting the test from the calendar then selecting Start the Test from the test detail page.
Step 10
You can follow the progress of your class by selecting Review from the assignment calendar.
Next edition we will look at how you can view and download your classes' responses and how to provide feedback.
If you would like to find out how I might support your school in using Microsoft's Teams for Education or any other way of embedding the use of IT, please feel free to contact me. Here's my card...