Outsourcing to the Philippines - Why Filipinos Surpass Any Other Virtual Staff

Outsourcing to the Philippines - Why Filipinos Surpass Any Other Virtual Staff

If you're thinking about setting up shop back home, and starting to grow your startup by hiring field staff, that's gonna be a great option if you can afford the overhead costs and if you're working with trustworthy people.

Outsourcing has often been thought of in America as hiring a bunch of people from India to take your phone calls for you. But Outsourcing to India just doesn't cut it anymore. My colleagues have tried it, I've tried hiring Indian freelancers, heck I've hired some American freelancers and none of them come close to my Filipino Outsource Staffing Team.

I like the fact that Filipinos, if you choose from the best of them are more motivated than anyone but it's only because of several key factors which underline the importance of employee satisfaction and career development in remote staffing.

  1. Filipinos are paid well with iSuporta Outsourcing

What if I told you that you don't have to spend any more than $8 per hour? This is because the cost of living is low. And through spending much less than you'd have to spend in hiring local workers, you can get a highly paid employee who is happy to go to work with you.

2. Filipinos are not Yes People

You don't want workers who just say "yes" to everything you want. Of course it's your job to set the parameters. But if you hire yes women and yes men, that can't possibly go well because you want people who act using their own volition and their own talents. That's how you ensure that you're getting the best output.

In India, most of the people anyway are simply yes people. When you have people who say yes to everything, you can't be open to new ideas.

At the same time, Filipinos are committed since it is you who sets the parameters for the job, they're more than willing to pull through.

3. Filipinos are Highly Trained in American English

Filipinos are good even better than American speakers! They may have a neutral tone of voice but if you choose the best candidates and train them on Call Center English, they can deliver!

Since the Philippines is one of the colonies of the United States, many of the locals have a Western mindset, are exposed to Western culture and understand not just on a linguistic level, but on a psychological level many of the tropes and references of American pop culture. This means they can communicate in a way that is relevant and if you want to hire a digital marketing team, this can only make it ideal to use the Philippines as your outsourcing destination.

4. Reduced Legal Liabilities and Management Problems

If you're hiring a freelancer who's in a beach in California, there's no guarantee that person is gonna deliver on time. In the same way, you won't be prone to someone filing a suit against you if you outsource to the Philippines. Outsourcing with iSuporta is a great chance for incubation and at the same time it frees you up from administrative and legal functions which you might otherwise get entangled with if you were hiring field staff.

5. Great Costing and Returns

When you pay for your remote employees you won't just be getting the outsource staff, you'll also be given the equipment, the government benefits they need and even On Site Supervisors to make sure you have people watching over your workers. You pay less but get more and you can also offer more services and increase your chances of scaling without having to shell out on overhead costs.

Got any questions about Outsourcing to the Philippines through iSuporta Managed Operations? Schedule a call with me or send me a message right here on LinkedIn!


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