Outsmarting "ArtificaI Intelligence": Harnessing the Power of Blissful Ignorance(aka natural dumbness!!!!!!
While folks are neck-deep in a frenzied debate about whether the ascendance of artificial intelligence – the ChatGPTs and Bards of the world – is a boon or a bane, we, the everyday Joes and Janes, are left dazed and confused. Don't panic! Here's a novel approach: outwit the AI with a good old dose of human inefficiency! Sounds crazy, right? But it's crazy enough to work!
Enter the surprisingly practical solution: Embrace the age-old human tradition of blissful ignorance, aka natural dumbness! You see, AI might be able to beat a grandmaster at chess, but it's no match for the unpredictability of a confused human.
Enter the surprisingly practical solution: Embrace the age-old human tradition of blissful ignorance, aka natural dumbness! You see, AI might be able to beat a grandmaster at chess, but it's no match for the unpredictability of a confused human.
Worried about face recognition? Simple solution: Use face paint to turn your visage into an abstract Picasso-like masterpiece. The AI will be so baffled trying to identify the multiple eyes and noses, it'll run crying to its servers. Or better yet, wrap a reflective scarf around your head. As the cameras attempt to capture your face, they'll be dazzled by their own robotic reflections, causing them to question their very existence. and please ask Chatgpt how can you do it {blink blink}.
Are you concerned that AI might replace your job? Never fear! Open a business like 7-Eleven. AI might be advanced, but it can’t replicate the subtle finesse of remembering Mrs. Johnson’s favorite lottery numbers or knowing just when to rotate those hot dogs. I'd like to see AI handle a customer asking for "the usual."
Frightened about AI taking over the world? It's time to get back to basics. Grab your flannel, head to the woods, and rekindle your relationship with Mother Nature. Trees are remarkably resistant to hacking, and squirrels have yet to be upgraded to cyborgs (although the way technology is going, don’t quote me on that). For added security, bring along a jammer to block all electronic signals. You might miss the latest cat video, but on the bright side, you'll also miss AI's attempt to trick you into becoming a servant to the toaster overlords.
My opinion is- don't be daunted by the AI revolution. Embrace your natural unpredictability, and remember, you can't spell 'dumbness' without 'us.' But hey, don't take this too literally. Remember to laugh because the greatest human antidote to our fears is humor. Even AI knows that... or does it? So, let’s toast a bag of microwave popcorn to our wonderful human foibles. After all, we won't be obsolete until robots learn how to burn popcorn and still eat it. Cheers to that!