Outsideless Houses
Ron Trzcinski
Real Estate Agent Serving Maryland, especially the Greater Baltimore Region
Outsideless Houses
What is an outsideless house?
I am not sure, but apparently they exist, based on what I have seen on the multiple list and some other sites.
There it is listed with 30 photos, none of which shows an outside to the house. Many multiple list sites, by the way, allow for up to 50 photos. In fact, they state, in their rules for posting houses, that the main photo should be of the exterior of the house.
Even a condominium has an outside, although owned as part of an association.
But, these outsideless houses are not condominiums.
You would think that such a structure would be impossible, however, there are numerous of these new age homes being advertised on the multiple list.
Whether a home is a townhouse, a duplex, a quadruplex, or part of an apartment or a condominium complex, as far as I know, it has an outside, but not these homes.
Maybe this is just how our world has evolved.
We work from our homes and we live in our homes. We go online to do our work. We go online to order food, clothes, and other items which we need. We have things delivered to us from warehouses by self driving vehicles. We exercise in our in-house gyms. We watch movies that we download online. We pay our bills online. We hydroponically grow our organic foods in our homes.
Or, maybe the people who advertise these homes are so enamored by the homes' interiors that they have forgotten all about the outside.