The outreach in Beira in Sofala Province nd Gaza Mozambique
It is a great honor and opportunity to serve the LORD in our country, reaching out the soul in the Church and outside, in the darkness where the devil is their lord over their lives; we snatch them by the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus.
First of all, we greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; by God’s grace we are fine, and our families. Thank you, for your prayer that you offer every day on the altar on our behalf; we are conscious of that. When we are working we have the sense that there are people who are praying for us, because of success we are experiencing in the field. Thank you, keep on praying for the Lord of harvest, To help us.
It is a great honor and opportunity to serve the LORD in our country, reaching out the soul in the Church and outside, in the darkness where the devil is their lord over their lives; we snatch them by the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus.
We had a difficult time, the elder brother of mama Rita passed away at the beginning of mouth. So we went to Chindulo for funeral Monday. We had an opportunity share the Word of God for 2 days; some of the people received the Lord as their Lord and personal Savior and We went to attend the funeral of Rita's brother who died. At Chindulo where we spend two days preaching And Encouraging them by the Word of God. After that, we went to do outreach in Machaila And Chipimbe. After the preaching the Word of God with distributed Audio Radio to the people of those places. In Chipimbe we gave also the 2 cripple people who are using sticks for walking. The two cripple people are converts of the Dorothea. We ask if there are some people who can help them with good stuff better than the sticks to help them. We held a prayer meeting with the community of Machaila local authorities included. We prayed for the RAIN, as that is the major crisis of them. We came down to Mapai and have met with the Mayor And he also asked us to pray for the Rain And the help for the Machaila water problem. People are walking 24 km to get water for them...
1. A man called Ben Chauque he came to know the Lord through the Radio, his brother Ernest Chauque helped us a lot when we were establishing the Mission in Mapai. So Brother Ben went back to his home village in the bush, where, there was no active church to help and he backslides, he started to drink the alcohol and do whatever people who are in the world do. But while I was sharing the Word of God in the funeral the Lord touched his heart again, and recommitted his life to Jesus has his personal Savior and confesses his spiritual state and I want the Dorothea Mission to help me again, I don’t have even the Radio to tune it again. So we decide to give him a small Radio called “ABT”. Audio Bible talker, so that he will tune for the Bible hearing, in order to grow spiritual”. Please remember Him in Prayer so the Lord will strengthen him not to go back again
The outreach in Beira in Sofala Province
Our brother Chichongue is doing outreach in Beira; God is giving him success people are being saved, He is working around the town of Beira and after that he will go to Namathanda and Gorongosa, to preach the gospel. So far he has given us these Testimonies;
2. There was a man called; Baptista received the Lord has his personal savior but before he was a sad person because of worry, he had no money to pay lobola for his wife, special here in Mozambique if you don’t pay lobola they come and take your wife and children until you pay all. So when I shared the Word on Matthew 6:25-33, I said; Jesus tells me and you not to worry about the needs of this world. After sharing the Lord touched him and surrenders his life to Jesus. Now he is a born again child of God,
3. Lady called Isabel, I taught about faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, she understood the meaning of faith and gave her life to Jesus as her personal savior, and also her daughter Yvonne; she did the same in the Lord. When Mama Isabel went back home she told her husband about Jesus, and tremendous things happen, her husband also gave her life to Jesus.
4. Lady by the name Matinena. she was demon possessed while I was preaching the demon manifested in her life, we prayed for her and the demon came out from her and she was completely delivered and I told her to receive the Lord has her personal savior to take the place was occupied by the demons, she did that now is a new (creature), person
We also had a privilege to minister to the couple and single mother; it was for three days of teachings, while we were teaching about; “how to live in the home has a couple, how to live with the Children, and other believers in the Church”.
5. A lady by the name Marcela Museve stood up and testify how the Lord works in her life, she said; “Now I understand why Christ must be in the center of our marriage and in our personal life”. It is because we cannot live with Christ only in a church service while at home we do whatever pleases us, Christ is not in all. He must be Lord even in our family. She committed her life to Jesus and her marriage to the Lord, she said in the front of the Church with her husband; and they have agreed, and told us to pray for their marriage, and at the end of the conference they testified about the help they found it in the Lord. We praise the Lord for that and asking your prayer for them has a couple.
6. Not only this lady but many more who don’t have a family altar in their homes, they said; we want to have the family altar in our home forever. Also, same they said; we didn’t know that a prayerless life is Christless heart; a child of God must live by prayer, and it is evidence of faith. We just chose these testimonies to help you to understand what is happening, to inspire you to pray more for work in Mozambique.
After coming back from the conference have we said; I went to Giyani in Limpopo Province to minister there. In the (HMC) Church, it was a district conference, we started 28 -30 September, where I was a guest speaker, the topic that invited to speak about was “justification by faith” where a showed that the man is saved by faith alone, not by water not by oil but only Jesus, after the teaching people give the testimony about what they have learned, they understood that salvation come through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ, it is not from other things like water oil but only Jesus. Some testified that they were used to go Pretoria for help in the prophets; they thank the Lord for this conference.
Future plan
At the beginning of November we are going to have our outreach in Mabote for 2 weeks, and another week we work in Massangena and Machaila.
On December 5 we will have one week campaign and Dorothea Mission Birthday at the church of pastor Sambo in Chihaquelane; he has opened a new church this year. We are going to support him by doing evangelism.
Thanks, yours Evangelist Daniel Jossias Chunguane (Hlungwane)
The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.