Glory Ize Isaiah
Obsessed with stories and storytelling in words and images. Law and Rural Development. Let me bring your story to life.
Dear you,
Where I once lived had an adjourning building that was abandoned. This abandoned and dilapidated part of the building was closest to my room, and every night I would hear owls hooting. Whenever I lay face up on my bed, I would wonder how those owls and lizards and every home rodent you can think of survive in this harsh weather up north, because up north in harmattan, dry dust and arid scent of cold wind blows fiercely.
It fascinated me to see that the owls were nursing their young. It made me ask questions like, how have they found a way to manage and adapt to the changes in weather and climate even though that adaptable place happened to be on my roof.? I saw many small animals scurrying around to find a nest for themselves and their young and this opened my mind to see that, all through in universe, we need not search deep into the ecosystem for us to continue to witnessing jaw dropping adaptability and how remarkable creatures have mastered the art of survival.
For instance, when you enter the microscopic realm of tardigrades, also known as water bears, you never cease to be amazed by how these tiny creatures have gained interstellar fame for their ability to withstand the harsh conditions of outer space. Camels are known as masters of arid lands; they confront the challenges of the changing weather by their ability to store and conserve water. Polar bears are the giants of the icy Arctic, and they showcase their adaptability in the most extremely harsh weather of the icy Arctic. Also, you showcase your own adaptability by showing up every day and becoming better than you were yesterday.
Before we continue, take a moment to reflect on your own adaptability. What challenges have you overcome? Share your reflections with a friend or jot them down in a journal. Feel free to share them in the comments too.
Reflecting on this letter to you, a humorous video that once went viral on social media crossed my mind—this video reminded me of an event that occured during a prolonged strike in my undergraduate days. Because no one really thought the strike would last that long, we abandoned our pots and possessions in the hostel, but when we returned after eight months, we returned to a room transformed into a disaster zone – hungry rats had devoured our stored food, and to our astonishment, one of my aluminum pots had become a casualty. Call it adaptability or absurdity, but I’ll call it an outrageous adaptability—finding nourishment in unexpected places.
My point is, you and I are standing on the threshold of 2024, and for thousands of years, people like us have conquered different corners of the earth and the universe above it, we have created cultures, technologies, and societies, more than anything, this demonstrates a unique form of adaptability. We find ourselves at the forefront of environmental challenges and this has required us to develop an unprecedented adaptability. Now it is our turn to create innovative solutions to foster sustainability for us all those we share the planet with.
Also, don’t you forget that what you need to conquer and surmount challenges you will face is inside of you, so forge yourself into the shape needed. Remember you can always build a fulfilling life by moving forward.
What’s that important think you need to do to build a fulfilling life or move forward from the point you are now?
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Let’s go #BeyondHorizons. Until I write to you again. Cheers to a fulfilling life.
Our whole life is one huge adaptability journey – an ongoing adaptability adventure. Ready to cultivate your adaptability? Take on a 7-day adaptability challenge. Each day, tackle a task that pushes your boundaries and share your progress with your loved one or in the comments here.
Glory Ize Isaiah.