Outrage culture and social media
ID: Tiger print (swirling pattern) with Winitha written in the middle

Outrage culture and social media

**Disclaimer: The information on this newsletter does not substitute for professional and qualified advice and is intended to be general in nature. Always seek advice from a qualified and certified psychologist first.

We have one of the greatest gifts - and that is self-agency and autonomy. There are multiple perspectives and paradoxical truths to the below.?Exercise your agency and autonomy on what is helpful, relevant and contextual to you and throw out the rest ;)

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?? ???????? ???? ???????? "????????????????????" ??????????????, ?????? ???? ???? ???????? ???? ???????? ?????? ???????? ???? ??????????????? And often comment in "outrage"? or "outrage" dressed as "education", "constructive feedback," or "adding value to critical discourse?"

?? There is a difference between polarising content and content that is harmful.

?? Our perception of what is considered "harmful" differs from person to person. It can depend on our level of healing (from trauma ( i.e. being triggered)), our knowledge of the subject matter, as well as our own relationship with shame and the world as well as other factors.

?? Before commenting on a post that you feel "outraged" by, take a moment to sit, pause (???????? ?????????? ???? ?????????????? ?????? ??*???? ????????), reflect, and then decide how you can ?????????????? ???????????? ???????? ?????????? (in my experience, reacting can only cause you and others more harm).

?? It's one of the reasons why I hardly comment on posts, and most of my comments are words of encouragement or a "yay".

?? Other people's opinions are none of our business (unless, of course, they are harmful).

?? And if I've got 2 cents to add (even if it's by a post I perceive as harmful), I first run it by a mentor or a person I trust and respect to see if it's worth my time and if my intentions are to SERVE or serve my own ego, trauma and personal agenda.

As a professional speaker and corporate consultant with expertise in change and leadership, I am regularly asked for my opinion. Even though I am asked, I still find I need to do a quick internal checkin: is it serving my agenda and ego? Or is what I'm about to say in service to the world?.

ID: Winitha sitting on a chair, facilitating a panel for Advertising Week.

?? We often don't know the context, let alone the story and expertise of the person behind the post. Posts don't always mean "all people." It can come across that way, and what is often not stated is that there is a small pool of people that are NOT like that. Often posts don't say that, and I've found the writer knows that already (when I've asked).

?? And sometimes I've found that the person behind the post is actually speaking from their wounds, not their scars; they are hurting. There is more to the story than the words on a post.

?? The irony is that ???? ?????????? ???????????? ?????? ??????????????. Does that not make us the same and no better than them? Is that not the great equaliser?

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???????????? ASK questions before parading your opinion like a pair of unwashed undies.

?? In leadership workshops and programs - we unpack the above more deeply. Rather than a "post" it's a comment/opinion in a meeting or over email.

?? As leaders and team members, how can we respond more and react less?

?? How can our responses, words and behaviours we be of service to the consumer, community, and organisational culture rather than our personal agendas and egos?

Learning to communicate with a service orientation rather than an ego orientation is what makes or breaks leaders.

DM me for more info. ????

???? Got questions about how to run a highly effective Women's sponsorship program in your organisation?

???? Or want an IWD keynote that dynamically shifts how the audience thinks and feels?

Please do reach out and send me an email at hello[at]winitha.com.I'd love to help.

I'd love to help.

P.s I am fully aware that I am not perfect (just ask my mother). These are the insights I have learned from my own mistakes as well as my expertise.

One life. All in.?

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Learn more about the program here

Got a Question? Need help with change, leadership or inclusion?? If you need help achieving your goals and are willing to do what is needed to achieve it in half the time with double the impact, then reach out. I would love to discuss with you how I can help.

Schedule a chat with me here

In case you missed it: Download your complimentary copy of the discussion paper, So you've done D&I training, now what?, and get cutting edge answers and insights that goes beyond best practice.?

Download the Discussion Paper here


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