Outplacements..Productivity ..PPP...

As a HR professional was wondering.. I understand Productivity is the critical business result on which Boards strategize. Given the fact that quest for productivity has many paths like It may be by increasing the sales volumes, reducing / readjustment of   business targets, mergers & acquisition or demergers or selling of businesses or more VC funding. Underlying & undeniable fact is the resilient people factor to the whole issue.

Most of the times people are organisation's “Assets” leaving aside Balance sheets which  see these Assets “differently” .

Sometimes Talent / people are the reason for signing acquisitions or a major bounce back story. But when talent / people themselves being considered liability by organisation for whatever reasons, what to be done?

For Example in employee layoffs decisions ,wondering as an organisation where does its responsibility end? What is the individual level responsibility?  What is the government role& where it ends?


Mature organisations started tightening up there talent Acquisition strategies, strengthening there sourcing strategies & selection strategies. Increasingly some places started using analytics to predict employee life cycle aspects. In the times of crunch since these organisations are very sure about their talent chances of organisation owning them in thick & thin is high. When in any organisation no attempt is made to own the talent for “by design or by default" reasons you end up taking the knee jerk route…

What about individual? Have many individuals have taken up continuous learning as their personal agenda when working and getting exposed business scenarios is part of deal in making a corporate career, is the question.

What about government role? This is tricky one, government has lot many ways to do things apart from policing and inspecting the working environments.

Like Establishing more skill and professional knowledge upgrading centres with PPP partnerships in key Industries. Upgrading & updating labour laws, like why not an compulsory outplacement support act for laid off employees?... proactive employee distress redressal process, Plenty to think about ..hmm


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