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I have been working for 25 years and I am undefeated in not losing my job so far despite having played Russian roulette with a gun to my head each and every one of the 9 times I changed jobs because you never know how it will turn out for you. go.

In my market niche, I have been able to closely observe a number of disincorporations and have an idea of the whys, etc., and have elements with which to build this document.

This note will briefly cover the reasons why some people are removed from their positions, but the emphasis will be on the next step, how to recover from this situation.

Recently, as a result of crises, bubbles that burst in some industries, start-ups, there has been a series of massive layoffs, in which, on some occasions, companies have given additional support to these people, in addition to severance payments. (according to the law or more generous), in something called outplacement.

There are several measures that go into outplacement: assistance in preparing and/or reviewing Resumes, preparation for interviews, hiring headhunter firms to find jobs, therapy, SWOT analysis, etc.

Dismissals can be massive, where they are not necessarily due to performance problems, or they can be specific, where they can be due to performance problems, but also to changes in bosses, circumstances within the teams, etc.

The outplacement can be provided by the company or not, in cases where it is not, the outplacement can be contracted with companies that have expertise in these processes.

Some of these tools focus on understanding the process of disincorporation, the reasons and circumstances of it, which was so much in your hands, the reasons for having been chosen in the case of massive, and in performance cases, understanding which these are the areas of opportunity to improve so as not to repeat the same mistakes in future opportunities.

This can be the most difficult part of the process, there can be soft skill issues that sometimes people do not recognize as areas of opportunity, there is resistance and a tendency to blame other people or external factors, they remain stuck and without the ability to overcome these situations. When this happens several times, it is time to reflect and recognize that something could have been done better.

A necessary first step in these processes is to be objective, it is to open ourselves to the possibility that we are not doing something well, that adjustments need to be made in the models of leadership, interaction, feedback to people, relationships with peers, and areas outside of our own.

Each company is a different ecosystem, and part of the activities of the first days in a new company or position is to understand the internal dynamics of the companies, to know the key contacts, to make the right alliances, to achieve immediate victories that allow you to position yourself.

The formula that brought us success in one company will not necessarily work in another, the company will not adapt to you, you will have to adapt not only to the company, but also to the bosses and even to your own work team.

This being the case, the first step to outplacement is to objectively analyze performance, humbly recognize areas of opportunity, and make a profound change, down to the bone. You have to ask for help; it is difficult to get out of a situation on your own.

The next step is to prepare to navigate the questions in job interviews, do not try to hide the problem or say anything other than the truth, you should use the situation of involuntary departure as an opportunity to improve the version of yourself, address what the problem was, how it was attacked and how this situation made us better professionals. It is easy to say, very difficult to do, but it is the only way to be honest.

Attempting to hide or dismiss the situation sends the wrong message and, at worst, deprives you of the opportunity to correct a deep personality issue and increases the likelihood of accumulating another failure for the same reasons.

The leadership styles that worked in the past no longer work, we need to adapt to new trends and ideas, we need to evolve.

When more than one failure accumulates, it is clear that the exercise of reflection and correction has not been carried out, and as long as it is not done, one is condemned to repeat the mistakes. The above is a generalization, there are always exceptions.

Another element is the issue of self-esteem, one failure should not mark your professional life, or two or three or whatever number, we all have something valuable to offer, whether through experience, technical skills, hard skills and even soft skills. The SWOT that needs to be done will show us not only the areas that need to be corrected, but also the strengths.

SWOT theorists point out that it is better to work on strengths than on weaknesses. The theory makes some sense; if you use your strengths, you will be able to excel above average; if you work on your areas of opportunity, you may just be average without standing out. However, if those areas of opportunity have cost you a job, the SWOT theorists will have their backs against the wall. There will be situations where areas of opportunity need to be worked on no matter what.

A resume gloss, interview essays that focus on the elephant in the room, will make you tell the story so many times until you master it, until you convince yourself that you have left the issues in the past, that repeating them to yourself is decreeing them, and convincing yourself that you have evolved.

Leaving personality traits behind is not an easy thing, these traits will want to emerge from time to time, only the force of discipline will be able to keep the Neanderthal at bay, you will need a lot of emotional knowledge about yourself to recognize when you are looking for a metamorphosis to occur and stop it in time.

Even when this trait appears, the most human and honest thing you can do is to apologize; people appreciate the gesture of people who know how to recognize their mistakes and make a firm commitment never to let them out again.

In my case, one of the first things I do with my work teams is to be very transparent and tell them my areas of opportunity, and I tell them for two reasons: so that I don't try to hide the obvious, and so that they can help me, complement me, correct me.

Every new job is an opportunity to write a success story, the next time you get a new job, try to add a methodology to the process, something like Michael D. Watkins' first 90 days, it will give you a framework to move forward, all in the end, it all depends on what you bring in your backpack, but it is easier when you have a process than when you just act out of inertia or improvisation.

The circle closes when you help someone else in their outplacement processes, the best way to learn is to teach, when you help someone recover from such a situation, you review your own process and consolidate the bases.

In life, you are usually on both sides of the table: either the candidate or the interviewer. The next time it's your turn to be the interviewer, you can empathize with the situation, but at the same time make sure the person is using the experience to mature, and if not, help them to do so.

I would like to know his comments on this matter and get feedback to improve these reflections.

Have an excellent week!



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