Outlook Spaces... finally can try the preview!
with the URL https://outlook.office.com/spaces or via the icon from your outlook online on the bottom left
If you do not see it, may be you have to activate it via Powershell first...
Set-OwaMailboxPolicy -ProjectMocaEnabled $true -Identity OwaMailboxPolicy-Default
If you're lucky you will see this after clicking the URL above...
These are my short summary, after playing around with #outlookspaces aka #projectmoca
- It looks more beautiful and fancier than ToDos/Planner
- I think this is more for personal use, I mean NOT for collaboration, may be not yet?
- I like drag and dropping links, conversations in teams, my calendar from outlook...
- I have the feeling having extra desktop for my stuff...
With a math formula, I would say
Outlook Spaces = Outlook + ToDos + OneNote
I would be curios to know what you think about it, pls feel free to share in comments...Thanks!